Russian Mistress Inga

Russian Mistress Inga


Russian Mistress Inga
Inga Ley was born on March 8, 1916 as Inga Ursula Spilcker in Wroclaw, Poland (at the time the German city of Breslau). Inga was the daughter of the opera and concert singer Max Spilcker and his wife Lory “Lore” Franzisker Spilcker, born Kotz, who was also an opera singer.
Inga and her younger sister Gittli were given voice training lessons by their parents. In 1935, Inga, with her fine mezzo soprano voice, was performing at the Friedrichstadt-Palast, Berlin when she met her future husband Robert Ley for the first time.
The young Inga, who had grown up to extraordinary beauty, was courted by him, presented with flowers after the performances, and finally invited by him to receptions and travels. At such a reception in 1936 Inga was introduced to Hitler, who was also impressed by the beautiful singer.
In 1936 she took part in a trip to Italy with Robert Ley, in 1937 on a Baltic Sea voyage with one of the KdF ships, and ” word spread around” about Inga and Robert Ley afterwards. Inga, a rather restrained young woman, returned the love of this 26-year older and powerful man in the party hierarchy, and apparently both began planning for a common future at least since 1937. They were married a year later on 20 August 1938.
 NSDAP Reichsleiter Dr. Robert Ley was the leader of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front). It was Robert Ley’s second marriage. He was 26 years older than Inga at the time and the marriage was not a happy one. The honeymoon took place on the KDF (Kraft Durch Freude, Strength Through Joy) ship “Robert Ley”. Hitler was also there with other High ranking Nazi figures.
She was very much admired by Hitler and often took refuge from her husband’s heavy drinking by staying at Hitler’s mountain retreat in the Obersalzberg.
There were three children born from the marriage: Lore (born October 25, 1938), Wolf (born May 14, 1940) and Gloria (born June 27, 1941) The Leys first lived in their villa in Berlin, Herthastraße 13/15. Adolf Hitler was a frequent visitor, sometimes visiting them twice a week. On January 1 1936 Robert Ley bought a large country estate, which included a farm, in Gut Rottland which is located in Waldbröl near Gummersbach. In 1940 Ley received from Adolf Hitler a monetary gift worth one million Reichsmarks, which he used to finance the farm. Inga liked to stay in Gut Rottland to get away from the hectic daily routine in Berlin. However Berlin remained the centre of her life as it was where her husband worked and where her friends were. The staff was expanded to include a nanny and a nurse. Like her parents, Inga had a hospitable house; Artists and political celebrities came to visit. Adolf Hitler was one of the regular guests of the Leys, sometimes he came twice a week.
Between 1938 and 1942, we often found the Leys to be welcome guests at various receptions and events, and it was always Inga Ley who drew admiring glances from the participants. Her husband enjoyed the brilliance that Inga spread, all the more as some rays fell back on him. The luck would have been perfect if Inga had not suffered from a health handicap.
Every since Inga graduated from the High School, Inga had been plagued with recurring bile colic (gallbladder attacks). Her condition was further affected by the fact that she had to undergo an appendectomy during her pregnancy with Lore. As Robert Ley reported in his Nuremberg Interviews: the bile colic, began then and continued from then on even more often. To combat the pain, the doctors used morphine, of which Inga became dependent over the years.
Under the pseudonym Inga Hansen, in Januari 1941 Inga Ley wrote a children’s book – Es War Einmal, kleine Märchen für kleine Leute – (Once Upon a Time, Little Fairy Tales for Little People). She illustrated the book herself. The neat little and very rare book was red linen bound (with title embossed in gold) and was reissued again in 1943 in two gold embossed different colors (green end red) (the illustrations and versions from this book can be found in photo album 3)
In March 1941, when she was five months pregnant, Inga suffered a bad accident while riding in her carriage near Waldbröl. While riding near the “Brölbähnchen” railway line a whistle from an approaching train startled the horses. Inga was thrown out of the carriage and suffered a miscarriage. She was immediately flown to a hospital in Berlin. The baby survived the accident unscathed and was born prematurely three months later on June 27 1941. To celebrate the German forces early victories in Russia (Operation Barbarossa) the baby was named Gloria. While in hospital Inga was given morphine for pain relief which she was soon to become dependent on for the remainder of her short life.
