Sarah Angell

Uni konstanz poster drucken (Jefferson) mr. Boddy recent up here he wrote a great song I hope you don't mind already come on through may be doing this with us so on over i'll tune i'll let you enjoy the heck out of this one this is one I just love to do Marty leaders to get mine I said yeah thanks just well I did write this song quite a long time I watch it was 1992 and never have a lot of celebrations here in town the anniversary of the building of the Alaska Highway so I wanted to write a song about that because I think it's like justice some things need to have songs written about that's definitely one that beats more so it's doubly US army engineer because those are the guys who built it and like this straighten estimate downside with a good soup we stand can't do a fight bill see oh boy what the train and he to spread the game pocket I would still live here happy our name Oh oh boy scary is now Oh Oh thank you very much US Army to do a great song thank you very you Metropolitan College of New York. https://PaperHelp.space

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