Russian Teens Getting

Russian Teens Getting


Pixyish performer Nastya is generating 100 million daily views and earning more than $18 million a year 
In a video posted online in December, Anastasia Radzinskaya, a 6-year-old YouTube star who goes by Nastya, plays a tough-talking cop. At the start of the skit, the pixyish blond performer looks in the mirror and pulls on a police cap. “I’m going to teach you a lesson, criminals,” she says, rapping a toy baton in the palm of her hand. For the next several minutes, she patrols a street, blowing a traffic whistle, brandishing her shiny police badge and sternly laying down the law. At one point, she pulls over a careless driver, played by her father and frequent co-star Yuri, who tries to connive his way out of trouble by slipping her a stack of bills.  “A bribe!” she yells. “Go to jail, now!”
Since December, when the video first appeared on her “Like Nastya” YouTube channel in Radzinskaya’s native Russian, the kid cop routine has generated more than 90 million views. Another version of the video, re-edited for English-speaking viewers, has since tallied up another 7 million views. Two additional versions, dubbed in Indonesian and Korean, have generated more than 2 million views since February. Spanish and Arabic versions will be posted soon.
While Nastya is hardly the first youngster to earn laughs online by mock disciplining a naughty parent, she has achieved a level of global stardom that is rare for artists of any age. Depending on the month, “Like Nastya” has been the third- or fourth-most-popular channel on YouTube in the world, according to SocialBlade. Nastya’s broader network of channels, which dub her performances into nine different languages, generates around 100 million views a day. 
Last year, thanks to Nastya’s popularity and global reach, the Radzinskayas earned more than $18 million from YouTube. Recently, they relocated to South Florida, where they continue to crank out videos for her young fans around the world. 
“They’re the first family to really understand the globalization opportunity,” said Eyal Baumel, who advises Anastasia and her parents on their YouTube strategy in exchange for a cut of their advertising sales. 
In the past, most YouTube creators didn’t feel compelled to tailor their videos to different international markets because the video service is huge and can help them reach every country without having to pay for dubbing. Nastya’s success may force other top YouTube acts to rethink that strategy.  “For some content, localization can double or triple revenue,” Baumel said.
As with many top YouTube acts, Nastya’s rise to fame and fortune can feel somewhat baffling. Her parents, Yuri and Anna, don’t speak English fluently, and the origin story they tell about their prodigy daughter has always been shrouded in a bit of mystery. During a recent video interview, conducted through a translator, her parents said they weren’t dreaming of international fame and fortune when they posted their first video of Nastya on YouTube on Jan. 25, 2016, two days before her second birthday. They just wanted to prove she was not fatally ill.
At the time, doctors in Krasnodar, a city of more than 700,000 resident in southern Russia where Nastya was born, believed she had cerebral palsy and might never speak. But their diagnosis, her parents said, was wrong. When they first witnessed their daughter making significant verbal progress, they were overjoyed and wanted to capture it on film. They sent the resulting video to her doctors, to their relatives, and posted it online. “We didn’t expect anyone else to watch it,” said Yuri.  
For months, not many people did. But as it turned out, not only could their daughter speak but she had a strong presence on screen. She could ham it up like a seasoned pro. Eventually, one clip featuring Nastya playing with a batch of colorful “slime” (a beloved genre among toddler fans on YouTube) resulted in tens of thousands of viewers. “It was unreal,” said Anna. “We couldn’t understand what was going on.”
As Nastya’s audience grew, the Radzinskayas applied for YouTube’s partner program, in which video creators get a cut of the revenue generated from the ads that the video-sharing giant automatically loads onto their channels. For the first few months, they failed to top the $100 minimum revenue threshold that YouTube creators must surpass before they start getting paid. But then, in the middle of 2017, they got their first check. Things grew rapidly from there. 
Anna, an event planner by training, began writing scripts and coordinating filming schedules for the videos, which featured her daughter playing with dolls, exploring playgrounds and opening up “surprise eggs” (another YouTube favorite) to reveal the toys hidden inside. Yuri, who ran a construction company, quit his day job and essentially became a full-time sidekick performer on “Like Nastya.” Thick armed and tattooed, Yuri could pass for a goon in a Russian mobster flick. Over time, he and Anastasia have developed a strong comedic rapport, which the Radzinskayas cite as the primary reason for their astounding popularity.
While other YouTube child performers tend to adopt the site’s popular blogging style, speaking directly to viewers as they unbox toys or shop in a mall, “Like Nastya” videos usually involve short, episodic plots. The storylines are simple enough for a 3-year-old to follow. Heavy doses of sound effects, jump cuts and slapstick humor are like sugar for young audiences, said Heather Kirkorian, a professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison who studies cognitive development and media. “It’s like ‘The Three Stooges,’” she said. “That plays really well with preschoolers.”
During a trip through Southeast Asia in 2017, the family realized just how far their videos had traveled. Children recognized them from YouTube and stopped them in public. In Malaysia, Yuri recalled, “They came up to us and said, ‘Why aren’t you in our language? We like watching you.’”