Worried about the allied bombing raids on Berlin, Inga moved permantly to Gut Rottland at the end of 1941. After living a cultured life in Berlin, Inga found living on a farm away from her husband to be quite a challenge. She was not accepted by the estate’s administrative staff and missed her husband who spent most of his time in Berlin. She continued to seek refuge in morphine came addicted and in May 1942 she was admitted to a sanatorium in San Remo for treatment. The treatment was unsuccessful and in August and October 1942 she was in another sanatorium, this time in Berlin. Her state of mind was badly damaged and she was suffering from severe cramps.
In the last days of 1942, Inga left Berlin and returned to Gut Rottland. There were many Poles, Ukrainians and Russian prisoners of war working on the farm so handguns were issued to protect Inga and her staff from possible attacks. Robert Ley was at Gut Rottland in December that same year and was under orders to reported to the Führer headquarters, Wolfsschanze before the end of the year. Those last days at Gut Rottland were later described by witnesses as not very harmonious. Inga Ley’s depressive mood, coupled by the bad military situation in Russia (Stalingrad) made Robert Ley nervous and irritable.
Ley planned to leave Gut Rottland with Otto Marrenbach for the Führer headquarters on December 29 at 6 o’clock in the evening. According to Robert Ley’s private secretary, Hildegard Brüninghoff, while they were waiting downstairs for the company car, Inga Ley went up to her bedroom on the first floor and shot herself. Ley and Marrenbach ran to the upper floor and tried to open the locked bedroom door. After forcing the door open they found Inga laying across her bed with a single shot to the forehead. She had committed suicide. She was driven to it by loneliness, her dependency on pain killing drugs following complications during childbirth and her husband’s upcoming departure. She was 26 years old when she died. She was buried in the oak grove (see the Ahnenhain auf Rottland photo album) adjacent to her home in Gut Rottland. (Robert Ley ordered that Inga’s parents (Max Spilcker and his wife Lore) be granted custody of their three children. A farewell letter was found which proved that Inga had been planning suicide for some time. Her husband’s upcoming departure was the trigger that brought it on.
Adolf Hitler was deeply moved when he heard of the death of Inga Ley. He wrote her mother a letter of condolence which is very revealing and gives an insight into his state of mind.
As for Robert Ley, he increasingly devoted his time to “womanising and heavy drinking.” A few months after his wife’s death, in March 1943, he took a mistress. Ley did not marry his mistress because he was afraid of ridicule as she was 18 years old and he was 54 at the time. This, however, did not prevent her from bearing him a child, which was delivered in September 1944.
Reichsleiter der NSDAP und Leiter der Deutschen Arbeitsfront mit Anhang und Frauen bei einer winterlichen Sportvorführung. 1939
Eröffnung des Raimundtheaters INGA LEY
Berliner Volkszeitung 11.09.1942 Abendausgabe
Auslandsgäste auf dem Flaggschiff der KdF.-Flotte _Robert Ley_. 21-7-1939

The article has been automatically translated into English by Google Translate from Russian and has not been edited.
A divorce from a millionaire husband in the United States is often very profitable. But you can also get a big jackpot from your lover if he turns away. For what? For the time, strength, energy given! According to the interpretations of American law, the “concept of contract law” can be applied to the relationship between lovers.
This is confirmed by the high-profile lawsuits that broke out in their time in New York. It cannot be said about such stories that they are outdated - someone else's experience always remains an experience from which a lesson can be learned.
Engagement ring - bone of contention
Heroines of love and court stories, which tells Aif grew up in the USSR. And in the Soviet state, as you know, former lovers to pay each other a money bill and demand that it be paid for with the help of justice was not accepted.
Can a cheating bride be punished in court? In the USA you can! No, of course, there is no paragraph in overseas legislation that would prescribe to put traitors in prison or, moreover, on the electric chair. But the groom can, with the help of lawyers and judges, “fine” the unfaithful bride: take away the gift - as a rule, this is the ring that he presented to her on the occasion of the engagement. By the way, the law does not distinguish between the sexes: if the bride made a gift and she wants to get it back, then the groom must return it too.
