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A happy marriage is a key to happiness. But sometimes it happens that man can’t find a proper girl from his surroundings. He feels that he needs someone special. Foreign people always change their way of thinking. Communication with girls from other countries can make one more self-confident, charismatic and appealing.
Russian girls have attracted international attention from men for centuries. Their beauty is fantastic. You can say that people run after unusual things they don’t own, but even Russian men admit that Slavic girls are the most attractive in the world. There is no smoke without fire – they are considered astonishingly beautiful for a reason. Here are some facts about online dating with Russian brides:
So, as you can see it is really worth a shot. Russian women are hot and it is not a secret at all. Foreign men always get surprised when they arrive in Russia for the first time. Attractive females suddenly surround them. Beauty is scary for some men, who are afraid to get to know a girl. Many gorgeous ladies are actually very polite and down to earth. They dream of true love and a strong knight on a white horse. Some guys get attracted to Russian girls and after dating them, they finally realize that it would be really great to marry a Slavic woman. Many relationships start rapidly and online end up with a chic wedding. You can try your luck and go to Russia to find a random girl, but what about online dating? It is less time-consuming and expensive, and it gives you extra coverage in case the girl is not your match.
Modern people at some point try online dating. Some of them fail; others end up with a happy ending. However, many websites are oriented on matching people who live nearby, because it is much easier. But we think that dating a person from overseas is much more interesting and spicy. Sometimes fate decides to place your soul mate somewhere far away and you need to struggle to get the love of your life. It is possible that somewhere a Russian woman as beautiful as a goddess is waiting just for you.
What about a family? How it feels to have a Russian wife and is it hard to keep a relationship healthy? You are just about to find out all the details here! The Internet is full of articles with typical stereotypes about females with a certain ethnicity, but we consulted people from Russia or those who are married to them but live in another country. With this information from credible sources, we can give you the best consultation.
Let’s talk about historical aspects and reasons why there exists a phenomenon of Russian wife. For Western Europe countries there is a tendency to consider a girlfriend from the Eastern part as some kind of achievement. It doesn’t say that a Russian girl is a trophy or accessory. On the contrary, Slavic females are much respected, because only true successful men can steal their hearts. It is easy to seduce a girl, but it is hard to make her stay as your loyal wife. They are very well-mannered and will marry only someone who is as elegant and polite as they are.
Let’s dive in the medieval ages to understand why Slavic women are more beautiful. Back in the days, people from Western Europe were afraid of pretty females. Being beautiful was very suspicious for religious people. Don’t forget about the scary witchcraft and the Holy Inquisition. To marry a beautiful woman was considered very risky, so, unfortunately, many beauties have died alone. It is sad and unfair, but religion was very conservative and promoted a humble life in suffering. Those who were too beautiful or smart were considered as sinners automatically. How can you be pretty and smart without making a deal with the devil? Even now sometimes we make jokes about it. Jealousy has made beautiful people disappear without influencing on genetics, while those who had basic features, lived their lives and had a lot of kids.
In Russia people also believed in supernatural creatures, but their religion is a bit different. They see the devil as a complete evil who will not give you magical powers without taking away your beauty. Witches in their folklore were depicted as evil ugly and old women. Female beauty was normal, and even idolized, and young beautiful girls were considered as a powerful weapon against witchcraft. In all times Slavic guys were attempting to find the cleverest and the prettiest girl to create a strong family. If a girl didn’t care about her appearance, had ugly teeth and extremely slim or fat body, she wasn’t able to get married. This fact had a huge impact on genetics.
Historical facts had an influence on modern Slavic females. However, mostly their beauty is what they made by themselves. Being gorgeous doesn’t mean that having a pretty face is enough. Girls work out two or three times a week to keep their bodies in shape, they use different cosmetic products every day to preserve their youth. The physical aspect is important, but it is not all. The secret of their beauty hides in their minds. They are very charming and charismatic. Their gorgeous bodies are a powerful weapon, and they are not afraid to use it. Women always buy pretty dresses and shoes on high heels to make an accent on their shape.
