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London: Hodder and Stoughton, Figueiredo, Fidelino. Coimbra, Gentile, Georges Le. Paris, Kunoff, Hugo. Metuchen, N. Contemporary Portuguese Poetry. A Bilingual Selection. Irvington-on-Hudson: Harvey House, Prado Coelho, Jacinto do. Oporto, Rossi, Giuseppe C. Storia della letteratura portoghesa. Florence, Palo Alto, Calif. Lisbon, ed. Oporto and Coimbra, ed. Oporto: Lello, and later eds. Lisbon, and later eds. Dictionary of Brazilian Literature. Boston: Harvard Common, The Selective Traveller in Portugal. Portugal : The Rough Guide. London: Rough Guides, ed. London: Solo Mio, Lisboa E , Arredores. Portugal : Blue Guide. London: Benn; New York: Norton, and later eds. Living in Portugal. Paris and New York: Flammarion, Wright, David, and Patrick Swift. New York: Scribners, Lisbon : A Portrait and Guide. Algarve : A Portrait and Guide. Roman Portugal. Volume I : Introduction. Warminster, U. Arnaut, Salvador Dias. Caetano, Marcello. Rumford, R. Diffie, Bailey W. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Dutra, Francis A. X: Gama Barros, Henrique de. A Economia dos Descobrimentos Henriquinos. London: Longman, O Estudo da Sigilografia Medieval Portuguesa. The Origins of Spain and Portugal. MacKendrick, Paul. The Iberian Stones Speak. Lisbon: Estampa, Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, Lisbon: Edit. Historia de Portugal. Daily Life in Portugal in the Middle Ages. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, I, II. Barcelos, III, Cambridge, Mass. Oxford: Oxford University Press, New York: Thames and Hudson, A Cultura Castreja no Noroeste de Portugal. Pacos de Ferreira, London, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire London: Hutchinson, New Delhi, India: Xavier Centre, London: John Murray, Philadelphia: Lippincott, London: Methuen, The Methuens and Portugal : Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Portugal , London: Tamesis, Economy and Society in Baroque Portugal , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, History of the Origin and Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal. The Lisbon Earthquake. Durham, N. They Went to Portugal. London: Jonathan Cape, They Went to Portugal , Too. London: Carcanet, Prix et Monnaies au Portugal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Vol. V : ; Vol. VI : A Economia dos descobrimentos henri-quinos. Estructura da Antiga Sociedade Portuguesa. Conflicts and Conspiracies : Brazil and Portugal , The Lines of Torres Vedras. Lisbon: British Historical Society of Portugal, The Royal Power and the Cortes in Portugal. Watford, U. Portuguese Pioneers. London: Black, Georges Le Gentil , Rau, Virginia. Ricard, Robert. Philippa : Dona Filipa of Portugal. London: Phillimore, A History of the Marranos. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, Lisbon , Trade , Inquisition and the English Nation in Portugal , London: Carcancet, The Commercial Relations of England and Portugal. London: Routledge, Rotterdam: Rotterdam University Press, Marquis of Pombal , 2nd ed. Richer Than Spices. New York: Knopf, Walford, A. The British Factory in Lisbon. O Cinco de Outubro. Carvalho, Joaquim de. Carlota Joaquina , Queen of Portugal. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, Estrutura da Antiga Sociedade Portuguesa. Stanford, Calif. A Propaganda Republicana Portugal : A Short History. Edinburgh, U. Machado, Alvaro Manuel. Fontes Pereira de Melo. Oporto: Ed. Afrontamento, Paixoes Reais. Lisbon: Quimera, Volume III. Barcelos, ed. Lisbon: Circulo de Leitores, Liberal Reformism in Portugal. Maria da Fonte : History and Myth. Sampaio Bruno : O homem e o pensamento. Temas Oitocentistas , 2 vols. II, Do Sebastianismo ao Socialismo. Do Ultimatum ao 31 de Janeiro. Arriaga, Manuel de. In Portugal. Portugal of the Portuguese. London: Pitman, Revolutionary Portugal , London: Swift, A Forja da Lei. Campos, Ezequiel. Seara Nova : Antologia. O Povo de Portugal. Les Relations Franco-Portugaises Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, Ferreira Martins, Gen. Portugal na Grande Guerra , 2 vols. Portugal cinco anos de republica. Madrid, Depois de 21 de Maio. Madureira, Arnaldo. Livro da Guerra de Portugal na Flandres. Cinco Meses no governo. O Terceiro Governo Afonso Costa — Madrid, ; Portuguese edition: Lisbon, Paxeco, Oscar. