Russian Defence Ministry's briefing on military-chemical activities of the United States and Ukraine

Russian Defence Ministry's briefing on military-chemical activities of the United States and Ukraine


The Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse military-chemical activities of the United States, one direction of which is global control of the biological situation and its management in line with the U.S. interests. To achieve these goals, the United States is forming additional administrative and technical bodies, and the U.S. strategic planning documents identify biological risk management as a vital U.S. priority.

Creating an appropriate technical and legal framework enables the U.S. administration to build up its capabilities in different regions of the world, with Ukraine being the most prominent example of military biological "colonisation."

The documents obtained during the special military operation show that the reform of the Ukrainian health-care system initiated by the United States, which created conditions for the implementation of military biological programs, was carried out with numerous violations of the law and contrary to the opinion of the relevant agencies.

Consider the address by the head of the health committee of the Verkhovna Rada to Prime Minister Groisman of Ukraine on December 26, 2018. It speaks of centralising the scientific institutions of the health-care system, which would facilitate their control by the US. The document notes that "...the Ukrainian Security Service, the Ukrainian Biosafety Association, and the health-care professional union consider reorganization measures to be inappropriate...."

We also draw your attention to the Mechnikov Institute's address to the Verkhovna Rada, dated October 10, 2018. I would like to remind you that the institute is a relevant institution in the field of biosafety and that it stores a national collection of pathogenic microorganisms. It noted that the QUOTE " Ukraine there are uncoordinated activities that may result in the total or partial loss of an effective biological risk-control system... As a result, this could have a negative impact on Ukraine's compliance with its obligations under international non-proliferation regimes - the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, and the multilateral export control regime of the Australia Group...." END QUOTE.

Reform of the system occurred during the tenure of the Ukrainian Minister of Health, Ulyana Suproon, and the reorganisation commission was composed of Irina Demchishina, who appeared repeatedly in the documents of the Pentagon's contractual organizations, Black and Veatch, and Metabiota. It was their actions that enabled the American administration to conduct dual-use research on Ukrainian territory.

During the special military operation, documents of the General Directorate of Investigation of the Ukrainian Security Service were acquired confirming the interest of the Kiev regime in continuing to work with weapons of mass destruction.

In October 2023, the Ukrainian Security Service sent a request to the National Academy of Sciences concerning the possibilities for subordinate organizations to conduct research on samples of chemical, radiological, biological, and nuclear weapons and their traces of use.

Consider the response letter, in which the Academy of Sciences confirms the conduct of dual-use research within the framework of the 2005 agreement between the U.S. Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health on cooperation to prevent the spread of technologies, pathogens, and information that can be used to develop biological weapons.

It reports on the capacity of Odessa Anti-Plague Institute's laboratory and plans to upgrade it to the BSL-3 level funded by the Pentagon. In the laboratory QUOTE, "... until now, the collections of particularly dangerous pathogens such as plague and cholera are stored..."

I recall that Washington's main objective is to remove dangerous pathogens and biomaterials from Ukraine's territory, as well as to implement a series of particularly specific programs code-named UP and "TAP." For example, "UP-4": "Examining the spread of especially dangerous pathogens through migratory birds," "UP-10": "Examining the spread of Africa's porcine plague in Ukraine in the wild and through trade routes."

But, unlike the Pentagon's funded Lugar Centre of Georgia, Americans have confined themselves to little financial investment in modernising bio-sites on Ukrainian territory.

The Pentagon's biological projects have not improved the country's epidemiological conditions, and with the assistance of Ulyana Suproon, they have been completed with near-zero results for Ukrainian health care.

Operational information indicates that radiochemicals continue to be imported into Ukraine for further recycling turning the country into a landfill of spent nuclear fuel and hazardous chemical waste. Main supply routes are organised via Poland and Romania, with organisational, logistical, and financial matters personally managed by the head of the Ukrainian President's office, Andrei Ermak.

These substances can be used to create a so-called "dirty bomb," followed by the use during 'false flag operation'.  

I would like to refer to other actors involved in illegal activities with components of weapons of mass destruction on Ukrainian territory.

These include Daniel Gerstin, who was the former Director of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office of the US Secretary of Defense. Since 2013, he actively worked with Ukraine's state bodies to promote U.S. biological warfare programs and converting Ukrainian laboratories to American standards.

Sergei Komisarenko is the president of the Ukrainian biosafety association and head of the relevant commission of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. He worked with the Pentagon on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences and oversaw dual-use research at subordinate institutions.

Igor Pereginets is a former deputy minister of health care of Ukraine. At the direction of the supervisors in the United States, he lobbied for reform of the epidemic surveillance system and promoted the introduction of Pentagon-controlled structures into the national health-care system.

