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Home Breaking What Peter the great executed his mistress Mary Hamilton

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History 09/03/20 that Peter the great executed his mistress Mary Hamilton
we in Russia also had their own lady Hamilton. And the renowned Emma Hamilton, mistress of Admiral Nelson, she was a rare beauty, she also was surrounded by men who can safely be called history, and finally, the Russian lady Hamilton as the English is not very lucky in life. But the similarities end there.
Mary Hamilton lived a century before its English odnofamilitsa. She came from a Scottish Russified kind of, settled in Russia in the times of Ivan the terrible. Her father was Willem Hamilton, related to the Artamon Matveev-the tutor Natalia Naryshkina, mother of Peter the Great. However, officials of the Scottish surname “Hamilton” wrote in Russian style “Gamont”, “Gamenow”. So our heroine according to documents passes as Maria Danilovna Hamintov.
From a good family, a close relative of the mother of the Emperor, and even a rare beauty, no wonder that at the age of 15 or 16 years Mary was at court as a lady-in-waiting “her Imperial Majesty Catherine,”.
And it is not surprising that beautiful, clever, cheerful Maria soon found himself the autocrat.
Peter was a great lover of female. On the evidence of his contemporaries, he led even a “bed registry”, which included their ‘official’ metrics. His wife Ekaterina Alekseevna was looking at pranks wife through his fingers. She knew that her position as Empress is quite shaky. The Livonian peasant, “portova”, so that there is denoted a wench, soaring to the pinnacle of power in the Russian Empire at the whim of his wife crowned on the same whim could at any moment be there where you came from. And so she was not satisfied with the spouse of a scene and “mesok” even full tilt, giving them gifts and court positions. So Mary Hamilton was the first chamber-maid of honor.
However, the interests of the Emperor did not last long. After all his amorous adventures he has always returned to the “dear friend Katya”. So it was with Mary. However, she did not stay long, and soon tied a whirlwind romance with the king’s servant Ivan Orlov.
the Imperial couple in 1716, the year he went abroad, Mary Hamilton and Ivan Orlov was among the retinue. As they say, during this journey, the eagles lost interest in Mary. To return to the feelings of the beloved, Mary was… to steal his money and valuables of the Empress. But it did not help: the lovers often quarrel, even the eagles fought Mary.
But stealing from the king’s chambers were not the most terrible crime of Mary. She became pregnant three times and three times got rid of the children. Twice she etched the fruit of some potion, and gave birth to a third child and personally strangled. However, all of this from time to time managed to keep secret.
the King of old memory, as they say in the yard, sometimes walked to his “matreshka” of Scottish descent, but Mary is unlikely to be very happy. Subsequent events show that his Ivan she really loved in earnest.
it All came out, as it happens, quite by accident. Peter lost a document, in anger, summoned the Batman. He does not understand, in what business, flopped on his knees, and laid out all he knows about the tricks of his mistress.
Mary immediately transmitted under arrest, and began a search, that is, in modern parlance “the investigative actions”.
Wanted in those days no torture was never carried out. Even if a person voluntarily confessed everything, he still tortured because it was believed that without the buck and the stick of truth is not achieved. Tortured and Mary. She confessed in theft, and infanticide, but stood firm on what the eagles do with it, stole from the Queen and get rid children it without his knowledge.
the Emperor said, “Marya, the girl Gamintoju” execution by beheading. She asked for both Queen and wife of the Emperor, and the Dowager Queen Praskovya (wife of Ivan V, brother and co-ruler of Peter I), but Peter was adamant. Historians believe the reason for this severity the fact that shortly before the Emperor issued a decree, according to which “wrong children” (i.e. born out of wedlock) do not infringe the rights, as they had always done until now. On the contrary, was organized by the hospitals where the unlucky girls could give birth in secret under the supervision of experienced midwives and to leave the child in orphanage. Thus, Peter cared about new recruits, new employees, today said that the demographic situation. But there is another version: one of the destroyed Maria children could be from Peter himself.
whatever it was, but on March 14, 1719, Mary was beheaded at Trinity square in Moscow.
She appeared in a white dress decorated with black ribbons, and was so graceful and touching, as Peter came forward, gave her hand and helped to ascend the scaffold. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, a crowd waited in the hope of the Royal mercy. Peter something softly said to Mary, even, as they say, hugged her, and then… pushed to the executioner.
When the execution was accomplished, Peter took the head of Mary, kissed her on the lips, and then began to tell nearby people about the anatomical composition of the human neck, showing the artery and the vertebrae of the unfortunate Hamilton. After completing his creepy lecture, Peter again kissed the dead lips, threw his head to the ground and left.
it is said that the head of Mary Hamilton was preserved in alcohol and has long been kept in the Kunstkamera. But this seems no more than a legend.