Yuri and Anna searched online for help to manage their newfound fame and eventually teamed up with Baumel. Along with a team of fellow Russian ex-pats, Baumel runs Yoola, a YouTube multichannel network based in Los Angeles, which specializes in maximizing the attention paid to YouTube creators. Part of Baumel’s skillset is to take a rising YouTube channel from one country and to repackage its videos to appeal to viewers around the world. The key, he says, is dubbing the videos into multiple languages and editing them to match the viewing habits of particular countries.
Among Baumel’s clients is SlivkiShow, a Russian YouTube account with 16 million subscribers, that posts baroque science experiments. (Typical video headline: “EXPERIMENT! WHAT IF you smoke 300 CIGARETTES!”) After signing the performers on with Yoola, Baumel set them up with an English channel that added 1 million subscribers in three years, and a German channel that is nearing 2 million.
For “Like Nastya,” Baumel applied the same formula, helping the family create channels in English and German and doubling their sales within four months. The Radzinskayas now employ a staff of about 20 people, some of whom are responsible for finding people to translate and dub the videos into the various languages. The translators hail from all over the world, and many of them are native speakers so they can understand local cultures and slang. The translators send in the audio, and a team of technicians then sync it up with the action onscreen. After the main Russian channel, Nastya’s four biggest offshoots are in English, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese.
Frequent posting also matters, and that’s where it can get tricky working with a performer who is still in elementary school. Nastya attends a private school five days a week. She also studies Mandarin and Spanish in her free time, according to her parents, and takes lessons in singing, acting and dancing. Every weekend, her family films two videos. During the week, they shoot one more. “She is very talented; she is very creative,” Yuri said. “Out of every situation, out of everything, she is able to make something unusual.”
The parents say they won’t make their daughter work any more than she wants to and that a large portions of her earnings are set aside in a separate bank account. “It all depends on her, truly,” Yuri said. “If she’ll wake up tomorrow and say she doesn’t want to do it, we won’t do it.”
As every top YouTube performer knows, you can never rest for too long. There is always a tireless crop of up-and-comers, cranking out videos, hungry to supersede them.  In recent weeks, another child star has supplanted Nastya in some YouTube popularity rankings. Along the way, SocialBlade showed Nastya suddenly trailing behind “Kids Diana Show.” The channel stars a Ukrainian girl who is 6 years old. 
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The couple appeared on Russian TV where a doctor denied the boy could be the father.
A Russian schoolgirl who at 13 made global headlines after claiming she was impregnated by a 10-year-old boy has given birth to a baby girl.
Darya (Dasha), now 14, who made the shock announcement about her pregnancy live on Russian TV in January when she originally claimed she was impregnated by a 10-year-old boy, has taken to Instagram to reveal she had a “tough” delivery.
The controversy caused uproar across Russia and medics who examined the boy said he was too sexually immature to produce sperm. Darya has since alleged she was actually raped by a teenager who was 15 at the time. The age of consent in Russia is 16.
“That’s it, I gave birth to a girl at 10am,” she told her 350,000 Instagram followers in an Instagram post over the weekend. “It was tough, I’ll tell you everything later, I’m having a rest now.”
Darya (Dasha), of Russia, who is now 14, has given birth to a baby girl. Picture: East2West/australscopeSource:australscope
Darya said she was “absolutely terrified” of giving birth but insisted her 10-year-old friend Ivan would help her raise the child.
The teenager had made headlines across the world after she claimed her young friend was the father of her unborn child.
But a doctor who examined Ivan said he was too sexually immature to have fathered a child.
In a shock twist, Darya later claimed she was instead raped by a 15-year-old boy identified only as “Stepan” (not his real name) who is now 16.
She had insisted on prime-time Russian national TV in January that only her 10-year-old friend Ivan (Vanya) made her pregnant when she was 13. Picture: East2West/australscopeSource:australscope
Darya said she felt “too ashamed” to admit to the attack at the time.
The teenage boy was reported to be under house arrest in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia.
Since the case broke, the girl – now 14 – has appeared on TikTok, and has gone on to become a wannabe “influencer” on Instagram, where she has attracted more than 90,000 followers.
Her Instagram bio reads, “Pregnant at 13”.
The girl’s mother Elena – reported to be terminally ill with cancer – said her daughter’s pregnancy had given her a “reason to live”.
However, in a shock twist which is currently being investigated, she claimed a 16-year-old raped her and was too afraid to admit it. Picture: East2West/australscopeSource:australscope
Elena had initially assumed that her daughter was sick with food poisoning, before realising she was carrying a child, she explained.
Darya told TV viewers: “It was Vanya’s idea (to have sex).
Dr Evgeny Grekov, a urology and andrology (male health) expert, who examined Ivan, told TV viewers in a show called Father at 10!?, “We rechecked the laboratory results three times so there cannot be any mistake.
“There cannot be sperm cells – he is still a child.
“Puberty has not started. So we have a lot of questions.”
Police are investigating the case and expected to take a DNA sample from the newborn girl.
Ivan, now 11, was not allowed to be present with her at the birth.
However, in another post prior to giving birth, Darya told followers the young boy will step into the role of father when he turns 16.
“He does not live with me, he stays overnight sometimes,” she said.
“At 16, he will take over the fatherhood, but it depends on how everything goes on between us.”
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