It was under the gun of the law that Ines Misan, a beauty from Latvia, turned out to be. And she had to part with the ring for 289 thousand dollars, which was given to her by American millionaire John Lattanzio. As the magazine "New York" told, at the dawn of her youth, Ines, having moved from her native Latvia to Moscow, performed in Laima Vaikule's group, and spent her leisure time in the company of regulars who visited nightclubs that had just opened in Moscow.
After moving to the States, Ines played an episode in the movie “Inside the Gold Mine”, worked as a fashion model and was always surrounded by venerable admirers, many of whom gave her not only love, but also more material things - check books, credit cards, jewelry, clothes. Her retinue at various times included Anthony Guccione (son of Bob Guccione, founder of Penthouse magazine), actors Armand Assante (Odysseus in the film of the same name by Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky) and Val Kilmer (Jim Morrison in Oliver Stone's film about the Doors and Batman in "Batman Forever"), as well as a certain number of lesser-known, but very wealthy persons.
She was married twice - once in Latvia, the second in the States, and in 1996, when the divorced financier John Lattanzio joined the string of suitors, it was as if she had gathered for him the third time. Or maybe she didn't. Be that as it may, the financier spent about three million dollars on it: paying bills on credit cards, jewelry from Tiffany, Mercedes. Three million is an impressive amount, but it probably still did not make a fatal hole in the budget of such a large exchange player as Lattanzio: in 1993 alone, he earned, according to experts, from 12 to 15 million dollars and was included by the magazine "Financial World" in the list of XNUMX most successful American financiers. (Topping the list is George Soros.)
So he was rich, she loved pleasure. Their romance raged wildly from acquaintance to a break after a financier in love heard on a friend's answering machine a message left by another man who convinced him: he, Lattansio, is not the only one with Ines.
Shortly after the final quarrel, Lattanzio's lawyer sent Ines an official letter demanding the return of one of the gifts - a diamond ring in a platinum setting. This ring, the letter said, was presented to her on the occasion of her engagement. Ines refused to return the ring, but said that she agreed to sell it to her former lover. Then Lattanzio and filed a lawsuit. The list of jewelry required back has increased - one more ring (according to other sources, two more rings), a diamond necklace, another diamond ring and a crocodile leather handbag have been added to it. All these jewelry, according to the angry millionaire, were presented to them by his beloved in honor of the fact that she agreed to his marriage proposal.
The court machine started spinning, Ines hired a lawyer. The decisive factor in this case was whether the millionaire really proposed to her and she accepted it. If so, the gifts should have been returned. As is often the case with lawsuits involving the rich and famous, in parallel to the formal trial, New York reporters were conducting their own inquiries. Ines firmly bent her line. “There was no marriage proposal, and we were never engaged,” she told the New York Post. The ring for 289 thousand, which the financier initially demanded, according to her, he gave her in honor of reconciliation after a long quarrel, and not at all on the occasion of the engagement.
The matter ended with the fact that the ill-fated ring - the most expensive of the gifts - Ines had to be returned. However, all the other jewelry that the former lover tried to chop off remained with her. And thanks for that.
Today, Inga Rubinstein is rich and famous, she has everything that you can wish for: a successful husband (Keith Rubinstein Somerset partners ), a multi-million dollar mansion on the Upper East Side, jets, grand parties, an impressive collection of art objects, influential friends and other attributes of a fabulously rich life. But when the 19-year-old girl from St. Petersburg had just arrived in New York, she had to stand up for herself.
According to the interpretations of American law, the “concept of contract law” can be applied to the relationship between lovers. If a man breaks an unwritten contract, then the woman has a certain chance of winning the case. By the way, all this also applies to lovers from same-sex couples.
It is likely that this explains the success of Inga Banasevich in a judicial battle against her former lover - 40 years older than her - Orhan Sadik Khan. Sadiq Khan worked in high positions in a large American corporation. He met Inga in 1990, when she, an aspiring 19-year-old fashion model from the USSR, had just arrived in the States.
