Russian Penis

Russian Penis


Russian Penis

Russian Penis Enlargement Secrets - Myofascial Releasing

MLA Style Citation:

Von Neumann, Georg "Russian Penis Enlargement Secrets - Myofascial Releasing."
Russian Penis Enlargement Secrets - Myofascial Releasing .
11 Dec. 2009
12 Sep. 2022 <­Penis-­Enlargement-­Secrets-­-­-­Myofascial-­Releasing&id=3410773 >.

APA Style Citation:

Von Neumann, G. (2009, December 11). Russian Penis Enlargement Secrets - Myofascial Releasing .
Retrieved September 12, 2022, from­Penis-­Enlargement-­Secrets-­-­-­Myofascial-­Releasing&id=3410773

Chicago Style Citation:

Von Neumann, Georg "Russian Penis Enlargement Secrets - Myofascial Releasing." Russian Penis Enlargement Secrets - Myofascial Releasing .­Penis-­Enlargement-­Secrets-­-­-­Myofascial-­Releasing&id=3410773

Georg Von Neumann  |  

Submitted On December 11, 2009

There are many methods of penis enlargement that are very obscure and unknown to the majority of the men out there. One technique we learned in Russia was Myofascial Releasing for Natural Penis Enlargement.
The tissue that covers muscles is a tough form of connective tissue called myofascia. If you have a raw steak from the butcher, sometimes parts of the meat (this is muscle) is covered by a thin white membrane. This is myofascia. Myofascia helps keep the muscle (as a whole) in a collective shell.
It's not uncommon for people to develop "knots" in the myofascia of muscles. It is very common in the shoulder reasons for instance. Upon careful palpation (feeling) one can feel these knots that have developed. They typically develop due to overstraining, trauma, improper use of the joint affected, and even mental and physical stress. In the areas, such as the shoulder, where they can be felt, there will most oftentimes be pain associated on pressing into these points.
One very important factor with myofascial knotting is that it causes restriction in the joint that is affected (for example: its range of motion) and restricts the ability for the muscle to be elastic and to stretch to its normal length. It literally causes the muscles to tighten up. A good example of this is when one has such knots in their neck muscles. They will realize that they cannot rotate or flex their head to the levels they used to be able to. It has become restricted.
There are many areas in the penis, pelvis, and surrounding muscles that have fascia and myofascial membranes. Over time, by improper masturbation, pulling a pelvic muscle, lack of exercise, and other factors, these fascial membranes will develop similar knots. These knots will cause restrictions in the length and girth of the penis.
One simple method for relieving myofascial knots is to gently work on the with a finger or the head of a pencil eraser, for example. Applying gentle force to them in the specified region gets rid of these knots.
To test this, try feeling at the base of your skull, at the back of your neck. If you press into the areas on either side, typically you will find some of these knots. You can try working them out with your fingers and see the results. They will be sore, but after time you will feel these knots release and might even get rid of that headache.
There are many areas that need to be addressed. One simple area is just above where the penis attaches to the body. You can palpate this area and feel for these types of knots and try addressing them yourself. By releasing these restrictions, you can release more length to the penis.
To learn the important myofascial points that are restricting your penis and how to address these restrictions, read IRON MAN PENIS - The Russian System and start to put the "LARGE" in Penis En-LARGE-Ment.
Dr. von Neumann's articles have appeared on hundreds of web-sites, article-sites, and blogs throughout the Internet. In most cases, his material was "borrowed" by other "authors" promoting their own penis-enlargement books and products without his permission or due credit. However, Dr. von Neumann does not have to "borrow" other people's material and claim he wrote it; as he has spent 20 years in the medical field and actually understands how penis enlargement works. After spending months in the former Soviet Union, he co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM with Igor Krynov, to help men get the most out of their sexual and enlargement potential.
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Average penis size by country: worldwide comparison No other topic on this website has been asked for that often, than the average size of a male genital. This international comparison now gives some basic data about the mean sizes per country. Over all countries the average size of a penis is about 13.58 cm . The longest one is 17.61 cm long and carried by men in Ecuador . The average length in Cambodia is only 10.04 cm , which is about 6.1% of the body height . The average breast sizes are also available at
Average height of men and women worldwide How tall is a human? Heights, weights and BMI for men and women in an international comparison
Average breast size worldwide Bra sizes by country: USA and Norway leading, Germany with C slightly above average
Average age by country Rising average age worldwide: since 1950 alone, more than 4 years. A list by country.

