Ruth and Claire Pt. 01

Ruth and Claire Pt. 01

When Ruth and Claire got Serious -- Part 1

This chapter is a part of my husband's Life as a Sub series. It is written by me, Ruth, and describes my intimate and D/s relationship with my Aunt Claire and her husband Bob.

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Days after the last party, Jim asked me to add more detail about my early days of college, from when I first confided in Aunt Claire, to how both she and Bob eventually persuaded me to play with them.

My sexual development started when I experimented when out camping with a couple of friends. It was during a festival at Stonehenge, where I shared a tent with a couple of girlfriends, while those of my friends who had boyfriends had their own tents. You have to remember, it was a time when drinking and drugs was all part of the festival experience and the smell of cannabis permeated the air around the tents and was openly used. And then of course, there was the very familiar sounds of loud but unseen sex in the tents during the nights.

I assured Jim that I didn't actually do anything that I would have been ashamed of, but, my mum had found out about what had happened, and was a little worried about things, in her opinion, progressing in the wrong direction, especially when I was about to start college.

So, when I started college, Mum encouraged me to contact her close friend who lived just down the road from the campus. I knew her as Aunt Claire, because she had always been a regular visitor to our house as I grew up. Bob on the other hand, was just someone who I knew to be only as, well, Bob, Aunt Claire's husband. I had only seen him round our house a couple of times with Aunt Claire apparently because of his job. He was an officer in the merchant navy but he had really weird working hours. Sometimes he worked nights and so he was asleep during the day, other times he was on day sailings....... well you get the picture.

If you have read the previous Life as a sub chapters by Jim, you will know of mine and Aunt Claire's relationship. Aunt Claire had started it all, by being the person I could turn to when it came to any personal or college problems. The number of visits and meetings increased, and in what seemed like a short period of time, and I really did have confidence in her and thought of her as a really close friend, just as I suspect, mum had wanted.

Bob was away quite a lot, and Aunt Claire, despite having her own job and other friends, was lonely when on her own. She confided in me when I visited, and as friends do, we eventually got talking about her more personal feelings. We often talked about Aunt Claire's relationship with Bob, and how she tried to keep a sex life around Bob's work hours, but it was very difficult. Aunt Claire wanted to keep her man happy, but he was always tired or made her feel like he didn't have the time. At this time, there was never any hint that they were already swingers. It was never ever mentioned, and I had no clue it was happening.

Over the months, I got to think that this was a normal Aunt -- Niece relationship, and thought nothing was strange about it. Aunt Claire was always asking me what I was getting up to at college, any boyfriends and just anything that would get us talking and enjoying each other's company.

Jim wasn't fully in my life at this time. I had just joined the college a year after Jim. My interests didn't have us cross paths for a while, but one day during early morning swimming training, I showed up and, well, he got more and more interested in me, and I did in him.

Anyway, to get to this part of the story, I told Jim about my first real intimate encounter with Aunt Claire. It was one weekend, when I was invited for Sunday lunch. Aunt Claire told me that Bob would be home from his night sailings at six and would go straight to bed, so lunch would be around two o'clock. She said that I could come around as early as nine if I wanted, to help her.

Now before I continue, Jim asked me to include and write this as part of his Life as a sub chapters. I didn't think that was a good idea because it was his sub story, and this chapter would just be another filler. He thought that it was an integral part of how I fitted in, so, after a little bit of encouragement, I decided to write it.

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Me and my Aunt Claire - Pt 1

I felt sorry for Aunt Claire. She was in a difficult position. She wanted to go back to work, but if she wasn't home when Bob was, they would never see each other. She had friends of course, some of them even came around to her house occasionally for a chat, but I think that it was my visits that she enjoyed the most.

We had really clicked and I felt that Aunt Claire was someone who didn't mind hearing all my problems and of course, anything else I cared to tell her. She was more than a friend, I thought of her as one of my real aunts.

And this is where Jim wants me to tell you about my first very close sexual encounter with Aunt Claire and how I got more than interested in a fetish lifestyle.

