Kenny Raymond

Universities for admission (Sullivan) I'm a second Wow Oh good-day know something popular whoa look at that truck small-penis alert I am so sorry about your penis mr. I actually have a backup set at Wagner's remote bites believe it or not [Music] that was cool kitty yes stop in the middle of the road gave you a little the blue steel even mom said that something didn't seem right with the house I knew she was gonna go I don't know if you saw me I I was looking for my horn because I don't know where my horn is [Music] on his first friggin and it's a hundred percent cash rate so if you get a shine Wow Wow [Music] you it's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand what in the world would you use a trailer hitch that high up look at how high that that's like dick height you could fuck that trailer hitch I stopping for that great friggin stop sign [Music] now if there was a Jing er that wouldn't be an issue State University of New York College at Oneonta.

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