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Average Penis Size: A Global Perspective
It’s been the subject of more jokes, raised eyebrows, and innuendos than any other topic in the world: is there a genetic component to penis size? 
Moreover, if there is such a component, would it be possible to rank the average penis size based on people who share a specific ethnic heritage or nationality?
It turns out, the answer is not only “yes,” but the information is already available. 
Though it often seems like something only discussed on forums and anonymous internet boards, there are plenty of scientists and doctors who’ve done research on penis size. 
After all, with the massive amount of importance we place on sexual health and the many benefits of a healthy sex life, there’s plenty of incentive to pay attention to both male and female genitalia (and how they fit together) 
In this case, researchers put together a detailed study in order to estimate the average penis size of nearly 90 countries around the world. 
However, this was not the only point of the study. 
You see, the researchers also wanted to investigate another age-old stereotype related to height and penis size, which we’ve already discussed at length here.
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To do this, they recorded the average penis length and height of the participants from each country in hopes of seeing a correlation. 
There are 195 countries in the world, as well as two independent states (Palestine and the Vatican). 
Of those 195 countries, the researchers were able to collect the necessary data from 88. 
While this is by no means a comprehensive view, it still provides a remarkable amount of insight into penis size as it relates to local environments, culture, ethnicity, and body height. 
Rather than rely on one specific study, the researchers were able to draw their data from a variety of sources, including BJU International, the Journal of Urology, the Journal of Sexology, and more. 
It’s also worth noting that, whenever possible, sources that relied on “self-reported” measurements were completely discarded. 
This is not only to avoid any “over-estimations,” but because many men tend to measure their penises incorrectly. 
The penises in this study were all measured in the same way: from the top side of the erect penis and from the root of the shaft to the very tip of the glans. 
Though data on the average penis circumference was available in some countries, it was not included for all of them. 
For this reason, it is not included in the chart that accompanies this study. 
Though we’re all perfectly aware of what “big penis” stereotypes are out there, anecdotal evidence simply can’t replace cold, hard (pardon the expression) facts. 
Coming in at number one in both size and percentage of body height is Ecuador. 
According to the sampling dug up by the researchers, the average erect length of an Ecuadorian penis was 6.9 inches. 
Curiously enough, with an average height of 5’4, Ecuadorians also had the highest penis-to-height ratio, which happened to be a solid 10.54%. 
The rest of the Top 10 were as follows:
Not counting Ecuador, which was a major outlier in terms of penis length , the rest of the top countries averaged an erect length of 6.33 inches. 
This was, as we’ve mentioned in other articles, irrespective of height. 
Also, while five of the Top 10 were African nations, the rest were all in Central or South America or the corresponding Caribbean Islands with the exception of the Netherlands. 
In terms of the mid-range countries (numbers 39 to 48, respectively), research turned up the following results: 
Here you can see a nice mix of countries from various parts of the world. 
Most of the countries in the median penis length range are European or – as is the case with Australia – largely European by descent. 
The average erect penis length among all of these countries proved to be 5.66 inches, which is more or less in line with what most medical studies will report for a penile “average.” 
Again, it’s worth noting that all of these countries boasted quite different height averages, further dispelling the theory that a big man always equals a big penis. 
The countries that make up the lower portion of the list were as follows: 
Unlike the other examples on this list, there’s simply no ignoring the fact that every single country on this list is in Asia – nine out of the ten in Southeast Asia. 
The reasons for this are best left to medical professionals, but if I were to take a guess, it would be Asians high soy intake, an estrogenic food that does bad things to a mans hormonal profile.
It should also be noted that not only was the average erect penis length shorter, but so was the average height and the average penis-to-height ratio. 
As far as these countries were concerned, the average penis length was 4.33″.  
Though the above analysis is only a partial review of the information to be gleaned from the study, it is still extremely compelling. 
No doubt, there is far more to be considered here than genetics.
Things like diet, surroundings, natural resources, and other environmental factors likely play a big part in why these countries and regions rate as they do. 
Of course, with this info now widely available, more studies will probably be done in an attempt to explain them. 
As to why Ecuador is so far above the others and why Cambodia is so far behind, that information simply isn’t available yet. 
What is available, however, is reinforced data that height apparently does not affect penis size.
If you really study the data, you’ll find a number of interesting facts. For instance:
For more information, you can view the study yourself here . 
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