It started when I was invited for a Sunday roast lunch. As usual, I wanted to look nice, so I dressed up and I even took a bottle of wine with me because Aunt Claire had told me that we were going to have a drink or two before the meal. Well, I wasn't as knowledgeable about drinks as Bob was, so I went for a red wine that my friends and I drank a lot. I even had a glass or two from an opened bottle as I got ready.

When it was time to go, I got a taxi to Bob and Claire's house. I knew I was wearing just the right short dress because when I got out of the taxi and walked up the path, I glanced around the garden and noticed the driver was still parked up leering at me. Yes, it felt creepy but I figured it was also a compliment so I gave him a wave, after which he quickly drove off.

At the front door, I was about to press the doorbell button, but I hadn't even raised my hand when the door opened. Aunt Claire was stood there in a lovely flowing blue and yellow patterned kaftan. I smiled, waved the bottle of wine and was just about to speak when she put her finger to her lips as a sign to tell me to be quiet. Instead, we kissed cheeks.

"Bob's upstairs asleep." She whispered into my ear, her perfume scent filled my nose and her warm hand lingered on my arm. "Close the door quietly please."

I stepped into the hallway and closed the door, then sat on the bench and took my shoes off. I got up and followed Aunt Claire as she sidled silently, bare footed towards the kitchen. I caught up with her and as we entered the kitchen, I saw a two saucepans on the stove, and there in the oven, cooking nicely was what looked like a tinfoil covered something in a large baking tray.

She waved her hand for me to sit down at the small round breakfast table, then waved an empty glass at me as I looked at the bottles of Gin and Tonic Water in the centre of the table.

"Join me?" She grinned.

Aunt Claire didn't wait for my answer as she opened the fridge and twisted out a couple of ice cubes from one of the many trays. She returned to the table and put the glass next to a half filled one, then proceeded to add half a glass of gin, topped up with a dash of tonic water. I looked at her and frowned. She giggled and added a bit more tonic then sat down opposite me. It was obvious that Aunt Claire had started early and was already a little bit tipsy.

"Cheers." She said tapping her glass against mine. "Cheers." I replied picking up the glass and sipping the drink.

I couldn't help notice when she bent forward to sit down that she was bra-less. Her kaftan was open and loose allowing me to clearly see her cleavage and fullness of her curvy breasts, hanging and swaying against the soft semi see-through material. She caught me staring as she sat down and looked down as if something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Are my tits showing?" She said giggling, pulling the kaftan away from her body looking down and talking to her breasts. "Has one of them deflated?"

I laughed out loud. "Noooo, hahahaha. I...... I was just looking at your pretty dress." I fumbled my reply while giggling.

As I watched her look at each of her breasts in her dress, I was thinking that she was a little more drunk than I thought, and after the sip I just had, I was fast getting there too.

She looked up, still holding her dress away from her body, looked down, then up again. "I don't think anything has happened down there." She laughed. "Were you staring at my tits?" She asked me, now looking at my embarrassed reddening face.

"N, n, n, n, no." I swallowed nervously. "I, I, I couldn't help.........."

She laughed again then got up and walked over to the oven. "Don't sweat it sweetie." She said casually, lifting the turkey out and onto the cooker. "I do have nice tits. I don't blame you looking."

I felt embarrassed because I had never seen her like this before, but for some reason, I didn't think she was as drunk as she was acting. The way she was handling the roasting dish, unfolding the tinfoil and basting the turkey and then shaking the boiled potatoes in the saucepan, these were skilled hands.

That's when I thought that she must be pretending. I just stopped talking as she prepared the lunch.

Once the turkey was in the oven again, she came back to the table. Smiling and taking another sip, she changed the subject. What was I up to at college and had I dated anyone recently, all the while I kept topping up our drinks with ice and more gin.

Now I could feel the alcohol affecting me, so I started taking smaller sips and adding more tonic, while Aunt Claire quickly finished the rest of the gin bottle. I looked at her and was quite amazed that despite how much she was drinking, it still didn't seem to be affecting her as much as it did me.

We were laughing and giggling a lot more, meanwhile, the kitchen was getting warmer with all the cooking going on, and with the effects of the gin, I was getting uncomfortably....... claggy.

I stood up, wanting to cool off a bit and noticed Aunt Claire now looking me up and down and staring at me over her glass.

"Sexy." She said with raised eyebrows.

