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Russian Cock Pics


Russian Cock Pics

Why Are Russian Men So Big? - Penis Enlargement Secrets

MLA Style Citation:

Von Neumann, Georg "Why Are Russian Men So Big? - Penis Enlargement Secrets."
Why Are Russian Men So Big? - Penis Enlargement Secrets .
29 Jun. 2009
24 Jul. 2022 <­Are-­Russian-­Men-­So-­Big?-­-­-­Penis-­Enlargement-­Secrets&id=2540693 >.

APA Style Citation:

Von Neumann, G. (2009, June 29). Why Are Russian Men So Big? - Penis Enlargement Secrets .
Retrieved July 24, 2022, from­Are-­Russian-­Men-­So-­Big?-­-­-­Penis-­Enlargement-­Secrets&id=2540693

Chicago Style Citation:

Von Neumann, Georg "Why Are Russian Men So Big? - Penis Enlargement Secrets." Why Are Russian Men So Big? - Penis Enlargement Secrets .­Are-­Russian-­Men-­So-­Big?-­-­-­Penis-­Enlargement-­Secrets&id=2540693

Georg Von Neumann  |  

Submitted On June 29, 2009

Ask any European woman who's been with Russian men. Then ask her which men in Europe have the largest penises. She'll tell you that Russian men are the biggest, without hesitation.
There's a few reasons for this. First of all, the Russians view sexuality different than Western countries. To them it is something that should be opened and enjoyed -- nothing to hide. Russian television has full nudity, even in their commercials. And we're not talking R-rated material. They are very comfortable with sexuality and view it as something natural and to be enjoyed to the fullest. They don't have the hangups introduced by the Victorian age and religion that we have been subjected to in the West.
So, it's just natural that they want their men to be big. The bigger the man, the better he can please his woman. Just as the women all wear high-heels and skirts and make themselves up to be the prettiest they can; they want men to appreciate them and to find them sexy. Their culture embraces sexuality as normal and stimulating. They also realize that the bigger a man is, the Bigger a man he really is. Literally. They understand that the "bigger" a man is, the better success he will have with woman. In Russia size really makes a difference. It's how a woman views whether he is a "boy" or a Real Man.
It starts when the male child is born. The mother yanks on his member. They do this because they know it stretches out the ligaments of the penis and stimulates longer growth, as he matures. This is a natural thing mother's do, because they want their sons to grow up and be real men -- Big Men.
Most people in Russia are very physically active. They don't drive around in cars, they walk. You want to go to the store? You walk to the store. You want to get to work? You walk to work. They don't sit around and watch television all night long eating a bag of potato chips; instead, they walk in the park with their friends. This activity is very beneficial to having a healthy body; and thus a healthy sexual system.
Plus, their diet is filled with unprocessed and unrefined foods. Real food without preservatives and chemicals. Their diets are rich in foods that are high in minerals like zinc and naturally-occurring amino acids. These types of foods stimulate the sexual system and keep it healthy and active. 
Of course, you don't have to live in Russia and walk to work everyday to learn the secrets that make their men the biggest. You can read - IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM and begin to utilize their sexual secrets for yourself.
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Eugan Kovrov's mysterious and timeless portraits of bodybuilders, athletes, and dancers are romantic and dangerous. Read more below.

It’s not without a little conflict that we post images of male nudes from Russia. The country as a whole has a reputation of profound homophobia. And yet here are beautiful, sensual photos of naked men, some overtly sexual, and all taken by another man. We find a little hope here. That we all appreciate the naked male form gives us a point of unity. Sometimes art can become unhitched from politics.
Thirty-three-year-old Yevgeny Kovrov, born in Arkhangelsk, Russia, currently works and lives in St. Petersburg. He is mostly self-taught and began shooting by sweet-talking his friends into posing and by shooting self-portraits (some of which are included here.)
In his own words (modified by Google Translate): “I want to find my recognizable style, so that my photos do not excite the flesh, but at the same time shoot a candid nude. You need to learn how to shoot nude so that the viewer does not immediately realize that the model has no clothes. That the model is undressed not only for the pleasure of the eyes, but also its inner world is bare, the soul is bare. It is difficult, and this is my goal.”
He takes inspiration from Yuri Rost, Herbert List, George Platt Lynes, Robert Mappelthorpe, Herb Ritts, and Annie Leibovitz.
Follow his progress on Facebook and Instagram .

Once again, a photo of a well-proportioned cock.
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Just to clarify, the rest of the slideshow will be like this. You’re definitely going to get six more images of tremendously big, veiny penises here. The next photo is going to be a giant cock, followed by another huge dick, and then another, and so forth.
You guessed it: another huge cock. Look, you had to realize what you were signing up for when you clicked on this link, right? You had to.
No, we’re not going to throw in a photo of something that isn’t a giant cock in order to be clever or misleading. You are, honest to God, getting nothing but really big cocks here. That’s it.
Your persistence is admirable, if misguided given the way the rest of the slideshow will transpire. This is the cock of the guy who made this slideshow, by the way.
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Okay, then. You’ve seen eight colossal cocks so far. Up for a ninth?
This is actually a drawing of a giant cock. A photo of a giant cock was used as a reference.
Well, there you go. You just clicked through a slideshow of giant cocks. That’s where your life is at right now. Enjoy your day.
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