SVAKOM Amy: The Waterproof Vibrator You Need & Deserve

SVAKOM Amy: The Waterproof Vibrator You Need & Deserve


Water is the number ONE destroyer of vibrators. It brings many harms to sex toys.


It can seep into the electronics. It can ruin the motor, wiring, and your toy’s controls.


Then you have fabric problems. Certain sex toys use fabrics that don’t go well with water. And they peel fast over time.


So you need to avoid this problem. And you do so with smart shopping.



Smart Shopping Starts with SVAKOM.

SVAKOM is a brand known for quality. It supplies affordable sex toys and long-lasting sex toys!


There, you’re guaranteed to find a SVAKOM waterproof vibrator!


And of their top product is the SVAKOM Amy waterproof vibrator. It’s the product we’ll discuss today.


Below, we’ll mention this waterproof vibrator’s protective features. Read them all, and check out the toy!



First – IPX4 Water Resistance.

IPX is a water resistance metric. It’s graded from 1 to 10.


Each grade adds a new protective to the toy. The higher the grade, the more the toy is protected.


Now, the SVAKOM Amy is IPX4. And this is amazing, considering its compact size!


As an IPX4 product, it’s protected from…

·        Water sprays.

·        Dripping Water.

·        Splashes From all Directions.


This toy effortlessly resists moisture. So it will not wear from lube use. And it will not wear when washed.


So it’s easy to keep clean!



Second – Body Safe Silicone.

Top quality sex toys use silicone as an outer material. And this is what the SVAKOM Amy has.


This adds a layer of protection to this waterproof vibrator. And it does so without ruining your sexual experience!


How so? First, silicone is an unreactive rubber. So it doesn’t deform from moisture.


Second, silicone doesn’t retain water for long. So after washing the SVAKOM Amy, drying it is easy!


And third, silicone is a soft rubber. So it fits well with soft vaginal tissues, without fear of tears and bruises!



Did We Mention Stain Advantages?

Silicone is a hard material to stain. Especially on a sex toy, which never goes near colored fluids!


However, if your SVAKOM Amy waterproof vibrator get stained, washing it is easy. You don’t need special agents or bleach mixes.


Just use water, and liquid soap.


So with the SVAKOM Amy, you get a waterproof vibrator. And you get one whose colors aren’t ruined by stains!


And speaking of color…



The SVAKOM Amy’s Specs.

By now, you should be convinced of this toy’s protective features. All that’s left is to evaluate its use.


To start, you get this toy in 4 colors. Those being black, violet, pale pink, and pale khaki.


All are feminine colors. And all are suitable for sex toys.



Size and Shape.

The SVAKOM Amy waterproof vibrator is a slightly slanted dildo.


It’s not a straight dome like many sex toys. Instead, it looks more like banana. And it’s like that for proper g-spot stimulation.


Its shape pressures the g-spot while vibrating. And this makes for a strong experience!


Then there’s the toy’s tip. It’s flat-tipped toy, and with a large surface area. And this allows for effective clitoral stimulation!


So it’s a sex toy whose design combines many possible usage modes. And you can try all in a single session!


But let’s not forget the size. This toy is 170mm tall. And that’s double the depth of the g-spot.


So you can use this toy with a comfortable grip. And you can control vibration intensities with ease!



How So?

The toy has its control buttons at the bottom. And they’re fairly simple, while giving you many intensity options.


You have “up/down” buttons that let you toggle intensity. And you have an “S” button to switch vibration rhythm!



Interesting Toy – But is it Worth Its Value?



The SVAKOM Amy is only $109. And that’s half the price of many quality competitors.


And yet, with such a price, you still get user guarantees.


You get a 1-Year warranty, where the toy is replaceable if it malfunctions.


Also, there’s a 10-Year quality guarantee. If this toy doesn’t deliver as promised, you get 50% discounts on future SVAKOM purchases!


Sounds amazing, right?


But, to get the warranties, you’d have to buy the toy directly from the SVAKOM store.


So visit their site, and check out the SVAKOM Amy now!

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