I smiled and giggled, embarrassed again but still feeling complimented. I took a large sip of my drink. "I just have to go to the loo." I said leaving my drink and walking off to the hallway. In the bathroom, I freshened up with a splash of cooling water under my arms, redid my makeup, then looking in the mirror, I was ready again.

Back in the kitchen, Aunt Claire was sat flicking through a magazine, a new bottle of gin had appeared and she was sipping once more from her ice filled glass.

She looked up at me as I entered. "All better?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Sorry, I was just feeling so hot." I explained.

Aunt Claire laughed. "No worries hun," she replied, "the cooking does make the temperature rise. You feeling ok now?"

I nodded, but coming back into the kitchen, I could feel the claggy feeling quickly return.

"I have something else you can change into if you don't want to get that pretty dress messed up."

I wondered about her offer of changing into something a little lighter and cooler. She was right, the warmth of the kitchen and the alcohol was getting to me. Aunt Claire could see in my face, the question I was going to ask. She smiled, stood and twirled as she said.

"It's very light." She lifted the hem of the dress and waved it around, showing off her naked legs, "and it's also quite liberating." She laughed as she waved her skirt a bit too high, suddenly flashing off her thighs and the bald crease of her pussy.

I stared, wide eyed. She wasn't wearing any panties. Oh my God, my cheeks were burning. She was completely naked under that dress and I suddenly felt the heat of embarrassment adding to the warmth of my body.

I looked at Aunt Claire, our eyes met. I didn't think it was deliberate, but she knew what I had just seen. She was quite an attractive woman, and she had looked after her body giving her a nice mature, full curvy figure as well. She raised a cheeky eyebrow, waiting for my answer. I thought about it for a few seconds.

"OK, yes that would be great, if you don't mind of course." I said fanning my hand in my face pretending to cool down.

She walked off to the hallway. "No problem dear, keep an eye on the oven would you. Lets see what we can find for you."

I heard her walk upstairs, and then back down again. She entered the kitchen, carrying a lovely red, pink and white coloured kaftan.

"Here we go. Try this one." She said as I got up. She held it up to me, then draped it over my open arms.

I opened it and hung it in front of me. It looked so colourful and bright. I looked at Aunt Claire, but she was over at the sink running water and washing fresh broccoli.

I guessed she wanted to see me in it, so I asked her to unzip the back of my dress a bit. She dried her hands and pulled the zip halfway down, then I walked off to the living room to change. As I got to the chairs, I noticed the kaftan was made of 100% cotton, but it felt so light and soft. It had that fresh newly washed smell and I was thinking that I have to get one of these.

Looking at the kaftan on the chair, I unzipped and stepped out of my dress, laying it over the other chair, but then as I stood there in my bra and panties, I had to make a choice.

How see through was this thing. I held it up again, this time up to the window, to see if I could see how sheer it was, then I turned back into the room. I jumped as I saw Claire stood in the doorway, wiping her hands in a towel, smiling at me. I automatically held the kaftan up quickly to hide the fact that I was stood there in my knickers and bra, until she answered the question in my head.

"Yes, black will show through it." She smiled, walking over to join me.

I looked at her and lowered the dress. She really didn't think that I was going to get naked in this did she? I swallowed and thought about it. Aunt Claire threw the towel over her shoulder, then took the dress from me, tilting her head to one side. She nodded at me.

She was serious. She wanted me naked under the kaftan.

I was nervously wondering how to do this with Aunt Claire stood there, watching.

"Come on now you silly girl. You have been in changing rooms before and got naked many times I am sure."

I took a deep breath, then undid my bra, briefly holding it up covering my breasts before taking the big step of draping it over my dress on the chair. I stood there in Aunt Claire's gaze, arms by my side, goose bumps forming all over my body, my nipples now erect. But then Aunt Claire calmed and diffused this awkward feeling by comically widening her eyes and rapidly moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Hubba Hubba." She said.

We both burst out laughing and I relaxed. I swallowed again, then removed my panties as well, standing there stark naked for Aunt Claire to see everything. This time, she swallowed, making me feel slightly more uncomfortable but strangely, more attractive. I looked down at my breasts, then at my hairless pussy, then back at Aunt Claire. What was she thinking as she looked me up and down? I swallowed again, then looked at her as I held out my arms for the kaftan.