Fashion means a lot to them. They learn about trends and try to keep up. The fact which distinguishes them from European girls is that they wear pretty outfits all the time. While a German lady wears a plain black dress on a formal event, a Russian girl will do full makeup and wear a fashionable outfit, even if she went outside only for five minutes to buy milk. This makes them a bit capricious too. They want to get husbands that will earn enough money to buy nice clothes. Since the Russian Federation suffers from the economic crisis, there are a lot of single Russian women, who are waiting for a perspective and successful partner to appear. They know about their intelligence and appearance, so they are sure that they deserve the best. Yes, it is hard to date Russian beauties, but having such a wife will make you seem more authoritative.
Many dating platforms have profiles of girls from Russia that have their strict goal – to marry a successful man and start a family together. They are very conservative about their role in the family – the man is the head and she is the heart. They want to find someone who will be able to accept it and continue traditions. She needs a husband who knows how to earn respect and power. They consider themselves as persons who support, not the one who commands. They will obey your rules and support your decisions. Even if you fail, they will stay with you until the end and help. Russian culture considers marriage as an everlasting process. If a girl chooses a man, he will be her one and only until the day she dies. That is why they are very picky when it comes to marrying someone. They have to be sure that their decision is correct. Of course, a man has to do his part as well. He has to prove that he is worth to marry such a wife.
Russian bride is aware of traditions; usually, she treats her family with respect and adores all the members. Family is the meaning of her life. Since everything material will disappear, she concentrates on spiritual bonds. She may be very interested in a career or becoming a celebrity, but it has no sense if you have no one to share your happiness with. A family is a place where you give and get more in return. That is why Russian women search for best and hard-working husbands.
As people love to say these days, chivalry is dead. It is hard to marry a man if he is not well-mannered. Russian women are very old-fashioned when it comes to etiquette. Everything has to be at a high level. They treat people with respect and love to meet gentlemen who make them feel like queens. You can do small gestures, like open a door or buy a small bouquet, and she will definitely appreciate it. Russian dating is based on standard roles – men are polite and strong, girls are feminine. They want to feel respected and protected.
If you want a feminine partner, you have to think about dating a Slavic woman. They are mysterious and elegant. Many empowered people marry Russian ladies because they look very royal and charismatic. They know how to create a unique aura and attract attention. Beauty fades as aging comes, but even when they’re old, they have this special chic in everything they do and say. They know how important it is not to be beautiful on the outside, but on the inside too.
Since they are little, they know about their role in society. They wear feminine clothes and act like true ladies. If you meet them at the shop, they will be wearing something casual yet bright and fashionable. They will not wear unisex sports clothing at the gym, you will definitely see them in something that attracts attention to their perfect bodies.
Since childhood, Russian girls are taught to be mothers and wives. That is why even in their early 20s they are very mature and ready to start a family. According to statistics, Russian girls want to have kids when they are younger than 30 but older than 23. Many families in this country have more than one child. Girls often spend time with their young siblings and learn how to take care of kids at an early age. If you visit Russia, you will notice a unique attitude of girls towards kids. They are always willing to help youngsters or play toys and chat with them. Even if they have troubles or are tired, they will definitely have a happy conversation with a random kid at a metro station.
There are many Russian mail order bride websites, which means that they are in demand. Why do foreigners love them so much? Scientifically speaking, men seek women who remind them of their mothers. And if they meet Russian brides, they know that they are very caring.
Russian single girls will be perfect for creating a nuclear family with standard traditions. There are a lot of online dating agencies, which may help you meet your potential wife. Do not fear of being rejected – ladies seem distant and selfish, but they developed themselves only to find a man who will love them.
