SOI vs СС-Submit. Which flow works better for sweepstakes?

SOI vs СС-Submit. Which flow works better for sweepstakes?

Zeydoo CPA Network

Which payout would you prefer: $4 or $40? Simple question, right? Then why is SOI flow so popular though the rates are 10 times lower compared to CC-Submits?

The majority think that СС-Submit is a very complicated flow that requires special skills and enormous budgets. We will show how to apply standard angles used for SOI to CC-Submit offers. And how to adjust the campaigns on different formats to work with a more complicated flow.

СС-Submit Sweepstake + Interstitial

«Win an Iphone»: ID-701ID-702

Traffic source: Propellerads
Geo: FR 
OS: Android 
Format: Interstitial (new animated banner)

Thanks to the new animated Interstitial we got promising 8% CTR.

90% of affiliates promote SOI sweepstakes on push and pops. We decided to find out how CC-Submit offer works on Interstitial traffic and thanks to eye-catching gifs we received a good amount of clicks.

ID - 701 — an offer with a direct link to advertiser's landing
ID - 702 - with a well performing survey preland

«Win Samsung S20»: ID-703

We launched a similar campaign for the offer 703 - Samsung S20 in two variations: with a regular speed animation and a 150% faster one.

Slower version showed 10,8% CTR instead of 5,8% of a speeded one

A preland is a classic survey, that many of you have already seen:

СС-Submit Sweepstake+Push Notifications

Sweepstakes, both SOI and CC-Submits show perfect results in France on Push traffic with almost the same creatives and prelanders.

Creatives with "notifications" from regional post offices are still performing well, but not all traffic sources allow these angles.

Besides, a lucky creative even without mislead can bring CTR up to 2.3%:

ID-702 Bestscorewins Iphone 11 Pro (PreLP)

Traffic source: Propellerads
Geo: FR 
OS: Android 
Format: Push Notifications
CTR 2.36%, one click brings an average of 0.05$

And here's a good example of a survey prelander for Samsung S9 offer:

СС-Submit offers on e-mail traffic

There are quite a lot of E-mail platforms and we suggest choosing a regional platform with an up to date email list in your region of interest.

We ran tests with — they don't have restrictions for Sweepstake vertical and creatives. If you are going to use some other platforms - make sure that your offers and angles meet the Policy of your traffic source.

Offers used for the test:

ID-705 Iphone 11 Pro v5 FR/BE/AU/CA
ID-706 Samsung S20 v1 Intl (we used a Samsung S10 offer for the test, but added a more modern S20 offer to Zeydoo)
Traffic source: 
Geo: FR 
OS: All 
Format: Email

An average CPC of email traffic $0.3 is significantly higher than the one we are customed to on Push($0.03), but the performance of email traffic is also usually better.

Campaign settings and an example of an email:

Example of the email in Inbox

Already in a few hours after the start of email campaign we started seeing the first conversions and during the first day the campaign started to bring profit: $70 revenue and $50 cost.

It's worth noting that the performance of email campaigns in France in usually worse compared to Spain, Italy and Portugal due to much stricter regulations in terms of SPAM. So you are quite likely to achieve much better results in other European countries.

How to start working with СС-Submits?

So as we showed, the same angles can be used for promoting CC-Submits and SOI offers. What is more, CC-Submits can be a real goldmine for an experienced affiliate. But what if you never worked with sweepstakes and are not ready to invest large budgets in tests?

The answer is quite simple: start with SOI offers + formats, landings, angles and creatives we have shown above. When SOI offers become something familiar and easy to crack, it's time to move to CC-Submits.

Here are the SOI - offers for an easy start:

Iphone 11: ID-31ID-143ID-468
Iphone X: ID-53
Samsung Galaxy S10: ID-52ID-144
Samsung S20: ID-691

And of course, apart from France there are other geos showing good performance with sweepstake offers: the Nordic, Germany, Italy, Japan.

From our point of view FR, NO, NZ, SE, and FI are especially hot now.

We also prepared a list of the hottest СС- Submit offers of the last two weeks:

ID - 701 Bestscorewins Iphone 11 Pro (from the case study above)
ID — 702 Bestscorewins Iphone 11 Pro (PreLP) (from the case study above, includes a prelander !)
ID — 703 Samsung S20 
ID — 706 Samsung S20 v1 Intl FR, Norway, NZ, FI, SE, DE/AT, JP
ID — 705 Iphone 11 Pro v5 FR/BE/AU/CA
ID — 710 Macbook v3 Intl FR, SE, DE/AT
ID — 707 Iphone 11 Pro v4 Intl FR, Norway, NZ, IT
ID — 708 Iphone 11 Pro v1 Intl FI, SE, IT, JP

May the profit be with you!

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