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This porn finally shows off women having real orgasms




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Have you’ve ever seen a woman have an orgasm in porn? No, sorry, definitely not the time you’re thinking of. And oh God no, absolutely not when they were using that thing. And no, not then either, they were probably faking.
It’s a sad and curious thing that in the whole internet of things – where every whim, fancy, morbid curiosity and spot-picking fascination is indulged with a click – it’s so difficult to find women just genuinely having a good time on camera.
The lack of authentic female-pleasure online is a well documented phenomenon .
Famous journalist and feminist writer Caitlin Moran has written and spoken at length about the effort involved in trying to find one solitary woman appearing to have a genuine orgasm online.
In her book How to Be a Woman she talks about the nightmarish frustration of trying to find, anywhere, footage of a woman coming. 
Perhaps Moran hadn’t got the memo – female ejaculation on camera has, shockingly, been banned by the government .
Anyone looking for good (read: authentic) female porn online, must do battle with the sex-nightmare of internet content, which is filled with horribly sharp acrylic nails and painful positions that are more likely to send you fleeing to a nice nunnery than get you in the mood.
It’s hardly a surprise that while some studies couldn’t find a single man who hadn’t watched porn, estimates show that approximately only a third of women are going online to find what they want.
You can read more here about how almost all porn involving women has been shot from the male viewpoint – up until the 1980s, at least.
Enter Hysterical Literature , the art-porn crossover made by filmmaker Clayton Cubitt that involves no graphic images, and no nudity at all in fact.
There’s nothing to be found but a comfortable woman enjoying headphone-shakingly loud sexual pleasure, shot attractively in black and white. 
Hysterical Literature launched back in August 2012 on YouTube with Session One.
In it, alt-porn star Stoya sits primly behind a desk, all alone, reading a book to camera.
Dressed in the kind of cutesy, off-the-shoulder striped top that wouldn’t be unwelcome at your Grandmother’s barbecue, Stoya’s reading is increasingly interrupted by splutters and gasps, until six minutes into the reading session she has an orgasm on screen, and the whole thing comes to an end.
Only the occasional ‘buzz’ of sound lets you know that under the table lies an artist with a vibrator.
Session One became an immediate internet sensation when it first launched, garnering over 16,000,000 views, which – gratifyingly – is thousands more than most pieces of explicit online pornography might ever expect to receive.
Today, Hysterical Literature includes twelve short videos of women across a range of ages and ethnic backgrounds, each having the time of their lives whilst reading from a book of their choosing.
Collectively, these twelve women and their twelve orgasms have been watched over 60 million times (which adds up to approximately ‘123 years and 144 days’ worth of footage, according to the website ).
Cubitt’s exploration of “feminism, mind/body dualism, distraction, portraiture, and the contrast between culture and sexuality,” doesn’t require fleshy close-ups or physical gymnastics to be erotic.
You’ll find nothing fake, exploitative or uncomfortable here.
Instead – as many of the women have themselves pointed out in interviews and articles including Toni Bentley’s in Vanity Fair – the video’s eroticism lies in the battle between the pull of physical pleasure and the girls’ determination to keep reading.
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It’s in the laugh at the end of the session that inspired the name hysterical in the title, and in the smiles throughout, which show genuine, female pleasure on screen.
There’s a whole page on the website dedicated to the experience had by the women in the videos, labelled as essays: “PS: to my parents (who I know will read this), I hope that you are as proud of me as I am of myself.
“I pray that you see the merit, the revolution that I am part of, the importance of this project,” writes the artist, writer and performance artist Solé.
Beautiful, honest, celebratory and miles away from the choreographed, fleshy moral quagmire that constitutes so much of online pornography, Hysterical Literature is the art-porn cross over that offers genuine pleasure with a smile.
