Yeasin Mia


Hello, my friend Today, I want to share a project with you Project to change the future Project vision of this huge project, it is the best project.

Misuse is the process of adding records to general account transactions, Bitcoin or previous transaction passwords, and exploit rigs are the daily metaphor of a single real computing system. Display calculations. Mathematics necessary for mining. A book of a large transaction in the past is called a string such as a character string. Blockchains serve to verify the transactions of all occurring network nodes. Bitcoin handles Bitcoin or cryptography and differentiates between legitimate attempts to collect coins used elsewhere. 

Exploits are deliberately designed for many resources and difficulties where the number of blocks that mine workers encounter every day is stable. Individuals need to include evidence of work that is deemed valid. The evidence of this work is correct. Each time a block is received, it is recognized by Bitcoin or another encryption node, and Bitcoin uses the weak Hashcash function to utilize the work. The goal is to adjust the transaction history in such a way that the actual calculation is changed by the entity. Download and check block chains or ciphers Bitcoin can reach consensus on Bitcoin ordering events.

SECURIX Framework

  • Most CIOs do not have real products in the crowd. They can change their vision and strategy. Securix has genuine products and we need to keep the foundation of its use to maximize the results for cardmembers. Therefore, according to the roadmap, the founder's concerns are the same as others, so it is very important for Securix. They are owners of tokens and benefit from a very successful mining operation
  • There is a future for code mining. Securix is ​​dependent on the mining market. Securix has a clear vision of maximizing throughput through reinvestment and acquisition programs and guarantees the best return on investment for cardholders.
  • So far, competitors are using profitable profit sharing. As the owner of the token, you pay for the cost. It is unclear what these expenses are because they are not disclosed. Our approach is unique. We have total turnover! There is no hidden cost, all risks and costs are Securix's business risk.
  • After the Securix crowd, we continue to update the newsletter with newsletters, news, and updates from our foundation.

Why Choose Securix

Securix is ​​operated as a company with a clear vision. We are ready to put the products on the market. The SRXIO message token generates monthly passive passwords. As the first industry, Securix implemented a 45% turnover rate for all token owners, including hidden cost structure, high yield on each token, profit sharing and so on. Net income.High-level investment strategy. Purchasing a token and creating a program or reinvesting in new exploit hardware will improve not only the value of the token but also the yield of each token. Our hardware selection is strict and depends on the PUP model (performance, unit price, energy usage). This will give you the optimal return on investment for each mining hardware unit. We are proud that we announced it with anticipating the power capacity of the roadmap and 7 MW. This is for our clear vision. The founder and manager of Securix FZ - LLC is also the founder and manager of Fintech Capital BV. For our company to succeed, it is essential that the Group is located in the country where the facility is located. Activity in our case Netherlands.

Sales and sales of tokens

Our products are tokens based on Ethereum ER 20. Because it is encrypted with a smart contract, the token owner receives monthly revenue of total operating revenue. The more tags you keep, the higher the output per token.

  • Advance sale: 18/04/2018 3 - 09/06/2018
  • ICO number: 09/07/2018 8 - 10/31/2018
  • Name code: SRXIO
  • Category: exploitation
  • Soft seal: $ 3 million
  • Hard stick: $ 55 million
  • Sales tokens: 42, 350,000 SRXIO
  • Token: 1 SRXIO = 1 USD
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Payment: BTC, ETH, BCH, XMR, USD, EUR





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Author: Yeasin Mia


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