Russian Kolej Film

Russian Kolej Film


Russian Kolej Film
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Vollständig unterstützt English (United States) Teilweise unterstützt Français (Canada) Français (France) Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México)
2018 2018 Not Rated Not Rated 1 Std. 7 Min.
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exciting topic, but quiet boring...
The topic is very interesting to me. However the documentary has been full of completely off the topic scenes.. Like how the bath club needed a snow blower, that the Swede found a new partner or that the company owns a Yacht and used to pay people's vacation .. The document is unfortunately very dry and undynamic.. Unfortunately much of the time is lost due to the simultanous interpreting. The stories does give a small picture about the problems, but is it not very well puzzled in..
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Vollständig unterstützt English (United States) Teilweise unterstützt Français (Canada) Français (France) Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México)
Die Ereignisse des umstrittenen Romans "Lolita" von Wladimir Nabokow greifen im heutigen Russland wieder auf. Die Ereignisse des umstrittenen Romans "Lolita" von Wladimir Nabokow greifen im heutigen Russland wieder auf. Die Ereignisse des umstrittenen Romans "Lolita" von Wladimir Nabokow greifen im heutigen Russland wieder auf.
This movie is a very loose adaptation of the novel "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. The main connection is that a writer is renting a room at a single mother and her teen daughter and the writer starts an affair with the daughter.
While goofing off with her friends Alisa keeps looking to the rights, apparently looking for the directors directions.
The opening credits mention the source material and the writer as "based on the motifs from a scandalous novel by a famous Russian writer".
Seit umschlungen, Millionen, WaltzNr. 443 (uncredited) written by Johann Strauss (played when Olga is showing Gennadij the house)
Basically a Russian porno parody of a great novel
In 1957 Vladimir Nabokov wrote "Lolita", which is now regarded by many as the second greatest English-language novel of the 20th century (after "The Great Gatsby"). But Nabokov was also Russian emigrant, who was a very well-regarded novelist in his own country and his own language before he was chased out of Russia by the Communists and out of Europe by the Nazis. English-language filmmakers have struggled to adapt his brilliant but controversial novel over the years. The great Stanley Kubrick was not entirely successful, and the hack Adrian Lyne probably shouldn't have tried. So it seems encouraging that Russia might attempt to reclaim a native son and one of the great Russian authors by doing their own adaptation of "Lolita". This movie unfortunately though is pretty much a travesty. I have to cast around to find anything good to say about this. It does put back in the sex that the earlier adaptations were (understandably) quite coy and circumspect about, but the problem is it takes out pretty much everything else and turns the whole thing into basically a softcore porn film. The whole narrative of the book is largely dispensed with so that it is reduced to just a ridiculous sex fantasy about a male lodger who comes to room with a widow and her young daughter and has a whole lot of sex with both of them. The end. Before anyone gets too worked up though, the young "Lolita" in this version (called "Alice" here) is not the 12-year-old girl in the novel or even the more mature 15-year-old actresses that played the part in the two movies (Sue Lyon and Dominique Swain). The actress here, Valeria Nemchenko, when she loses her pig tails and baby-doll dresses, is obviously about 20, so this is not so much unwholesome as it is just, boring and pointless. Yeah, Nemchenko is quite attractive, and most males probably won't mind watching her have sex, but she literally does so for at least 30 minutes of the running time. There are also some graphic sex scenes with the mother, Olga (Marina Zasimova), who unfortunately looks a lot more like Shelley Winters (from the Kubrick movie) than Melanie Griffith (from the Lyne). And suffice, it to say that, like with most softcore porn, once the sex scenes start they just don't stop right up until the ending, which is both unbelievable and unbelievably stupid. This is pretty much just a porno parody of the great novel.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Thailand Box Office, February 23-26, 2006 , Box Office Mojo .

^ Kuipers, Richard. March 3, 2006. Dorm , Variety , retrieved November 30, 2006.

^ Dorm (Dek Hor) Review Archived 2006-12-31 at the Wayback Machine ,, April 19, 2006 (retrieved November 30, 2006.)

^ Berlinale Generation Kplus: The Crystal Bears and the Prizes of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk , Berlin Film Festival, 2007-02-17.

^ Fajr filmfest announces Intl. Section winners Archived May 24, 2011, at the Wayback Machine ,, 2007-02-11

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Thai Film Awards this year Archived 2007-05-24 at the Wayback Machine ,, 2007-02-28.

Dek hor ( Thai : เด็กหอ , also Dorm or My School ) is a 2006 Thai horror - drama film .

In Thailand, young Ton Chatree (Trairat) is sent to a boarding school by his father to get good grades and does not tell his mother about his father having an affair. Once in the school, Ton feels like an outcast and misses his family and friends. His new schoolmates tell ghost stories about a boy who died in the school swimming pool and a young pregnant woman who committed suicide. The stories frighten him, thereby exacerbating Ton's difficulties adjusting to the school. However, Ton becomes close friends with another lonely boy, Vichien (Chienthaworn), who Ton later discovers is the boy who drowned, and his death repeats every night. Ton finds a way to help his friend rest in peace.

At the same time, Ms. Pranee (Sukapatana), the school administrator, is deeply troubled by Vichien's death because she believes incorrectly that Vichien committed suicide and that it was partly her fault. At the end of the movie, Ton tells Pranee the truth, that Vichien's death was an accident and that Pranee should not blame herself.

The film was screened at the 2006 Bangkok International Film Festival . It opened in wide release in Thailand on February 23, 2006, and was the No. 1 film that weekend, earning nearly US$544,000. [1] The film has had theatrical releases in Singapore and Malaysia and at other film festivals, including the Pusan International Film Festival .

It received praise from critics for the performances of the child actors and Chintara Sukapatana, as well as for its color-drained photography and the production design of the old boarding school. [2] [3]

The film was co-written and directed by Songyos Sugmakanan , one of the six directors of the 2003 hit Thai film Fan Chan , which also starred Charlie Trairat . The film was critically acclaimed in Thailand, where it won more honors than any other film, including best picture from the Bangkok Critics Assembly .

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Roy i Jessie - młode amerykańskie małżeństwo - zdecydowali się na powrót z Chin do Rosji słynną transsyberyjską koleją. Na trasie z Pekinu do Moskwy poznają inną parę - Abby i jej chłopaka Carlosa, z którymi szybko zaprzyjaźniają się i razem spędzają czas podczas długiej podróży. Wkrótce jednak Abby i Carlos okazują się być zupełnie kimś innym niż ludźmi, za których podawali się na początku...
Ależ ten film mnie zaskoczył! Spodziewałem się jakiegoś sztampowego dramatu, a tu z każdą minutą sytuacja coraz bardziej się gmatwała. Fajne zdjęcia, niezła gra aktorska, no i świetny scenariusz.
Niesamowity klimat dusznego pociągu, syberyjskiej bezkresnej dziczy, ale też strachu. Świetnie zagrany film z dobrymi zdjęciami.
Nie odczułem tego klimatu, a fabuła wydała mi się naiwna.Dla mnie to jeden ze słabszych filmów tegorocznego tygodnia filmów hiszpańskich i dziwi mnie nominacja do nagrody Saturna w kategorii najlepszego filmu zagranicznego (ale gust amerykańskiej publiczności może być inny od mojego). Niemniej doceniam dobrą grę aktorską i dobre zdjęcia.
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