Russian Party

Russian Party


Russian Party
Which Language Do You Want to Learn?
Vodka can’t carry this one alone, so you better come prepared with plenty of hearty Russian food too.

Steph is a writer, lindy hopper, and astrologer. She’s also a language enthusiast who grew up bilingual and had an early love affair with books. She has mostly proved herself as a New Yorker, and she can introduce herself in Swedish thanks to Babbel. She also speaks Russian and Spanish, but she’s a little rusty on those fronts.

Steph is a writer, lindy hopper, and astrologer. She’s also a language enthusiast who grew up bilingual and had an early love affair with books. She has mostly proved herself as a New Yorker, and she can introduce herself in Swedish thanks to Babbel. She also speaks Russian and Spanish, but she’s a little rusty on those fronts.

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Do your fantasies come with a healthy serving of pickled things and root vegetables? Is a trip to Russia not in your near future? Perhaps your next mission (and a pretty good consolation prize) is to host a Russian dinner party. A typical spread of Russian food will almost always be excessive in quantity, but it’ll never be more than you can handle (as long as your leftover game is strong). Here’s a menu of quintessential Russian food that’ll have your guests lingering around the table long after you’ve clinked glasses five or six times.
A typical spread of Russian food favors multiplicity: you’re gonna need a little bit of everything. Not to be missed are pickled vegetables, soups, various root vegetable and/or cabbage salads dressed with mayonnaise (seriously, there’s mayonnaise in everything), and bread (you can’t skip the bread — when in doubt, stick with rye). Here are three classic dishes to get you started.
You can’t forget the borscht . In the American imagination, at least, Russian food is synonymous with this colorful beet soup, which can be served hot or cold and with or without meat, depending on your preferences. Be sure to serve it with dill, a dollop of sour cream and dark bread. Here’s a recipe .
It’s basically potato salad, but more Russian, and much more essential to the Russian dinner spread. A typical olivier will include peas, potatoes, carrots, onions, meat, pickles and eggs. Oh, and mayonnaise. What did you think this was? This recipe should do the trick .
I’m hungry —Я голодный. (m) / Я голодная. (f)
Ya golodniy. / Ya golodnaya.
I’m full —Я наелся. (m) / Я наелась. (f)
Ya nayelsa. / Ya nayelas.
You’re welcome — Пожалуйста
Enjoy your meal — Приятного аппетита!
Priyatnogo appetita!
This is delicious! — Это очень вкусно!
Ehto ochen vkusno!


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A Pro-Kremlin Russian political party called for Vladimir Putin's title to change from "president" to an archaic term meaning "ruler," state media reported on Sunday. 
Russia's far-right Liberal Democrat Party (LDPR) made the proposal to call Russia's leader "pravitel" (правитель), the state-owned press service RIA Novosti reported .  
The LDPR is notionally an opposition party in Russia. However, it and other non-ruling parties generally support the agenda of Putin and his allies .
The LDPR argued that "president" is a relatively new term that only came into use in Russia with the fall of the Soviet Union, per RIA. Soviet leaders were generally called chairman or general secretary.
The word "president" "has always embarrassed us," RIA reported the party as saying, adding that globally the term only came into widespread use when George Washington became the first president of the US in 1789.
The party said the term never took root in Russia, they said it can easily be replaced by "pravitel" or "gulava guosodarstva," which literally means "head of state."
"Both are more understandable to the Russian ear," the party wrote.
"Pravitel" has an old-fashioned feel, but is not attached to a particular style of government and is distinct from titles like tsar used by Russia's old royal family. A related term, pravitelstvo, is a modern word for government.
The party first made the proposal in 2020, when Russia made constitutional amendments, according to state-owned press agency TASS .
The LDPR has no power to implement a title change for Putin. The Kremlin, which could make the change, responded in neutral terms.
"It is a new idea. There is no position on this matter," said Putin's top spokesperson Dmitry Peskov on Sunday, according to TASS.
Putin has responded with disinterest in more explicitly imperial suggestions from the LDPR in the past. 
Soon after he launched his assault on Crimea in 2014, LDPR's flamboyant then-leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky called for Russia to describe itself as an "empire" and for its president to be referred to as "supreme leader," as the Associated Press (AP) reported at the time . 
Putin later said that these were Zhirinovsky's views and not those of the government, the AP reported. He praised Zhirinovsky's "patriotic" stances when the MP died in April this year, Reuters reported . 
In June this year, Putin compared himself to Tsar Peter the Great , Russia's first emperor, in justifying his invasion of Ukraine.
He suggested that his actions, like those of the former emperor, were returning ancestral Russian lands to the state — a notion fiercely opposed by Ukraine and rejected by Western allies, the UN, and NATO. 

