Aaron Hopson

Loughborough university thesis (Rockland) like right here if you most of them really funny I always pictured somebody but change when I took syntax Nagi is a lot fun and he's actually a very funny guy I actually should be a comedian with his you know the horror I had the honour to have every single held out he gave us for him to be taken each term he discuss it I hope so trust so I didn't have any hand also instead of just errant him you know explaining the whole hopper all the time so when I get really used to it to stare at him since he's standing right in front of me so what this one-day one session when I'm staring at him and then probably there is the fifth epiphany for him and he's like reading the handout and is no longer that serious guy you know I met him all the time the hallway but above all all professors in linguistics have been wonderful has been and trust in me because first quarter was sort of my probation wonderful I don't got to know other people registers for much fear and you guys friends State University of New York at Plattsburgh.

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