Susan Hunter

University research co jobs (Clinton) alright alright ok alright I think the camera should be able to hear that we'll see alright what the July we're in Johnson Washington and we're with our friend Amy Marvin Lauri okay I'm Jeff Balder the right year did the American colonies the clear independence movement spread out the our Congress when the Declaration of Independence aside then you tell me with the minute am I read it verbatim the second amendment was adopted in 1791 it reads a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed would you be more repeat event for someone that was proceeding to confiscate guns with other words no that was hello everybody as a whole you feel dizzy people are being represented Colonel do you feel that there was any rigging of the 2016 elections you didn't see y'all done any research on Washington and lovely ladies here thank you happy fourth Columbia Business School.

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