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Simon Sebag Montefiore – The Romanovs p.421
John Van der Kiste – Alfred: Queen Victoria’s Second Son
Queen Victoria in her Letters and Journals p.232
Queen Victoria in her Letters and Journals p.236
Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna was born on 17 October 1853 as the daughter of Emperor Alexander II of Russia and his first wife, Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, who was known as Princess Marie of Hesse and by Rhine. At the time of her birth, her father was still the heir apparent. She was one of eight siblings, though her eldest sister Alexandra did not survive to adulthood. Maria herself almost did not survive to adulthood either as she nearly died of a throat disease at the age of 7.
Maria grew up in the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, Peterhof and the Catherine and Alexander Palaces. She had her own small house on the children’s island in the park of the Alexander Palace. Maria and her two younger brothers Sergei and Paul also often went along with their mother to Germany and the south of Europe. She was known to be quite a tomboy. Maria learned to speak Russian, English, German and French.
In 1868 – while visiting family – Maria met Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, who was Queen Victoria’s second son who was visiting his sister Princess Alice. She was married to Prince Louis of Hesse, Maria’s first cousin. Their first meeting would be brief as Alfred’s naval career took him around the world the following two years. They met again at Heiligenberg in the summer of 1871. They soon learned that they had a lot in common and wished to marry. However, her parents were initially against the match. Maria’s father was very attached to her and suggested a waiting period of at least one year. Queen Victoria was also against the match as no British Prince had ever married a Romanov. Nevertheless, after a delay, negotiations resumed in January 1873, even though Maria was presented with several other suitors in the meantime. On 29 June 1873, her father wrote, “God give her happiness. After a tete-a-tete with Prince Alfred, she came to ask me to bless them. I did, but with a very heavy heart, I confess.” 1
On 11 July 1873, Alfred officially asked for Maria’s hand in marriage, and she accepted his proposal. He sent a telegram to Queen Victoria, “Marie and I were engaged this morning. Cannot say how happy I am. Hope your blessing rests on us.” 2 She later wrote to her eldest daughter, “Affie and Marie seem very happy, and I pray she may continue so, for she really seems a very sweet girl, who marries him entirely for his sake (!!) – I wonder – but never mind that. She has written me such a pretty letter in English, of which I will send you a copy another day. Difficulties there will be and delays and troubles, but if she is so amiable and dear, much will be got over. 3
Alexander wasn’t about to just let his daughter go. He granted her the grand sum of £100,000 as a dowry, plus an annual allowance of £32,000. She also received some very fine jewellery, including items that had belonged to Catherine the Great. As a wedding present, he had a complete parure of diamonds and rubies made for her. He also made Alfred an honorary chief of a Russian Guards regiment and named a Russian battleship after him.  
On 4 January 1874, Alfred arrived in St Petersburg for the wedding as it was a custom for Russian Grand Duchesses to marry in Russia. On 23 January, the wedding was held at the Grand Chruch at the Winter Palace. Queen Victoria was represented by her son and daughter-in-law, the Prince and Princess of Wales. Her eldest daughter Victoria and her husband, the German Crown Prince, were also there. An Orthodox service was performed first, and Maria wore a coronet, a mantle of crimson velvet trimmed with ermine and a sprig of myrtle, which had been sent by Queen Victoria. In the Alexander Hall, the Dean of Westminster married Alfred and Maria according to the rites of the Church of England. Even though she was not there, Queen Victoria toasted the newlyweds while she wore the Order of St Catherine.
The wedding night was spent at the Alexander Palace, and they had a short honeymoon in Tsarkoe Selo. The moment Maria’s father had been dreading, had now come. The young couple went to live in England, even though he kept their honeymoon suite intact, hoping they would return. On 7 March 1874, Queen Victoria prepared to receive her new daughter-in-law. Two days later, she wrote to her eldest daughter, “And now about Marie. She is dear, and most pleasingly natural, unaffected and civil; very sensible and frank and unaffected not pretty (excepting fraîcheur) and not at all graceful. At first in her white bonnet, I thought her prettier than I expected, but without it – and since – I think her less pretty even than I expected. The chin is so short and runs into the throat, and the neck and waist are too long for the dear little child’s face though the bust is very pretty, and then she holds herself badly and walks badly. She is, however, quite at ease with me, and we get on very well – and she is very sensible. She is not a bit afraid of Affie, and I hope she will have the very best influence upon him.” 4
Marie-Auguste of Anhalt – The Princess who adopted adults
Program of the reburial of Queen Mother Helen of Romania
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