Olga Golubovskaya, Ukraine's main infectionist, interacted with the Pentagon's contracting organisations and Big Pharma enterprises. She personally oversaw drug research on socially vulnerable Ukrainian citizens. She received a monetary reward from the U.S. Gilead pharmaceutical company for testing toxic drugs against HIV and hepatitis C on the Ukrainian population.

Igor Kuzin is the chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine. He participated in the deliberate destruction of the country's biological-risk-control and biosafety system. He was involved in preparing biological provocations to accuse the Russian Federation.

Because we have managed to halt the implementation of biological warfare programs in Ukraine's liberated territories, the Pentagon is forced to transfer incomplete research under Ukrainian projects to other regions.

Africa is now the zone of heightened interest. We have already noted the Pentagon's key contractors on the African continent – in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa. The US government's employers are the U.S. Department of Defense Threat Reduction (DTRA) and the U.S. State Department.

Washington uses outside actors to hide the research's objectives. These are contracting and intermediary organisations (Metabiota, Quicksilver, EkoHealth Alliance, more than 20 companies) and businesses of the so-called Big Farma.

Pay attention to the commercial offer of the Metabiota company marked confidential. The proposal is addressed to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and relates to infectious diseases specialists training in Kenya and Uganda. The document indicates that pathogens in the African continent are being studied by the U.S. Department of Defense Threat Reduction (DTRA), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and in order to give the appearance of humanitarian interaction, the U.S. International Development Agency.

I would like to remind you that the Metabiota has now ceased its operations in Africa, as its methods of operation have raised too many questions at the level of national governments. For example, in 2014, samples of the Ebola virus were smuggled by representatives of the company and sent to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

The slide also shows the perpetrators of illegal biological warfare activities. These include former U.S. and British servicemen, staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa, and representatives of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.

The documents at our disposal confirm that the U.S. biological warfare presence on the African continent is growing at a rapid pace.

For example, in October 2023, staff of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases conducted a large-scale survey of hantavirus samples from bats in Kenya's natural hotspots. A year ago, U.S. military biologists studied the effects of anti-malarial drugs on local populations.

In January 2024, U.S. officials from the Ministry of Defence, the State Department, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services met with the heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa to discuss the continent's prospects for developing laboratory capabilities.

As part of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, the construction of a laboratory and a training center in Ethiopia has begun with funding from the DTRA. On 21 February 2024, Robert Pope, director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, took part in laying the foundations of a reference laboratory in Bischoftu.

This is far from a complete list of U.S. initiatives on the African continent.

I would like to recall once again Washington's non-transparent working methods and warn our African partners against cooperating with the United States in the military biological field.

As practice shows, such interaction results in the loss of national sovereignty in biosafety and a worsening of the disease situation.

An example is infections such as yellow fever, monkeys fever, and Rift Valley fever, whose outbreak has been detected in Cairo, where the U.S. Navy biological warfare laboratory was based. Thus, in 2013 alone, as a result of the yellow fever outbreak, 170,000 people were infected, of whom 60,000 died.

However, dual-use research and neglect of biosafety have led to a worsening of infectious disease situation in the United States itself. These are primarily vector-borne diseases: tularemia, anthrax, and rabies.

Many cases of such infections have been recorded in the U.S. over the last four years, and despite the discovery of interspecies shifts from animal to human, they have been concealed and no quarantine action has been taken against the identified hotspots.

According to our estimates, the White House's concealment of the truth about the epiczootic situation stems from concerns about possible sanctions from the International Epizootic Bureau of Agricultural Exports, which could cause serious reputational and economic damage to the U.S. agricultural sector.

What Washington has to hide is the U.S. blocking of the verification mechanism under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

The White House's official statements of the U.S. willingness to move toward biological weapons control mechanism in practice result in rejection of any verification initiative and attempts to bring international verification tools under control.

One such tool is the UN Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons.

In this regard, I would like to mention the American non-profit organisation RAND, which is known for its research on the use of artificial intelligence to plan large-scale biological attacks.

On February 6, 2024, the organization published a report entitled "Attributing Biological Weapons Use." The document questions the effectiveness and credibility of the UN Secretary General's mechanism as it stands, and describes the leading role that the U.S. Department of Defense could play in investigating such incidents.

The authors point out that the mechanism's supporting operational readiness – the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs does not have international credibility. It is stressed that QUOTE: "...the U.S. can provide its own investigative file to the UN Secretary General, even if it does not participate directly..." END QUOTE. In fact, this means that it is possible for the U.S. to intervene in any incident involving UN Secretary-General.

Clearly, Washington aims to create its own instrument under its control to investigate outbreaks of infectious diseases and other bioincidents. The U.S. leading role in the Secretary-General's Mechanism will enable Western countries to identify perpetrators at their discretion, as was the case in the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The practice of the OPCW's investigations of chemical accidents in Syria in 2018, when the main evidence was the testimony of West-sponsored White Helmets, suggests that such investigations will not be transparent and impartial in the future.

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation will continue to work in this direction and will keep you informed.

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