Carmen Hill

Barry university admission essay (Cayuga County) good morning everybody today's Wednesday and in three hours I'll be leaving on Nebraska basket and I'll hop in the pool going in the pool so my brother just made a bet with me that if you make a half-court shot he makes a half-court shot first try first try the island the plane shiny that I knew before he plugs it we're leaving right now let's keep our montage [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] just got her tickets in a flake up through back [Music] or dissipate over air be ready on going back to select sequence yes [Music] [Music] Minute Maid friend Colorado I said Nebraska I met Colorado's and we're going to drive from Nebraska yeah see you back at the hotel [Music] I left my camera at the shuttle but luckily my uncle Elias grad guys it is the end of my blog so it wasn't very excited tomorrow will be way better but yeah I'll just splinting how I'm getting here but tomorrow it's gonna be late so make sure to remember millet them all the time yeah yeah [Music] New Brunswick Theological Seminary.

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