Russian Teen With Great Tits Getting Fucked

Russian Teen With Great Tits Getting Fucked


Shawna is a 35-year-old woman who is legally prohibited from taking her kids to the park. That's because she's a sex offender.
Years earlier, on her 19th birthday, Shawna and her friends were drinking and celebrating. A teen boy expressed interest in her, and they slept together. He turned out to be 14 years old. His mother notified the authorities.
Now Shawna is spending the rest of her life on the sex offender registry, even though the mother of two is obviously no threat to children.
The Marshall Project recently released a short video interview with Shawna; it's part of Untouchable, a documentary by David Feige* about sex offender laws. I challenge anyone to watch the interview (embedded below) and not feel heartbroken for Shawna. This is a woman who made a mistake as a teenager—with another teenager—and will be paying for it the rest of her life. Employers have fired her when they learned about her status. She struggles to explain to her kids why their mother faces so many restrictions, and she must deal with the pariah status afforded to people who have been branded with "lewd or indecent proposals/acts to child" on a national online database.
Shawna's story is just one more example of why sex offender registries are cruel and unjust. For every truly dangerous predator on the list, there are countless others who carry the "sex offender" label because they sexted a fellow teen or failed to realize they were hooking up with someone on the wrong side of the age-of-consent line. These people are very unlikely to reoffend, so there's little practical reason to continue shaming them by maintaining a public list of their names.
*The spelling of the filmmaker's name has been corrected.
Robby Soave is a senior editor at Reason.
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it’s part of Untouchable, a documentary by Paul Feige about sex offender laws
The director’s name is David Feige – Paul Feig directed Bridesmaids.
You really pissed in my cheerios with that correction. I wanted to believe.
Crusty likes to pee, and that’s a known fact.
You forgot to switch your sock before posting. I am choosing to believe that over the horror of knowing you refer to yourself in the third person.
Crusty is horrors all the way down.
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I’m making over $7k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.
I’m making over $7k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.
You forgot to switch your sock before posting.
Oh geez. Did Crusty pee in his socks again?
The registry has not been invented that can contain Crusty.
These sexual registries and restrictions on prior sex offenders are unconstitutional. Not only is there zero authority in the Constitution for the federal government to have these law, state constitutions have ex post facto restrictions and I cannot think of a single state’s constitution that allow punishment after a sentence is completed.
After a person completes their probation, parole, or sentence the state should have zero power over the people being citizens with full rights.
End sexual offender registries and prohibitions on ex-felons not being able to possess firearms, ammo, and bullet proof vests.
and prohibitions on ex-felons not being able to possess firearms, ammo, and bullet proof vests.
The 14th Amendment specifically allows the States to prohibit ex-felons from voting. It doesn’t require it, and many States do in fact restore voting rights to ex-felons.
Which shows just how worthless the right to vote is, compared to the rights listed in the Bill of Rights.
Not 100% true. The felony in questions has to be of treason or similar type of crime that is consider close to treason. Robbing a person at gun point is a felony, but after doing your time you can still vote. However if it’s the post office or the president you tried armed or any kind of robbery of that nature. Then yes, you will lose your right to vote.
Dear Reason will their be a day the we can edit are post?
However if it’s the post office or the president you tried armed or any kind of robbery of that nature
However if it’s the post office or the president you tried armed robbery with or a crime of that nature
They’re wil nvr b a day we need to edit are post. No matter the typos, everone nos wat wuz sed. Are branes fill in the missing bits automagically. (I wishes the bosses at Reason would add a thumbs button or two)
oveconstitution1789: “I cannot think of a single state’s constitution that allow punishment after a sentence is completed.”
That characterisation is arguably wrong. You have presumably heard of the punishment called “life in prison”. Once inside the pen your sentence doesn’t end until you drop dead.
Well, think of being put on the sex offender registry as the equivalent. Instead of being sentenced to life in a jail cell you are handed a sentence to life on the sex offenders’ registry. You don’t get off unless you drop dead.
Meaning, that in the state’s eyes people like Shawna have NOT finished serving their sentence–because they have been handed a life sentence.
If legislators had confined the sex offender registries to rapists and child molesters few people would have much of an issue with them. The problem is that they haven’t stopped there. Like Shawna, there are people on them who should never have been put on those registries in the first place. If that keeps on happening, then one day, like civil asset forfeiture, there will be a groundswell of opposition to end such registries altogether.
The courts have ruled again and again that the registry is NOT a punishment, it’s just an administrative measure, and so can be imposed _post facto_.
Which is an injustice in itself, implying as it does that there are no consequences beyond the administrative to being on such lists.
Perhaps it’s time some of those same judges spent a few years on one of those lists.
