Russian Daddy Twink

Russian Daddy Twink


Russian Daddy Twink
Mix of big boys ...
 No 1 Роман Таранухин - Roman Taranukhin

No 2 Александр Сплавинский - Alexander Splavinsky

No 3 Александр Тыщенко - Alexander Tyshchenko

No 4 Дмитрий Терещенко - Dmitriy Tereschtschenko

No 5 Саня Жингель - Sanya Zhingel

No 6 Виктор Проценко - Victor Protsenko

No 7 Сергей Луценко - Sergei Lutsenko

No 8 Paul-Худой Мараховский

No 9 Саша Виноградов - Sasha Vinogradov

No 10 Святослав Гайсин - Sviatoslav Gysin

No 11 House Pain

No 12 Леха SUPER-MAN Богатырев - Lech SUPER-MAN Bogatyrev

No 13 Игорь Михеев - Igor Mikheev

No 14 Леонид Бартенев - Leonid Bartenev

No 15 Александр Малик - Alexander Malik

No 16 Евгений Король - Eugene König

No 17 Олег Прохоров - Oleg Prochorow

Something for everybody in this post. Thanks.
OMFG, so many unbelievable huge beefy guys together!!!! And with names! Excellent thread!!!!

Im a big fan of russian bodybuilders, keep them coming!

PS: i actually posted lots of them (and most not present in this one) in some older thread but i cant remember the title! I think it wasnt even started by me!
My God! What an spectacular thread! So many amazing, super hot Russian bodybuilders! There are so many that I like, but if I had to choose a fav, it would be #1! Roman is so freakin' hot! What an amazing body on him! He's so handsome and adorable too! Love him! I might have a different fav tomorrow Thank you so much, sascha! Please keep us updated on all of these studs!
Update No 1

No 2

No 14

No 16

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PYOTR495 is an upcoming Russian language shock horror film by Canadian actor-turned-director Blake Mawson. Set in present day Moscow, the short follows Pyotr, a 16-year-old gay teen who is baited over a dating app by an ultranationalist group known for their violent abductions. Bolstered by Russia’s LGBT propaganda law, the group terrorizes and humiliates Pyotr, filming the attack in a plot taken straight from the headlines. But the attackers soon learn of Pyotr’s supernatural secret as he exacts a brutal and gory revenge. Here, we chat with the film’s director Blake Mawson about the very, very slim possibility of the film being screened in Russia.
What was the impetus for this project?
Blake Mawson: I wrote PYOTR495 in January of 2014. Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” bill had just been passed a month earlier, the Sochi Olympics were underway, and the media was loaded with images of targeted abductions and attacks against LGBTQ people. I wanted to respond with a scenario that I felt could have empowered someone in these seemingly hopeless scenarios. I wanted to take that anger I was feeling and have it manifest on screen in an explosive way.
Why did you decide to frame this film as a horror movie?
Blake Mawson: I think the horror genre has always been an interesting way to talk about what’s going on in the world. Look at films like Night Of The Living Dead or Frankenstein . There’s much more going on there than just the monster element. I find I’m much more disturbed by what’s happening in the real world in 2015 than by whatever gore I might see in a film, so I wanted to draw a close parallel between these two types of horror.
“The details of the attack within PYOTR495 are taken almost entirely from real documented abductions against LGBTQ people, videos that were publicly posted online” – Blake Mawson
Are you worried about the shock value potentially trivializing the real world situation?
Blake Mawson: I would say in PYOTR495 's case, it is essential in helping us make our point. The details of the attack within PYOTR495 are taken almost entirely from real documented abductions against LGBTQ people, videos that were publicly posted online. I hope it causes people to ask themselves “How sensationalized is this?” while watching, only to later find out that it was based on something very real.
What developments have happened since you began following this story?
Blake Mawson: The media attention surrounding the LGBT Propaganda law and the reports on the attacks in Russia that we saw during the Sochi Olympics was very “all at once,” and then went quiet after the Olympics ended – but the brutality didn’t disappear when the foreign press left.
After being outed by Timur Isayev, an anti-gay activist who notoriously brags that he has had over 30 teachers fired for being LGBTQ, a Russian trans man was fired from his medical teaching job and then brutally attacked and sent into hospital. Last month in Moscow, an LGBT activist by the name of Irina Fet was kicked, punched, had her nose broken and was called a faggot by two men until some people on the street intervened. These are just a couple of the more recently publicized cases, and many others go unreported because this type of discrimination is supported by the Kremlin and state-controlled media.
What kind of research did you do preparing for the film? Did you speak with any gay Russians living in Russia?
Blake Mawson: I was interested in finding out what motivated the abductions and began by familiarizing myself with the different vigilante groups. I wanted to understand the logic behind them targeting gays, and how Russia’s newly-enacted LGBT Propaganda law had aided them in carrying out the abductions without having to face repercussions. I spoke with both LGBTQ and straight Russians, and I found that their perspectives were divided. Surprisingly, some straight Russians I spoke to actually told me that homophobia wasn’t really an issue at all within Russia, and that the rest of the world gives Putin a hard time and a bad name. But many of the LGBTQ Russians I spoke to had experienced discrimination or had friends who had upsetting experiences.
What do you think is the likelihood of this film being shown in Russia?
Blake Mawson: Given the LGBT Propaganda Law, there are fewer and fewer places to showcase gay content in Russia these days. Funding for outlets and festivals for LGBTQ content is being pulled, much like the situation with the Moscow Premiere festival being shut down last week. But I would like to think that there’s a place for it somewhere.
PYOTR495 is currently in post production and is running a crowd funding campaign to help finish the film. Click here to support