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, Liberalismo , socialismo e republicanismo. O Meu Depoimento , 2 vols. Mem Martins, O Poder e a guerra , Lisbon: Ed. Colibri, Sanchez Cervello. Republican Portugal : A Political History , Oxford, Clarendon Press, Lisbon: Caminho, Os Americanos E Portugal. Os anos de Ricard Nixon , Os Americanos e Portugal. Cartas Secretas. Jorge Jardim : Agente Secreto. Lisbon: Bertrand, Lisbon: Edeline, Araquistain, Luis. Paris: La Table Ronde, New York: Doubleday, I, April-December : Lisbon, , 4th ed. A Ditadura Militar , Carrilho, Maria. Alvorada em Abril. A Filha Rebelde. As camisas azuis : Ideologias , elites e movimentos fascistas em Portugal , New York: Columbia University Press, The Memoirs of General Delgado. London: Cassell, Lisbon: Dom Quixote, Salazar E O Salazarismo. Salazar , Rebuilder of Portugal. English edition: Salazar : Portugal and Her Leader. Portugal and Its Empire : The Truth. London: Gollancz, Views of a Revolt , Fifty Years of Dictatorship. Harmondsworth, U. Portugal Now. London: Dobson, Graham and D. Wheeler, eds. Portugal : A Twentieth Century Interpretation. Manchester, U. Santa Maria : My Crusade for Portugal. London: Weiden-feld and Nicholson, Vacances avec Salazar. New York, Georgel, Jacques. O Salazarismo. Austin, Tex. Beverly Hills, Calif. Graham and H. Makler, eds. Austin: University of Texas Press, La Dictature Militaire au Portugal. Lisbon: Cosmos, Salazar and Modern Portugal. New York: Hawthorne, O Socialismo e o Futuro da Peninsula. A ' Elite ' Industrial Portuguesa. Woolf, ed. New York: Vintage, Martins and J. Oxford: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, Ditadura : O ' Estado Novo ,' 2 vols. Salazar , 6 vols. Coimbra and Oporto, Os Anos Decisivos : Portugal Um testemunho. History of Portugal ; 1 in 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, ed. Lisbon: and later eds. A Literatura Clandestina Em Portugal , , 2 vols. Lisbon: INCM, Sindicatos contra Salazar : A revolta do 18 de janeiro de Pattee, Richard. Portugal and the Portuguese World. Milwaukee, Wisc. A History of Spain and Portugal. Volume 2. Conflitos sociais nos campos do sul de Portugal. Costa Pinto et al. Em fuga de Hitler e do Holocausto. Lisbon: Esfera dos Livros, The Portuguese Armed Forces and the Revolution. London: Croom Helm, Livros Proibidos No Regime Fascista. Salazar on cover\\\\\\]. Os Estudantes No Regime Fascista. Portugal Oprimido. Lisbon, ; , 2nd ed. Horizontes Fechados. Quando os Lobos Uivam. Lisbon, ; English ed. Patricia McGowan. Contemporary Portugal : A History. The Portuguese Administrative State. Humberto Delgado. Biografia Do General Sem Medo. Rosas, Fernando. O Estado Novo Historia De. A Transicao Falhada. O Marcelismo e o Fim do Estado Novo Noticias, Paris: Mercure de France, Vale a Pena ser Deputado? Coimbra, \\\\\\]. Several editions. Robert Edgar Broughton, trans. The Road for the Future \\\\\\[Speeches, statements of policy made during \\\\\\]. Entrevistas : \\\\\\[interviews\\\\\\]. Mendo C. Historia de um Atentado. O atentado contra Salazar. Corporatism and Public Policy in Authoritarian Portugal. London: Sage, Hermet et al. Basingstoke, U. Mak-ler, eds. Trends towards Corporatist Intermediation. Louis University, Translated by Mary Gawsworth. Portugal e o Futuro. Lisbon, ; English edition: Johannesburg: Perskor, Perfil de Salazar. Florence, Italy: European University Institute, Portugal na Segunda Guerra. A Neutralidade Portuguesa e o Ouro Nazi. Lisbon: Quetzal, Vigiados e perseguidos. Vintras, R. West, S. London: New Temple Press, Wheeler, Douglas L. Paris: Mazenod, A Ditadura Militar Portuguesa , Taggie and R. Clement, eds. Warrensburg: Central Missouri State Press, Washington, D. Lisbon: Vega, Corporatism and Development : The Portuguese Experience. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, The Revolution and Its Antecedents , Um Homem Bom. Injustica-o Caso Sousa Mendes. La Guerra Secreta de Franco Barcelona, Lisbon: Soc. Tipografica, A Lusitania Dos Espioes. Lisbon: Hugin, O Espiao Alemao Em Goa. Operacao Long Shanks , Recollections and Reflections Bloch, Michael. Carrilho, Maria et. Contributos para uma reavaliacao. Cole, Robert. Britain and the War of Words in Neutral Europe , New York: St. Colvin, Ian. Flight London: Evans, Dias, Mariana Tavares. Lisboa nos Anos Eizenstadt, Stuart E. A Good Man in Evil Times. Paris: Grasset, Within Two Cloaks. Arrival and Departure. Hitler e Salazar. Comercio em tempos de Guerra Confronting European History. MacIntyre, Ben. Agent Zigzag. New York: Harmony, Martins, Maria Joao. O Paraiso Triste. Masterman, J. The Double-Cross System in the War of to New Haven, Conn. Muggeridge, Malcolm. Chronicles of Wasted Time. Chronicle 2 : The Infernal Grove. New York: William Morrow, O Consul. Judeus em Portugal na Segunda Guerra Mundial. The Conspirators. The Night in Lisbon. Volfarmio Romance. Portugal entre a Paz e a Guerra. Wartime Writings , New York: Harcourt, Brace, Portugal E A Guerra. Lisbon: Colibri, Portugal na Segunda Guerra , 2 vols. Asa, A neutralidade portuguesa e o ouro nazi. London: Bachman and Turner, Chicago, Louis Post-Dispatch St. Louis, Mo. A Small Death in Lisbon. The Company Of Strangers. San Diego, Special Operations Executive in Portugal, Historia do Exercito Portugues. Lisbon: Inquerito, Guerra e Politica. Em nome da verdade. Os anos decisivos. Lisbon: Referendo, Exercito e Sociedade em Portugal. No Declinio do Antigo Regime e advento do Liberalismo. Lisbon: Regra do Jogo, As Institui-coes Militares Portuguesas. Amadora Portugal : Bertrand, Portugal Militar. Compendio de Historia Militar e Naval de Portugal. Lisbon: Arcadia, Pais Sem Rumo. Contributo para a historia de uma Revolucao. Lisbon: Scire, Portugal e a Guerra. Historia das intervencoes militares portuguesas nos grandes conflitos mundiais do seculo XX. O Poder e o Povo. A Revolucao de Lisbon: Moraes, , Republican Portugal : A Political History Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, , A Ditadura Militar Portuguesa Mem Martins: Europa- America, Graham and Harry M. Opello, Jr. Boulder, Colo. Political Parties and Democracy in Portugal. Carlucci, Frank. Costa Gomes-o Ultimo Marechal. New York: Dekker, Dorfman and P. Duignan, eds. The Making of Portuguese Democracy. Portugal in the s : Dilemmas of Democratic Consolidation. Monje, eds. Portugal : The Constitution and the Consolidation of Democracy , Maxwell, ed. Secretary of State for Mass Communications. Constitution of the Portuguese Republic \\\\\\[\\\\\\]. Almeida, Diniz de. Les Soldats Socialistes du Portugal. Paris: Gallimard, O Segredo do 25 de Novembro. Audibert, Pierre, and Daniel Brignon. Portugal : Les nouveaux centurions. Preto, eds. Princeton, N. Brussels: Rossei, Bruneau, Thomas C. Politics and Nationhood : Post-Revolutionary Portugal. New York: Praeger, Indianapolis, Ind. Cinco Meses Mudaram Portugal. Viseu, Modern Portugal. Southern Europe and the Making of the European Union. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, Prague sur Tage. Uma opcao feliz. Portugal : The Revolution in the Labyrinth. Nottingham, U. Ferreira, Hugo Gil, and Michael W. Cavaco Silva : Homem de Estado. Printemps Portugais. Paris: Editions Action, Os Pontos nos ii. Futscher Pereira, Bernardo. Portugal in the s , Ramos Silva, eds. Gaspar, Jorge, and Nuno Vitorino. Opelio, Jr. Gaspar, Jorge, and Nuno Vitorino, eds. Palermo: Randazzo Focus, London and New York: Routledge, The Decline and Collapse of an Authoritarian Order. New York: International, New York: Monthly Review Press, Paris: Ed. Portugal in Revolution. Portugal , Birth of a Democracy. London: Macmillan, Berkeley, Calif. Insight on Portugal : The Year of the Captains. London: Deutsch, Mario Soares : Portrait of a Hero. Area Handbook for Portugal , 1st ed. Kramer, Jane. Jovem Portugal : After the Revolution. New York: Straus, Farrar and Giroux, A New History of Portugal. Os Militares e O Poder. O Fascismo Nunca Existiu. Baptista Coelho, ed. Portugal since the Revolution : Economic and Political Perspectives. Mailer, Phil. Portugal : The Impossible Revolution. London: Solidarity, Lanham, Md. Contos Proibidos. Memorias de Um PS Desconhecido , 3rd ed.

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