Couldn’t agree more. This is where a little common sense and empathy could make a world of difference. One more reason that we need to return to trial by jury for some of these types of cases. With some logic , reason, and empathy, a jury is less likely to make these types of mistakes. I recognize I may be singing to the choir here, but aren’t someone’s rights to travel freely, raise their own children as long as they are not intentionally harming them, and property still worth a trial by jury?
Sure. But as in this case, many choose to take a plea even with the RSO condition than to go to trial, fearing that the finding of the jury could be far worse. And the fact is, few criminal defense attorneys are really equipped to defend these cases.
Packingham disagreed.
See also: h t t p s : / / p a p e r s
The court ruled that Shawna is a child molester, so she would still be on the registry.
Good luck selling either of those to John Q Public.
Gotta protect the children and all.
The best sell to John Q Public is showing that these registries not only are completely ineffective at protecting anyone, they actually make people less safe.
John Q here: that line is not persuasive.
The author makes the completely unfounded claim: “For every truly dangerous predator on the list, there are countless others who carry the ‘sex offender’.”
Similarly, you make the claim that they are “completely ineffective”. Really? Have any data for that assertion?
Scan through your local list sometime. The “Shawnas” vastly outnumber the dangerous predators. People who hooked up with a teen decades ago, peed in public, solicited a hooker, sexted, or committed any of dozens of other “sex” crimes, aren’t hunting kids, and shouldn’t be on the list.
For parents, one problem with including them is that the predator is the needle you want to protect kids from, and Shawna is a straw. The more straws you have in the haystack, the harder it is to find the needle.
For taxpayers, keeping track of all the straw costs lots of money and ties up law enforcement.
I would also say to remove the exemption in the FCRA for background checks that reveal information past 10 years.
Please use terms correctly (or at least, as if you know what you are talking about)
The prohibition against ex post facto laws is a prohibition against making something illegal after the act was done. So if robbing a bank was not illegal on Monday when you did it, you cannot be prosecuted for it because the legislature made it illegal on Tuesday. The law against statutory rape was in effect when she did the deed, as was the SOR (the plea deal she signed specifically referenced it), so there is no ex post facto situation here
I hope she disowned her mother for telling on her
It appears to be the teen boys mother that dropped the hammer on her.
This chick is hot. Can you just marine what she looked like at 19? I’ll bet pounding that was a real E ticket ride. There is NOTHING sexually offensive about fucking a chick like that.
I’d bet that 16 years ago the boy’s mother had no idea what the result of her call would be.
Think about all the people even today who still think calling 911 is a good idea.
In a pissing contest over a fence, neighbor called code enforcement to “force” me to move a motorhome out of my side yard so he could gain access to my yard and “work on that fence”. I had told him to fuck off and do whatever he wanted on his side of the property line and to never, under any circumstances, enter my property.
CE cited me and threatened $1,000/day fines if I didn’t install concrete to park it there. – It was parked on gravel and dirt – So, I was forced to construct a fence in front of the motorhome so that the City could not claim to be able to see what surface it was parked on. This left my neighbor pissed.
He did build a new fence on his side. But foolishly, he built the new fence without a permit and made it seven feet tall. A permit was required and six feet is the height limit.
Vengeance is mine! All I have to do is call code enforcement and he’s going to get fined and have to cut his new fence down to six feet tall.
But, I haven’t and probably won’t do it. If code enforcement comes out to inspect his new fence, they are going to want to access my newly fenced in side yard and Lord knows what infractions the bastards will decide to cite me for at that time.
Law enforcement, even simple code enforcement, is a dual edged sword. First they came for the Socialists………………..
There is some wisdom in solving your own problems and not foisting it off on police immediately. Some people miss the simple fact that tits and a smile have opened more doors than a gun and a badge ever will. The lesson there is… try asking [politely] for what you want: the success rate is rather alarming. Your neighbor is living proof that life’s tougher when you’re stupid. Take pictures of him fuming as that 7 foot fence comes down…
FFS a 14 year old boy’s mom told the “authorities”? And this was almost 16 years ago. My oldest son is 15. I can honestly say, without hesitation, if I found out he banged a 19yo (who by the way, looks quite doable), I would probably celebrate with him. I would tell him he better cut it out, because she is either crazy or desperate, but that is a different issue.
“Son, if you stick your dick in crazy, that’s on you.”
He didn’t use those exact words, but that’s basically what my old man told me.
Quote of the Day; a genuine take home.
Whether it’s on him depends more on how lazy he is.
And you know that she’s half crazy, but that’s why you want to be there…
I guess times have changed. My mother would never have gone to the cops over that. I’m sure she would have advised me of the trouble I could get myself into. And if she thought the girl was out of line she might have kicked her ass. But call the cops? Whatever for?
It would be incredibly creepy to me for my dad to want to high five me for having sex.
1) My mom told me I should get someone pregnant, because she had given up on my brothers making her a grandmother.
