Billy BickleUniversity kia reviews (Ontario) SUBJECT 1: Oh, man. What a trail! SUBJECT 2: MATT HUNTER: We're here in Manami Prefecture. Manami is part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, so it's really protected and you can see why. Big mountains and, like, really cool forests. And it's amazing to be out here just riding trails and enjoying the place on your bike. STERLING LORENCE: They're so welcoming and so inviting to share their place with us. And we had friends-- instant friends here in Japan. SUBJECT 3: With your bike? SUBJECT 1: Yeah. Yeah. We're arriving, like-- SUBJECT 3: Snowboarding? SUBJECT 1: Yeah. SUBJECT 1: Look out! SUBJECT 1: What a trail. Beautiful. SUBJECT 2: Oh, my god. SUBJECT 3: Arigato, Japan. SUBJECT 1: Yeah. SUBJECT 2: World-class bliss right there. SUBJECT 1: All time. Lander College for Women – The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School, Upper East Side.