Russian Silkroad

Russian Silkroad

Russian Silkroad

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Daniel November 16, It does not have a section for English speakers. The site features a good variety of products although it does not have as many listings as the other leading darknet markets we have already reviewed here. At the time we did this review, Russian SilkRoad had 60, members. You cannot access it using just any kind of web browser as you will just end up getting an error page. We also have a Tor browser guide you can refer to. With the Tor browser and bitcoins, you can already proceed to shopping at Russian SilkRoad. However, these are not enough to make sure that you can shop safely. A VPN service will ensure that your online activities will not be monitored and that you will not be leaving online tracks that can be used against you. PGP, on the other hand, is for ensuring that the messages or information you send are only read by the intended recipient. We also have a PGP guide so be sure to check it out if you are not familiar with this encryption-decryption technology. Before you can sign up for an account, you will have to go through a page that presents the rules in having a Russian SilkRoad account, especially the things you should not be doing. The account registration process may take around 10 to 15 seconds. You will just be asked to enter your desired username alphanumeric characters , password minimum of 8 characters, case-sensitive, must contain at least 1 uppercase and at least 1 lowercase character , and a codeword minimum of 8 characters. Be mindful of the characters you are entering into the form the number of characters, etc. Otherwise, you will have to keep repeating the process. You may encounter instances when the site redirects to an error page Unable to Connect error. This usually happens when you make mistakes in the details you enter. The characters of the password you entered, for instance, may all be in uppercase or lowercase. Just repeat the process if this happens. Unfortunately, Russian SilkRoad is only available in Russian. The site does not have a section for English users. There is no automatic translation. Unlike other darknet markets, even without signing for an account and logging in, you can view the categories and listings available on Russian SilkRoad. You can browse through the different sections of the site and find things you may find interesting. You will find a typical darknet market setup or web design with Russian SilkRoad. The Profile page has a variety of features. If you enter your PGP keys, your messages will be automatically encrypted. Your shipping address will likewise be automatically encrypted. Like most other decent darknet markets, Russian SilkRoad has an internal messaging system. The link is located near the upper right corner of the site or the lower right corner of the Russian SilkRoad logo. You can access all the sections and functions of Russian SilkRoad without have to activate javascript support on the Tor browser. Moreover, like other darknet markets designed to be secure, Russian SilkRoad has an automatic session timeout system. Even if you have the site in an active tab on the Tor browser, you will still be timed out if the Tor browser window is not active or if you are not doing any click, scrolling, or other form of interaction with the website for around 10 minutes. This is definitely not a bad thing. At the time we did this review, the site indicated a total of listings in 6 major categories. The categories are neatly arranged, shown persistently on the left side, so you can quickly hop from one category to another without having to go to an index page before you can get to click on another category. The listings are presented in the usual way listings are presented on darknet markets in grid view. Some thumbnails are animated, something that may looking appealing for some but annoying for others. By the way, you can hover your mouse pointer over a listing to see the longer descriptive name of the listing. Russian SilkRoad appears to have no search bar. What we found on the site is just an option to filter the listings shown on the page. There actually is a search function on the site. However, you have to click on the Search link in the menu bar first so you can open the page where the search bar is located. There might be instances when the results returned are forum postings. Russian SilkRoad, just like other darknet markets, has vendor profiles to help buyers in deciding which vendor to choose. These vendor profile pages provide information on when the vendor registered, the last post made by the vendor, number of transactions completed so far, contact details, and review ratings. Obviously, you have to choose a vendor that is active on the site based on the last login detail , a vendor with long experience selling on the site based on the registration date and number of transactions completed , and someone a high feedback rating. Of course, you should not rely entirely in the information provided in the vendor profile pages. It is also recommended heading over to the forums to ask for information and advice about specific vendors from those who have already experienced transacting with them. Russian SilkRoad only supports the use of bitcoins. It has an account wallet where you will have to deposit bitcoins so you can have funds to pay for your purchases. Once the deposit address is displayed, you can start sending bitcoins to have funds in your account. You might end up losing your bitcoins if you use an old deposit address when making a deposit. We will not be presenting a detailed ordering guide here because Russian SilkRoad actually has a very well presented buying guide on its site. Items can be brought through pre-order or Momentalka the usual Buy Now option. These are similar to how it works in the usual online shopping sites. You will have a longer waiting time for items you still have to pre-order. User support on Russian SilkRoad is through a ticket system. Just click on the Support link near the upper right corner of the site so you can proceed to asking your question or requesting for assistance. The site also has an official forum board so make good use of it to gather information and insights that can help you in deciding which vendors or products to choose. Access the Deep Web. Be the first to comment on 'Russian SilkRoad Review'. Leave a comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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