How to connect a secret network (SCRT) wallet address to Ledger using Keplr wallet?

How to connect a secret network (SCRT) wallet address to Ledger using Keplr wallet?

@dogr00012 in telegram

Secret Network

This step-by-step guide will help to set up the Ledger for a secret network (SCRT) address using a web-based Keplr wallet (Chrome extension). As a disclaimer, the instruction will only help in connecting the ledger with Keplr-wallet, not how to transfer SCRT tokens in the secret network. The newest macOS X and Ledger Nano S were used for making this guide. Links are provided in the guide.

Please note that the use of the instructions is at your own risk. If you want to say thanks, send a secret to secret1hcn9lft6ehvrlchs6y9rd97ddsqenp8slk3esx

Step-by-step guide

1) Connect your physical Ledger device to your computer and download the latest version of Ledger Live app.

screenshot: Ledger Live app download

2) Start Ledger Live and click the Manager-menu button on the right side. Accept Ledger Manager on your device.

screenshot: Ledger Live app

3) Search for the Cosmos ledger app and click Install. Ledger app will install the Cosmos app on the physical Ledger device.

screenshot: Ledger Live Cosmos app search

4) Add the Keplr wallet extension in the Chrome browser. The Keplr-wallet extension is not supported by any other browsers at the moment.

5) Create a new account using Keplr wallet and click the option at the bottom to Import Ledger

screenshot: Keplr wallet in browser

6) Add an Account name and click Next

screenshot: Keplr wallet in browser

7) Kepler will open a pop-up window asking to connect the Ledger. Connect your Ledger and open the Cosmos app on the Ledger. Accept Keplr connection on your Ledger device.

screenshot: Keplr wallet connecting to Ledger

8) Ledger is now connected successfully to the device. Check the account list. The text Ledger - m/44'/118'/0' appears under the Ledger connected account name.

screenshot: Keplr wallet extension

9) Select Secret Network in the Keplr wallet token list

screenshot: Keplr wallet extension

10) Share your public secret network (SCRT) address by copying the address above the Available Balance text.

screenshot: Keplr wallet extension

Enjoy sharing your SCRTs! ;)

If you want to say thanks secret1hcn9lft6ehvrlchs6y9rd97ddsqenp8slk3esx


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