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To throw a Russia-themed party, sometimes you’ll need just a can of pickles. And sometimes, it turns into a full-fledged feast with carpets hanging from walls and everybody wearing slippers. Give your party an unforgettable Russian feel with our quick tips.

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An appetizer that’s sat proudly occupied Russian tables from around the 13th century, pickled cucumbers are a favorite vodka chaser and are also used in salads, sandwiches, etc. It’s better if you make them yourself but in case of emergency, jarred pickles will do. They should, however, be cucumbers, not cornichons.
Yes, carpets – not your usual IKEA rugs with names that come from the darkest Nordic lore. They should be Russian carpets or at least look like them (hint: they usually have eastern patterns). Throw them on the floor or hang them on the walls as Russians do. The carpets will give your room a cool psychedelic 1960s feel and also make the space warmer. Bonus: guests will be able to crash right on your floor (also a very Russian way to celebrate, see p. 10).
Our best pick would be Gentlemen of Fortune , The Irony of Fate (both of them are winter and New Year-themed), or Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession , a comedy about time travel and Ivan the Terrible. Put them on with subtitles, or even better, with the sound off and your favorite music turned up. These movies are sometimes so surreal your guests hardly understand what’s going on – and that’s the point.
Ever heard the phrase “sleeping in one’s salad?” That’s how Russians describe a particular state of drunkenness. Well, in this example the salad in question is indeed the Olivier salad , or Russian salad, as it’s called abroad. A dish that during the Soviet years came to be associated with winter holidays and the New Year parties. Easy to prepare, tasty, and so nutritious that there’s always some of it left. But it’s not the only Russian party salad – click for more of them .
Yes, taking off your shoes and putting on slippers is one of the most Asian habits Russians strictly observe among other rules and habits that you have to be aware of when visiting a Russian home. Well, it does have its advantages: you’ll have to do considerably less cleaning afterward; also, the slippers give any house party a cozy intimate feeling.
During Soviet times, there was no other way. People sought and procured rare delicacies , prepared food well before the feast, created intricate ways of serving… And for the guests, the best sign of hospitality was the fact that the hosts had prepared all the food themselves. No takeaways, convenience foods, or anything like this! Sometimes, such preparations would take two or three days and several shifts in the kitchen. But the freshly made food is worth it and will ensure your guests will remember the party for a long time.
Going a level up from the previous paragraph, for your table to be 100 percent Russian, have at least three changes that go like this. Upon arrival, treat the guests to salads, assorted meat and cheese, cold appetizers, and sparkling wine. Second, serve the hot courses like grilled meat, beef stew, fried chicken or fish, and hard liquor... The third change should be dessert – a famous Russian cakes , perhaps, and by all means, tea (not coffee!) . And if you think that’s a wrap, think again – tea can sober guests up… so get ready for the real drinking to start after pudding .  
Half-cut Russians always want to share the love, so at about 1 am it’s time to spread the good vibes. For Russians, it’s normal to call up friends during the holiday evenings and, if they’re also in high spirits they’ll be up for coming over or meeting somewhere in the neighborhood. If things really kick off you might need to think about hangover remedies for the morning .
Russians often do everything at once at the last moment. Imagine preparing all food by yourself, buying holiday gifts, and cleaning up the apartment all at the same time, while continually talking on the phone with your friends and relatives – well, that’s the usual New Year’s Eve for a typical Russian woman. The great part is that by 10 pm, the food is ready and the apartment is shiny and clean – often because the guests who came at 8 pm lent a hand in the cleaning and cooking. But that’s also what ties Russians together on holidays!
It’s your day off, and maybe one of the few real days off, without taking the kids to the sports club or driving your other half to the shopping mall… So could a few shots in the morning ruin the day? Well, by 2 pm it turns out they could, but now, you don’t even care. You remember that in the morning your darling asked you to take out the kids and bring back the garbage can from its aunt, woah, wait, was that yesterday? Have the guests already left? Oh, they are not here yet… Anyway, by the evening, your good vibes and jolly behavior would surely outweigh the inconveniences that these six (eight?) shots of single malt have brought… And if you’re trying this at home, remember it’s for hardcore people only.

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