As stated in the lawsuit, which eight years later, on the ruins of a long and hot romance, Inga filed a lawsuit against his married lover, he talked about divorce, promised that he would financially provide it for the rest of her life, and she believed, refused all career ambitions. Her schedule was built so that she could come before the eyes of Sadiq Khan at his first request. What kind of work here! And now he took another in toys and struck Inga out of his life and his wallet. In particular, he stopped paying for renting an apartment, which he rented for her in one of the expensive Manhattan houses.
Sadik Khan was accused of other sins: for example, that he promised Inge a million dollars if she gave birth to a child, but when she got pregnant (and this happened twice), she forced her to have abortions. Inga Banasevich estimated the moral damage inflicted on her at three and a half million.
An abandoned mistress, lawyer Marna Tucker said, could only win compensation for “breach of contract” by proving that her “contractual obligations” to her lover were not limited to sex. That she, for example, "decorated his house, cooked for him, or entertained his companions." For a purely bed relationship, the payment will not be awarded: sex for money in the States is illegal! But as it is clear from the testimony of Inga herself, the Washington Post summed up maliciously, her only obligation in relation to Sadiq Khan was to “put herself at his disposal for sex whenever he wanted”.
And yet, the skeptics were put to shame! Just a week after Inga filed a lawsuit and the newspapers spread news about it, Sadik Khan, without waiting for the hearing of the case, paid her compensation (how much was not disclosed). It is quite possible that the father of adult children was frightened by the public shaking up of dirty linen, which would inevitably drag on as long as the trial itself. After all, even one week was enough for journalists to trumpet the whole country about Sadik Khan's sexual addictions: he, according to Inga, loved to have sex with her on his wife's bed, asked her to bring women for group entertainment, and elicited details of her sexual contacts with others men, could take possession of her while she was sleeping ... and so on.
Summing up, let's say: the restless life of American men today. By the way, “contract law” in the sphere of love relationships is a two-edged blade: not only a woman can demand “alimony” from her lover. A man with a mistress - too. But we haven’t heard of this yet. That would be curious! However, intuition tells us: in the US, this is not far off.
The Russian fashion model Natalya Khodaeva took advantage of the American law - for the benefit of her illegitimate daughter, who, as it turned out from the results of DNA analysis, was born thanks to the American millionaire Jack Rosen. In 1991, an American cosmetics company (owned by Rosen) announced that it would look for a beauty queen in the Soviet expanse. Some time later, after Rosen sang praises to Russian beauties, he met in New York and appreciated one of them - the fashion model Natalia Khodaeva.
And some time later, he had to evaluate her dexterity and sharpness. He turned out to be the target of the paternity claim of the one-year-old baby, daughter Hodaeva. Rosen, the married father of two adult sons, behaved with the determination of a man who intends to fight back to the last.
This is the way American justice works, that even the rich and all-powerful with all their lawyers cannot escape responsibility for the illegitimate offspring!
Despite the fact that the model was officially married during the affair with Rosen and the millionaire's lawyer, of course, tried to play on this circumstance, after several DNA tests, the court ruled: the father is Rosen.
However, the story never made it to the end. In 1999, the media reported a hearing on alimony for Khodaeva's daughter should take place in a few years. After that, there was no news about the fashion model and the tycoon. Either “several years” have not passed yet, or the alimony was agreed amicably and no reports about it were leaked to the press.
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If the tabloids and the divorce lawyers are to be believed, mistresses (and male consorts) have become as integral a part of Manhattan's dizzying bull-market affluence as $300,000 Lamborghinis, $1,000 bottles of wine and $28,000 Hermes crocodile leather purses. Indeed, one Wall Street hedge-fund trader recently demanded in court, at the end of an affair, that his mistress give back a $28,000 Hermes purse. She refused.

As prominent New York divorce lawyer Raoul Felder explains, "Mistresses are a direct function of the economy. There is no question about it. I can tell you how the economy is doing by how many mistresses come into my office looking for justice. I don'
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