Team Stag

🔅🔅So guys we're back after a long time (a month if I'm not wrong)

We try to get releases every week but sometimes getting a better build is better than a quicker build and so you have it.

We here listen to everything you want we care about everything you care about. So whatever we do we take your opinion into consideration too

And we try to add most of the requested features fix the most annoying of the bugs and this has lead us to the changelog which we now present🔅🔅

🔸🔸August patch merged🔸🔸

🔹Bugs fixed🔹

⭕Fixed nav bar invert for pie nav bar

⭕Fixed horns icon in dark, Shishu and black

⭕Fixed issues with shishu theme

⭕Fix NPE with SmartNav and fling

⭕Improvised Smart Charging

⭕Moved accent/theme tile to only theme tile

   *As we now moved to rgb accent it didn't make any sense there

⭕Removed Qs Themes as they were causing issues with general themeing

⭕Fix OP Gestures in landscape and improvise them

⭕Fix no default ringtone in sim 2

⭕Fix toast background in shishu

⭕Fix long press power button for flash(Also added option to change it to double tap)

⭕Fix power menu on lockscreen

⭕Fixed volume rocker playback control

🔹Features added🔹

🔘Moved to CustomDoze package for better ambient display experience

🔘More buttons in NavBar Tuner

🔘Added status bar notification ticker

🔘Changed double tap in ambinet ticker to pause track to double tap in ambient ticker to skip to next track

*Planning to get long press on ambient ticker to pause

🔘Added vibration intensity, Height and a couple of tweaks in OP Gestures

🔘Added Edge gestures and edge gesture animations

🔘Added new sim colors

🔘Added Pocket lock and pocket judge

🔘Added more switch styles

🔘Added A new bootanimation and a new volte logo(You are going to love it)

🔘Imported dictionaries in keyboard

🔘Added terminal in developer options

🔘Switched to Lawnchair launcher

🔘LiveWallpaper picker there by default :)

🔘Move to aosp apps(for dialer etc) Now you can flash official open gapps

🔘Allow to quickly open Running Services from QS panel

🔘Added Breathing missedcall/sms/notification

🔘Re add auto recording option to dialer

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