Rylin Rae

Rylin Rae


Rylin Rae


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2,002 posts Joined Apr 2007 Location: Kent, UK
mom2AnH wrote in post #14648138 I'm going to say it now, lest I forget on her most important day .... (will be off the boards this weekend, so I didn't want to forget) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET RYLIN!!! We've all enjoyed watching you grow up this 2nd year of your life and hope your Daddy is generous enough to continue to share your pictures as well as your baby sisters (when she's born) with us all here at POTN! Now, eat lots of cake, make a mess and enjoy your day!!
6,746 posts Gallery: 7 photos Likes: 1528 Joined Sep 2010 Location: Silver Spring, MD
76 posts Joined Jan 2008 Location: Pearland, Texas
1,333 posts Likes: 3 Joined Mar 2010
mom2AnH wrote in post #14648138 I'm going to say it now, lest I forget on her most important day .... (will be off the boards this weekend, so I didn't want to forget) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET RYLIN!!! We've all enjoyed watching you grow up this 2nd year of your life and hope your Daddy is generous enough to continue to share your pictures as well as your baby sisters (when she's born) with us all here at POTN! Now, eat lots of cake, make a mess and enjoy your day!!
digidiva wrote in post #14648655 Stealing this too as I don't really do weekends either....Happy birthday sweet girl!
JakAHearts wrote in post #14648673 Ya, I wont be around much this weekend either. HAPPY BIRHDAY RYLIN!
hnj9503 wrote in post #14648822 Happy birthday pretty girl!!!!!!! We want bday pics and a full report on Monday, Ryan!
1,333 posts Likes: 3 Joined Mar 2010
Jun 29, 2012 12:47 as a reply to @ PeyDay17's post |  #576
437 posts Likes: 4 Joined Oct 2008 Location: Pennsylvania
144 posts Likes: 1 Joined Apr 2012 Location: East Moline, IL
1,333 posts Likes: 3 Joined Mar 2010
KareBear wrote in post #14649561 She is too cute! I can't take it. When is #2 due? Is Rylin excited? Happy [early] Birthday big girl! And I just noticed that post said Franklin Grove, if that's where you live you're only about an hour and a half away from me! What a crazy small world.
mom2AnH wrote in post #14649926 OMG!!! that is hilarious and sooooooooo cute! You go girlie - you rock out to whoever you wanna! Even if it is Justin Bieber (thank goodness I have boys! lol) that was so cute Ryan - thanks for sharing! and that picture of her is adorable! love the new silly grin!
1,333 posts Likes: 3 Joined Mar 2010
Jul 01, 2012 11:13 as a reply to @ PeyDay17's post |  #581
2,002 posts Joined Apr 2007 Location: Kent, UK
1,333 posts Likes: 3 Joined Mar 2010
mom2AnH wrote in post #14656830 So ... what is little sister's name going to be? The look on Rylin's face in that last pic is one of pure innocence! and that Free Hugs one is ADORABLE!!
digidiva wrote in post #14659204 ...............Claimin​' my free hug!!! So today's the day... H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y PRETTY GIRL!
6,746 posts Gallery: 7 photos Likes: 1528 Joined Sep 2010 Location: Silver Spring, MD
PeyDay17 wrote in post #14659217 Thanks! I think little sister will be named Aivan Lane. It is!!! The last day of Rylin's 367 project! At 2:02am July 2nd, 2010 she was born. I looked at my watch at exactly 2:02 tonight ans it really sank in. Seems crazy to think my little girl is 2 years old. I got a little choked up earlier looking at the first picture of her and I together minutes after she was born. In these 2 years there have been so many moments, so many memories and so many times she has melted my heart. That little girl is everything to me. I'm looking forward to the years ahead and all the memories we'll make.
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I'm going to say it now, lest I forget on her most important day .... (will be off the boards this weekend, so I didn't want to forget) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET RYLIN!!! We've all enjoyed watching you grow up this 2nd year of your life and hope your Daddy is generous enough to continue to share your pictures as well as your baby sisters (when she's born) with us all here at POTN! Now, eat lots of cake, make a mess and enjoy your day!!
Jenn C&C always appreciated Canon Rebel XS w/ 18-55mm IS, 75-300mm, and the nifty-fifty
Stealing this too as I don't really do weekends either....Happy birthday sweet girl!
Ya, I wont be around much this weekend either. HAPPY BIRHDAY RYLIN!
Happy birthday pretty girl!!!!!!! We want bday pics and a full report on Monday, Ryan!
Thanks soooo much guys! Isn't it crazy how the people in this thread have kinda become a internet/forum family!? Its really awesome! Thanks so much for the inspiration and kind words throughout this project. Good news! This project will actually be a 367 project. Day 1 was her 1st bday and Day 367 will be her 2nd bday. Her birthday is on Monday so you really won't miss anything. Day 364 - Playing in the rain after the long drought we've had. She is doing her new, goofy giggle here.
Here is a video I shot of a frequent argument that takes place in my car between Rylin and I! lol! http://www.facebook.co​m …video.php?v=220​2212270839
lol justin beiber happy birthday Rylin Rae
50D | 60mm f/2.8 macro |Tokina 12-24 f/4 | Nifty-Fifty | SB-20 | 580 EXII
She is too cute! I can't take it. When is #2 due? Is Rylin excited? Happy [early] Birthday big girl! And I just noticed that post said Franklin Grove, if that's where you live you're only about an hour and a half away from me! What a crazy small world.
·Karrie Ann· CANON REBEL T3i | Canon 35mm f/2.0 IS | Canon 85mm f/1.8 | Canon 430EX II | ● ● flick r
OMG!!! that is hilarious and sooooooooo cute! You go girlie - you rock out to whoever you wanna! Even if it is Justin Bieber (thank goodness I have boys! lol) that was so cute Ryan - thanks for sharing! and that picture of her is adorable! love the new silly grin!
Jenn C&C always appreciated Canon Rebel XS w/ 18-55mm IS, 75-300mm, and the nifty-fifty
Thanks! #2 is due October 6th. Rylin is super pumped! Our daycare says Ry is a very good helper with the babies at daycare. Let's hope theyre right!
Lol! I have watched that video a lot. Its one of the memories I will cherish. Her little personality is hilarious. I loved the "Again dude!". She cracks me up! Day 365 - Free Hugs!! (I saw this on this forum and had to do it. I loved the idea!)
Day 366 - She loves her little sister!
So ... what is little sister's name going to be? The look on Rylin's face in that last pic is one of pure innocence! and that Free Hugs one is ADORABLE!!
Jenn C&C always appreciated Canon Rebel XS w/ 18-55mm IS, 75-300mm, and the nifty-fifty
...............Claimin​' my free hug!!! So today's the day... H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y PRETTY GIRL!
Thanks! I think little sister will be named Aivan Lane.
It is!!! The last day of Rylin's 367 project! At 2:02am July 2nd, 2010 she was born. I looked at my watch at exactly 2:02 tonight ans it really sank in. Seems crazy to think my little girl is 2 years old. I got a little choked up earlier looking at the first picture of her and I together minutes after she was born. In these 2 years there have been so many moments, so many memories and so many times she has melted my heart. That little girl is everything to me. I'm looking forward to the years ahead and all the memories we'll make.
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