
From fake handbags and DVDs to physical science and even identification cards, the counterfeit trade worldwide raked in a very staggering one.2 trillion greenbacks in two017 and is ready to grow even a lot of within the next few years. Some would possibly at the start dismiss the thought of counterfeit product being a dangerous menace. however one solely needs to observe the serious toll from faux pharmaceutical medication — currently pegged at concerning one thousand thousand folks worldwide — to work out that it might be crucial to possess a reliable thanks to distinguishing authentic things from the fakes.

The benefits of mistreatment blockchain technology embody its decentralization, code strategies, and immutable recordkeeping, which implies everybody works with one original record that can’t be altered or deleted however merely appended with updated transactions. because the things move through the availability chain, every dealings would be noted and time-stamped, forming a record that might be caterpillar-tracked with obscurity. The technology provides key commercialism partners with permission rights the power to look at every dealings, knowing the supply of the records is verified.

The technology “enables customers to verify the supply of the products on the blockchain. “To get there, protocols and processes would wish to alter to accommodate that ability. The technology conjointly lets supply-chain executives have a lot of inventory visibility, in order that they may anticipate shortages and will higher execute product recollects.

Why Simplybrand.

SimplyBrand is associate degree comprehensive system combining AI, Blockchain, and Crowdsourcing to eliminate counterfeit product in digital commerce. we tend to modify folks and AI to figure along with the distinctive options of Blockchain technology to strengthen digital commerce.

SimplyBrand can produce an answer to the current downside by establishing a platform with an intrinsic AI model and machine learning technology to spot counterfeits. Crowd-sourced participants are incentivized to help in confirmative the unrecognizable things, whereas the knowledge of the counterfeiters is printed on the blockchain, that is immutable and public for everyone to browse. additionally, 2 major functions are free on the method which is able to end in a lot of parties change of integrity the platform to finish the goal of the platform evolving into a self-governed system. By combining these newest technologies with new mechanisms to manipulate the platform by itself, our answer is in a position to resolve this downside effectively on an oversized scale.

With its sound business model, simplyBrand has established itself within the trade with a primary focus to finish the age-long tradition of product counterfeiting. With this finish in sight, simplyBrand is partnering with honorable organizations to use its platform to finish the menace.

As a dynamic company, simplyBrand has transitioned to the new era of blockchain technology. Consequently, the corporate strategy is to deploy its AI and blockchain capacities for dealings verification and authentification. Upon police work retailers that infringe upon brands’ IPs, simplyBrand can blacklist them at the drop of a hat. Atop that, simplyBrand can expose the retailers by business enterprise their info on its e-commerce platform. Indeed, this may function a deterrent to peddlers of counterfeit product.

SimplyBrand Solution

Simply-Brand To authorize folks and finish counterfeiting on E-commerce field, they’ll involve everyone on the web|the web|the net} and unite the strength of AI and blockchain to get trust in the internet looking.

Combining the potential of blockchain school, AI, and crowdsourcing to ending net counterfeiting once and for all.

SBA tokens are listed on the COBINHOOD crypto exchange at no value given its affiliation with the corporate as of the collaboration announcement.

SimplyBrand pre-sale begins with a series of bonus programs:

First Mover Program

This sale is comprised of fourteen stages. At the start of the primary eleven stages, the primary participants to speculate can share a bonus pool and receive bonuses per the number that they invest in at the given stage.

Referral Bonus Program

If participants refer friends to affix the pre-sale with a singular referral code, they're going to receive one,000 independent agency for each valid referral. a legitimate referral is outlined as participant finance in simplyBrand’s pre-sale whereas having input the distinctive referral code.

SimplyBrand Ambassador Program

After the top of the pre-sale, the highest one hundred participants that have accumulated the foremost investment quantity from their referrals are eligible to separate a pool of independent agency per their referral contribution. A lot of folks are noted invest in simplyBrand, the upper the possibility a participant has of receiving an oversized bonus. The pool is determined by what proportion ETH simplyBrand raises as a full.

Token Flow

Our platform is tokenized so as to facilitate the institution and operation of the entire system.

  Crowdsourced participants will receive tokens as rewards, and may either use them to get complete privileged things on our platform or sell them on exchanges

 social control agencies will receive tokens as rewards and may sell them on exchanges

  Brands can purchase tokens from exchanges, and buy brand-protection services on our platform

  Third-party service suppliers can purchase tokens from exchanges, and buy info on our platform.

For further information, kindly visit the links below:








Author by:hamzatis

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