
Sidera adaptable environment rotates around another progressive method for putting away crypto: Decentralized Wearable Devices (DWD). Your assets are anchored around your wrist, completely scrambled, enabling disconnected wrist-to-wrist exchanges and a plenty of other innovactive attributes, for example, - Entropy seed age with the arm development; - NFC POS installments with on-the-fly crypto-to-FIAT change; - Ghost mode, and substantially more! The security of the gadget, and its incorporated equipment wallet, is guaranteed by a body sensor put under the smartwatch. This sensor will investigate from your body a couple of signs (development, sweat, and so on.) expounding a particular ID in which will be encoded the private seed of the equipment wallet. On the off chance that some individual stoles your gadget he won't figure out how to get to any assets on the grounds that the sensor will dismiss his body. Sidera is discharging additionally Continuum: the primary totally wearable decentralized trade! 

Sidera dispatches SmartBit, the world's first versatile decentralized gadget. They need to change the digital money showcase by taking into account the first run through to store cryptographic forms of money around your wrist with coordinated and versatile wallet utilizing a savvy with vast conceivable outcomes. 

Select DWD innovation 

Sidera's versatile biological system spins around another progressive method for putting away crypto: Decentralized Wearable Devices (DWD). 

Imaginative and Safe 

Bitsmart is another thought of ​​smartwatches and shrewd groups that attention on Bitcoin and digital currency. The extent of this gadget is to furnish its clients with a simple, simple, creative and safe approach to oversee Crypto-condition. 

Wrist-to-wrist and more! 

Your assets are ensured around your wrist, completely encoded, permitting disconnected between wrist exchanges and various other creative attributes. 

Our Unique Technology 

Sidera takes into consideration the first run through to store securely on your wrist all your cryptopcurrency. In a wonderful and brilliant way. 

Bitcoin/ERC-20 wallet 

Your assets are spared OFF-CHAIN ​​on your wrist, with military level multi-layer encryption. 

Surmised Close Hand Wrist 

Our select innovation enables you to send or get EQS, Bitcoin, or other ERC-20 tokens through disconnected wrist to wrist exchanges. 

NFC POS installment 

We assemble our SmartBit gadget with a NFC module that enables you to spend your assets internationally in each store. 

Many highlights 

Cell notice, programmed discovery of exchange addresses, apparition mode, change watchfaces, QR generators, value cautions, exchanges, and that's only the tip of the iceberg! 

Safe enemy of burglary framework 

Your assets can't be stolen, regardless of whether you lose BitSmart or a private key. We have satisfied it with multi-layer security. 

Worldwide, versatile, completely decentralized 

Worldwide, versatile, completely decentralized BitSmart is the primary equipment wallet that you can bear on your wrist. It is completely decentralized, completely ensured by Blockchain. 


Trade can be utilized first decentralized physical 

Continuum is the principal decentralized physical trade and wearable. You don't need to 

depend on focal specialist: exchanging digital money with peers just on your wrist. 


Focus of 15,000,000 USD 

51,000,000 Tokens ERC20 eQUOS 

1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS 

Sidera, if there is an issue with access to the stage that can't be considered in charge of, or an expansive deferral is forced, the privilege to stretch out the dispersion stage up to 15 days to ensure the interest of patrons. 

Delicate CAP: 1,500,000 USD 

(in the event that the delicate top won't be come to amid Pre-Distribution and Distribution, assets will be returned) 

HARD CAP: 15,000,000 USD 

(after the hard-top is achieved, the gift will be ceased) 

Add up to SUPPLY 51,000,000 eQUOS 

1% of the assets gathered will be given to a philanthropy association.









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