She stepped up to me, but threw the kaftan over the chair on top of my dress and bra. She reached for my hands and pushed them out to my side. What was she doing? I was suddenly feeling very vulnerable. I shivered as she stared at my naked body, looking me up and down, making faint approving purring noises which got me feeling a little bit turned on.

She let go of my hands but I kept my arms stretched out. Then, looking into my eyes, she traced her fingers along and under my arms towards my body, stroking me with a feather light touch. It was giving me goose bumps on goose bumps, but was feeling heavenly. Her flirting, barely touching fingers got to my armpits, then she stroked down the side of my body to the curve of my breasts. I could feel the heat in my cheeks again, and I was getting that tingling throbbing feeling between my legs, but I wanted to see how far she would go.

I broke our eye contact and looked down at her hands. I gasped and swallowed loudly as her finger tips caressed under and around each breast, circled my areola then gently squeezed my nipples between forefinger and thumb. I threw my head back, briefly closed my eyes and moaned.

"Oh wow." I heard myself say.

Totally unexpectedly, she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I opened my eyes, but didn't recoil, or even try to stop her, I sort of liked it. As her lips lingered on mine, I kissed her back.

She opened her hands then cupped and lifted each of my breasts, the weight easing from my chest. I steadied myself as her tongue licked and pressed between my lips. My senses were going crazy. The clean, flowery smell of her perfume filled my nose, her moans even though whispered, were so clear in my ears and then there was the touch of her lips and breath on my skin. Mmmmmmmmm. Everything I was feeling had me opening and closing my eyes and feeling weak at the knees. I was letting myself go, allowing her to take the lead.

She was licking my lips so delicately and cautiously, I relaxed and opened my mouth to let her tongue explore. But after what seemed like ages, I was suddenly aware that my arms were aching. They were still stretched out, and I noticed I had opened my legs a little more than usual. But I still stood there, allowing and wanting her to touch me wherever she wanted. It was turning me on so much.

It was no good. I had to move, mainly because I was aching, but I also wanted to touch her, to feel and stroke her body as well. I lowered my arms as we kissed, my breasts were still being supported in her hands, so I just didn't know where to start touching her.

But the most exciting part of all this that kept me wanting to keep going, was that sexy feeling that she was dressed and I was naked. I was totally on show to this older attractive woman, and that thought alone had me getting hotter than ever. She drew back from our kiss and looked me in the eyes. Her gaze made me swallow nervously, then she gently lowered her hands, letting me once again feel the familiar weight and pull of my breasts. Then with the back of her hand, she stroked down my tummy. Mmmmmmmm.

I twisted sideways and giggled when she touched a ticklish spot, but as she reached my belly button, her touch made me suddenly shudder out of excitement. She stopped at the top of where my pubic hair used to be, all the time looking at me, making me feel nervous about what was going to happen. Then she circled the back of her hand back up my tummy again.

Oh no. She hadn't touched my pussy at all. She could see that she was getting me all worked up because I was breathing in deep excited puffs, but I felt really disappointed that she hadn't touched me down there.

Instead, her hand continued to wander over my body and she leaned forward to give me another kiss. This time though. she stopped just before we touched lips. Trouble was, it was too late for me, I was already committed and was leaning in, eyes closed for another big kiss.

I leaned forward, my lips pursed ready for the sensitive wet touch of hers, but when I felt nothing, I opened my eyes, and looked confused. I saw that Aunt Claire had already pulled away and she was smiling, head tilted, looking at my face. She lowered her hands and stopped touching me.

"Well come on then. Kiss me." She told me

What? I thought. We were just about to kiss and she stopped. Hang on, did she want me to start the kiss this time? I didn't know what to do.

"Kiss me." She repeated, then said each word slowly. "You. Kiss. Me."

I stopped hesitating, now I understood. I stepped closer to her and on tip toes, holding her arms to steady myself, I kissed her lips. It wasn't a lingering kiss, just enough for it to mean that I enjoyed feeling her lips on mine. As I closed my eyes, I saw her close hers and our lips gently touched.r";area=showposts;u=93757

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