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My 7 year old niece masturbates in front of everybody
Hello, We have a joint family as in my bro,his wife ,2 children and my parents live in one house and my family visit then often. Now the thing is that my niece who is 7 year old gets very well with my 8 year old daughter and often play with each other and after sometime when they get bored my niece unknowingly starts masturbating in front of everybody. Even after telling her nicely she does not stop or understands. My sister in law does not say anything to her and feels that it’s a part of growing up, but my parents have tried everything and have given up. Now the problem is that my daughter has started to ask me and I feel she is inquisitive to try as well.My OH is mad at me and has told me not to visit my parents’ house as he is worried that our DD might get into bad habits. Thanks in advance suggestions needed
What does your brother say about it? The suggestion that you should stop visiting your family is ridiculous. All families have issues to deal with and this is way down on the list of things to be settled. If your partner gets this upset about minor aspects of growing up, maybe you should buy him a book on the subject. How well do you get on with your sister in law? She may well be right that the behaviour will disappear on its own. But, it is upsetting the adults. In the end, the fuss that the adults are making sounds like more of a problem than the behaviour. That said, however, it's similar to one particular warning sign: I can't vouch for this website, but you might like to give its checklists a once over, including the part about sexualised behaviour in young children. Child sexual abuse among children and young people
It's part of growing up and exploring your body. At this age she should understand, Maybe try telling her that it's something that's done in private by her and only her. It's a tricky situation.
I catch my three year old absent mindedly fiddling with her bits, I just tell her to stop or she will hurt herself and she does. You shouldn't tell them it's dirty or shameful because it will make them feel this way about sex when they are older, although I do think that seven years old is old enough to understand that this is not acceptable behaviour to do in front of other people. If she starts doing it in school then it will definately raise questions.......
Thanks for the advice,actually the whole thing has gone over the top as its embarrassing to see a young girls fiddling with her private parts in front of everybody,its acceptable if you do it privately ,but in front of everybody is kinda wierd.My partner is okie with the fact that ,its her life and she can do anything but everything needs to be defined and at an age when you are growing it important for parents to make their children know what's appropriate. As far as my relation with my sis in law is concerned we are quite cordial and spoken about it however I feel she is also at her wits end and now has excepted that its normal. Other than this my neice also makes a weird movement ,as in the men on top position and strokes ,resting on a huge teddy she has. seeing all this ,it makes my OH worry...
Thanks for the advice,actually the whole thing has gone over the top as its embarrassing to see a young girls fiddling with her private parts in front of everybody,its acceptable if you do it privately ,but in front of everybody is kinda wierd.My partner is okie with the fact that ,its her life and she can do anything but everything needs to be defined and at an age when you are growing it important for parents to make their children know what's appropriate. As far as my relation with my sis in law is concerned we are quite cordial and spoken about it however I feel she is also at her wits end and now has excepted that its normal. Other than this my neice also makes a weird movement ,as in the men on top position and strokes ,resting on a huge teddy she has. seeing all this ,it makes my OH worry...
I am not suprised your OH is concerned - this last sentence seems rather worrying to be honest . And by worrying I mean that perhaps she has seen things that she is too young to understand etc. - films/ videos . Someone needs to talk to the little one but of course that cant be you . There is some great advice on the NSPCC website i think that defines what is and what isnt worrying sexual behaviour in children . Your niece is lucky to have people looking out for her , try and see it that way Good Luck XXX
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You can speak to child protection charities in confidence. I'm not sure about the teddy bear positioning. But, I'd be raising an eyebrow at that too. There are so many places that children can get bad information from, older brothers, brothers of friends at playdates, males of one kind or another. It's too difficult to know precisely what has gone into that child's head (or where from) maybe nothing to worry about. But, I'd be talking to a specialist about the phenomena and asking her what she thought.
After reading the last sentence of your last reply I am afraid for your niece. It was mentioned on a different website that for her age, masturbating in private is common but in front of other people is rare. I would definately get in contact with child services. I know a woman who had no idea her husband was
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