2) My dad joined me to a trip to the doctors for an annual physical and suggested that I should get a prostate exam.
Both incidents stunned me into silence. Come to think of it, my parents are kind of creepy.
meh. My dad would have shook his head and smirked, and probably high fived me later. But I would have been weirded out if my mom did the sam ething.
You do realize that this woman raped a underaged child?
You do realize that this woman in no way raped a child?
so your saying that an older man with a willing underage girl is ok then too? cause it wasn’t forced so therefore not rape right?
Assuming she’s 14 or older and there is no sign of intimidation or coercion, yep. The age of consent should be 14 or 15, IMO.
BUT…..that is not the Law….by the Law, she RAPED HIM!!! In some States….she could have even been passed out drunk and never even met the boy…., but the way some State Laws are written….she is still a child molestor!!!! Actually….even more than that….in MOST States, the boy should ALSO be prosecuted as a Sex Offender because he intentionally and knowingly had sex when he was not legally able to consent…..MAKING HIM GUILTY AS WELL!!!! Yes, yes….I know it sounds insane….but fact is, we should all start DEMANDING that these “Laws” be upheld and put literally hundreds and even thousands of CHILDREN on these Sex Offender Registries because…they ARE BREAKING THE LAW!!! Truly, the only way idiotic Laws will ever be corrected is to enforce them to the point that any slightly intelligent person can realize that “they” have gone too far……
Honestly in some States, “they” would have taken her child away at birth and she possibly might be never, ever allowed to see him/her again…….”Proper” thing to do? Hell no….but that’s the way things are!!! Seriously, there are a TON of people…..that’s not right….ten 200lb guys make a ton….there are hundreds at the very least in each and wvery Staye that are registered FOR LIFE in many cases for merely urinating behing a tree or a dumpster with a kids nearby that says; “Look Mama….that man is peeing!!!” I am NOT KIDDING!!! That is all it takes to “create” a slomy, disgusting pervert placed on Registries FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES because they did not even know some little brat was noticing……
in no state would they take a newborn from a mother because of the circumstances of conception.
All caps makes you look like a dweeb.
Let us be clear: the whole concept of statutory rape is that consent, and indeed force, are removed from the equation. The only issue is the age of the participants (and yes, a boy under the age of consent who has sex with a girl under the age of consent can be prosecuted for statutory rape). It is rape because made so by statute (malum prohibitum) regardless of the particular circumstances.
Rape, means it is nonconsensual. The only reason this is questionable is because the boy was 14 and she was 19. Of course, if he had screwed another 14 year old, then it would have been consensual you see. And of course, it is clear to all that if he shot someone, the Prosecutor would immediately decide he was an adult and prosecute him as a adult. But, since he screwed a pretty girl instead of killing her, he is a child and she is a sexual predator.
This is not rape, and you are an idiot.
statutory rape is still rape, and you are an idiot.
And a lightning bug is made of lightning?
MJB… old are you? (NOT to be demeaning….you are probably near my age…MAYBE older…maybe 8-15 years younger) The “word” (or I should say, Legal definition of the word) rape has been changed to “sexual assault” & EXPANDED to include…..well, really unbelievable $hit such as….even trying to discreetly hide behind a tree in a park or whatever to take a leak (as used to be “man’s” God-given Right
A 14 year old by law (I assume in OK, it is in NY) is NOT capable of giving consent so sex with a 19 year old (considered an adult) is sex without consent on his part and as such rape. Those advocating the “Lucky Stud” excuse, would you feel the same if it was a 14 year old male and a 19 year old male? And if the roles were reversed do you think she would have gotten more or less punishment than a male given the “female impunity” we give to females in sentencing. It is a simple fact that the law needs to be changed (EQUALLY for men and women) in these no consent due to age cases. Two 14 year olds can neither give or get consent so it should not be charged as an adult crime, although I am sure I can find cases where underage males are charged for acts between two underage couples.
“Those advocating the “Lucky Stud” excuse, would you feel the same if it was a 14 year old male and a 19 year old male?”
Well, speaking as a gay man here, yes, there were certainly 19 year olds I lusted after when I was 14, and I would have considered myself “lucky” if something consensual had happened.
The legal premise for “statutory rape” is that by statute, persons under a certain age are presumed to be incapable of knowing consent. Different states set that line differently (federalism, and all that). And actually, there have been prosecutions of an underage male for having sex with an underage female. It is a murky area in the law, but broad and inaccurate depictions of what the law is and what prosecutors would (and would not) do don’t help (BTW, in most states the court has to approve trying a minor as an adult so it isn’t really a matter of the prosecutor’s thumb)
Would it be ok if an over-aged child was raped? You for example?
If the chick in the picture wanted to rape me, I would be ok with that. And I’ll bet she looked even better at 19.
Oh bullshit …grow up.
It was consensual and the
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