Many dating platforms have huge lists of Russian ladies who want to get married. Why wouldn’t they just find men nearby? Well, the answer might be similar to yours. They want to try something new, to meet persons with completely different life experiences and together give this knowledge to kids. Russian women are very loyal to their families and husbands. They will never cheat on you because they value the faithful relationship very much. Your love may be one click away from you. Don’t be afraid and try online dating!
Every partnership requires work from both sides. When you see the Russian bride’s photo, you can tell how much money they had invested in their healthy gorgeous looks. We want to recommend you a few tips on how to seduce a girl from Russia.
If you had conversations or started dating already, these tips may be very useful:
The main advice is that you should give her as much attention as you can.
Family life is not full of roses. You have to be psychologically stable to maintain a healthy relationship. There are ways to keep your love alive for decades:
A family is a place where everyone has to work to earn happiness and bring it to the relatives.
These platforms have their unique features, so choose wisely. State your main priority and goals. If you want a long-term relationship, you can try using serious portals. For spicy dating that won’t last too long, you can try more frivolous platforms. Don’t be overexcited, but at the same time believe in the possibility of matching. You will definitely find a girlfriend if you really want, but don’t believe fake accounts. Russian ladies are well-mannered and polite – they will never ask for money from a stranger. You can’t buy love, and they don’t want to be a product either.

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My beautiful wife Rhonda, headed back to our stateroom after a night out in an evening gown on a recent cruise vacation Fall 2010.
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
I LOVE this dress! The picture doesn't do it justice..
I didn't even know he took this photo!
The title says it all! I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such a handsome adoring husband.
She was walking past as we were taking a few photos and wanted to join in!
This is our embarkment photo taken just prior to boarding the ship!
This is how she was dressed that day at Kohl's. Story can be found in the Real Housewives of Flicker group. I had posted several in the Adventures of a Slut group, but for some reason I can longer longer join or post in that group.

View all All Photos Tagged slut wife

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world on our honeymoon July 2009.
She drives me crazy! My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
She was just chillin' on the balcony, but she had me speechless just because of these unbelievable legs. My wife is gorgeous, and these legs, my God these legs.
My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
My beautiful wife Rhonda, headed back to our stateroom after a night out in an evening gown on a recent cruise vacation Fall 2010.
My husband said I was the sweetest, hottest, sexiest, most beautiful wife in the world when we were on our honeymoon last July.
(Description written by my adoring Hubby)
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night.
My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife. Of course that didn't stop me from taking compromising pictures while she wasn't looking.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
My gorgeous wife Rhonda and I spent five fantastic days at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas in May 2010.
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
I put my identities in to four characters. Miranda Red the spy, Miss Molly fifties house wife, Sugar Lips the slut and nameless my inner madness. As you can see These photos are of Miranda Red. I took all the images myself with the use of a timer and a tripod.
Picture the scene and the thought process that subsequently races through your mind you see the long legs first across the cafe, oh yes she is wearing black fully fashioned stockings, can i see her stocking tops? Oh the anklet delicately and teasingly poised over her nylons, what does that suggest and then you notice the cigarette and the long red nails holding it and smoker or not your fetish floods your senses. You check your wife or partner opposite you isn't looking and set your gaze again on that vision indulging your fantasies hoping to catch her eye.....admit it you do don't you as you watch her cross her legs, what thoughts are you thinking? do tell us all....x
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
Moments after we renewed our Wedding Vows to celebrate our One Year Wedding a perfect setting.
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night. She garnered a great deal of attention at the pool at the Loews Hotel & Resort on South Beach. My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night. She garnered a great deal of attention at the pool at the Loews Hotel & Resort on South Beach. My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
I love taking these 'self portraits' but I hate the iphone camera!!
Another night my husband was mezmerized, and I (yes, I admit it), I was teasing and encouraging him to keep me in!
The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world, Rhonda being very sensual on our honeymoon July 2009.
My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
My gorgeous wife Rhonda at Mandalay Bay in 2010.
Very sexy hot wife on an erotic tropical vacation. She is perfect in an elegant gown...and more perfect when it is so sheer.

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