Russian army plagued with sex slavery and male prostitution
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According to the UN International Panel for Struggle against Sexual Exploitation, the Russian army is plagued with male prostitution. A small amount of money is enough to find a Russian soldier-prostitute in the center of Moscow.
Servicemen may become male prostitutes in the Russian army for various reasons. There are young men who voluntarily offer sexual favors to their homosexual clients; others are forced into prostitution against their own will. Newcomers, especially those who finished higher schools before joining the army, suffer from sexual harassment more often than others. Brave soldiers try to protect their honor and rights, although there is no one to help them: commanders and military officials may often be involved in the sex business too.
“When I was standing on duty, two bullies came up to me and shoved me into the stockroom, a soldier serving at one of Moscow’s military units recollects. "They raped me there in turn. It was very painful and revolting. It didn’t take them much time to finish, but the next day I started noticing other soldiers giving me strange looks. I instantly realized that those bastards let everyone know what they had done to me. An officer came up to me one day and said to me point-blank: “Tomorrow you will to serve two clients.” I knew that if I said “no” then I would spend my last days spitting blood. But still, I told him “no.” When the officer heard that, he pulled out pictures of me being raped in the stockroom. “If you don’t serve the clients, you mother will see these pictures,” said he. I was forced into prostitution,” the soldier said.
Another serviceman, named only as Ilya, became a male prostitute during his second month in the army. The young man received a letter from his girlfriend. “The sergeant told me that day that I would no longer need girls. He and three other men forced me to go behind the barracks to the abandoned construction site. They made me kneel their, tied me up to a lamppost and hit me several times in the groin. The pain was so strong that I lost the will to fight them back. They made me open my mouth and raped me. I don’t remember how long it continued. When I came to my senses I didn’t want to live. I was seriously thinking about committing suicide. I was shocked that the rapists were visiting me regularly afterwards bringing fruit and vodka for me. When it ended they made me a prostitute,” Ilya said.
There were many incidents when soldiers prefer bid farewell to their lives being unable to cope with humiliation. However, military officials mostly say that such stories occur because of the unbalanced state of mind of the soldiers.
Solder Aleksey I. from the town of Taganrog was also going to commit suicide. He wrote a letter to his mother before: “Hello Mum. I have been raped like a whore. I have decided to kill myself. Please forgive me. I will hang myself, and nobody will call me a whore ever again. If I find out that my younger brothers will serve in the army too, I will curse you. I don’t want to live like a faggot. I hate myself.”Theman’sattempttocommitsuicidefailed.Heisnowapatientofahospitalformentallyunbalancedindividuals.
Pimps in uniform aim at bringing a person down and humiliating him. If they succeed, they make a soldier become either a passive or an active male prostitute (an active one is more expensive). Prostitute soldiers are divided into three groups in Russia: the secluded, the street boys and the affiliated.
Street boys are the most common and cheapest male prostitutes in the Russian army. They can be found in many places of Moscow during weekends. When on a leave warrant, the street boys wander about the capital looking for clients and offering sex services to them. They can be basically found in the center of Moscow: on Tverskaya Street, on the square in front of the Pushkinsky Cinema and in the Alexandrov Garden near the Red Square. Sometimes they can be found on railway stations too. They try to guess the sexual orientation of a potential client and approach him asking for a cigarette or a little money. Sometimes they ask to use a cell phone to make one single call home. Just a little attention to such a soldier is enough to make him start seducing the client. The conversation mostly ends with a quick oral action in a toilet nearby.
“The street boys don’t ask for much money. The majority of them come to Moscow from Russia’s provinces. They are ready to do anything for a bowl of soup or a cigarette,” a client (he asked to call him Igor) said. “When they return to the military unit, they share their earnings with bullies, who in their turn share with officers,” the man said.
Unlike street boys, the secluded do not spend their time rambling about Moscow and looking for clients. They gather in certain places of which their potential clients know – for example the monument to heroes of Plevna, otherwise known as Pleshka.
Pleshka is the most notorious place in the Moscow homosexual environment. Gays can be spotted their all day long, although gay prostitutes and their pimps appear in the evening time. Some of them put on military uniform and pretend to be soldiers. Such a “professional” asks for $300, although a genuine military man on Pleshka charges only 20-30 dollars.
The so-called affiliated army prostitutes make the biggest earnings in comparison with the two of the above-mentioned groups. They “serve” in their own military units waiting for clients in the barracks.
Finding an agent to establish a contact with army prostitutes is very easy. There are several websites on the Russian Internet that carry quite a list of adequate advertisements. However, going on a gay adventure in the military can be a risky endeavor. It is strongly recommended not to show money to soldiers before sex. “If they see the money they may kill you without giving it a second thought. Five hundred rubles ($20) is a whole fortune in the army,” a man who wished to remain anonymous said.
Translated by Dmitry Sudakov
On Monday morning, the Russian Aerospace Forces struck a crushing blow to decision-making renters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as energy and transport infrastructure throughout Ukraine
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