based on the group "We are not a danger to Poland"

09.09.2022 at 12:00

In the period from 06.07.2022 to 09.09.2022, in total 118 people contacted us in the Telegram chat - these are the ones who received either a letter about classified data, or a rejection to obtain a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship in Poland.

Only confirmed information is included in the statistics (documents presented) - 86 persons.

Statistics by applicants gender:

Statistics by voivodeships:

According to non-confirmed information, there have also been cases of refusals/secreting of information in West-Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie;  

Statistics by application date:

Application month

Statistics by type of residence permits applied for:

Statistics by purpose of obtaining a residence permit:

7% of respondents are Polish citizens family members (they have spouses/children with Polish citizenship).

Summary statistics:

According to information available to the "We are not a danger to Poland" community, 83% of respondents received classified data letter.

There are also 3 confirmed cases of children receiving a negative decision on the grounds of national security (after receiving the ABW letter).

Positive decisions:

At least 5 positive cases are confirmed in Mazowieckie, Lesser Poland and Pomorskie voivodeships with application dates of February-March 2022. The decisions were signed in June-August 2022. NONE of these respondents received an ABW letter.

The statistics in Polish are available here.
The statistics in Russian are available here.
The previous version of the statistics in Russian can be found here.
The previous version of the statistics in Polish can be found here.

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