Russian Bigo Live Naked Show

Russian Bigo Live Naked Show


The inventions of cellphone and internet have changed the life course of human beings. Social media apps on the other hand where empowers users to communicate online with loved ones and family members and even use it for a business perspective. The smartphone technology, social media and internet as a whole over the years are continuously shaping teens ideas about pleasure, intimacy, and power as well.
Now the particular technology in terms of mobile phones, social networking, and internet is being used by the teens these days for earning by stripping online by using social networking app like Big Live. So, stripping online for making money on Bing Live and doing porn illustrates how closely connected they are? Therefore, let’s get to know what is it and what it is all about.
It is basically a live-streaming application that is available on the Google Play store worldwide. Moreover, it stands top ranking in the Singapore App store for five days unless the Pokemon Go has taken its place on August 6, right on the Google play store. It only requires a mere strap to get started for live video streaming. So, when the user starts using it, they will get plenty of rewards out of it that really make it fascinating for the young users. The rewards are in plenty of forms from other users on the app.
Other users buy diamonds in order to get stickers for items like flowers, ring, and supercar and give it to the users they really like. The diamond which users purchase online by using the app can be converted into real money. Because diamonds and flowers are apps online currency that one user can share with the other ones for different reasons and then receives when got enough apps. Every single item will be added to the streamers “bean” count and once the user reached the 6700 beans then the user can convert it into the real money. However, 210 beans are equal to $1.36. However, a dark side has hit the app and today, strangers and online streamers telling teens to show off their bodies on Bigo Live.
Kind of like Twitch and YouTube, BIGO LIVE lets teen’s stream live video of themselves that other users can see and comment on in real time. You can also receive and send “Beans” — BIGO’s term for virtual gifts — that cost real money. You can level up and improve your ranking by logging in every day and sending gifts. The platform is designed for people who supposedly want to get famous, but it seems to be filled mainly with people competing for gifts.
Teens are streaming live video of themselves that other user keeps an eye on and also make comments in real –time. Moreover, they can send/receive beans in terms of Bigo Virtual gifts –that cost real money. The platform was designed for the people who want to become famous, but nowadays it seems like people are competing for gifts and get girls without clothes, according to the report of CNN.
Teens Live Streaming Video alongside interactive app usually turns to derogatory comments, abuse from strangers online
It has More than 10 million downloads All across the globe
It’s been launched in March 2016 and user can use it on both Android cell phones and iOS devices
The Live video blogging app is wreaking havoc in the charts
Teens and tweens are just trying to get Bigo currency “Beans” to convert it into real money, no matter if stranger ask for show of their bodies
Bigo Live YouTube researches are horrible where you can find searches likewise, “Hot Bigo Live 88” and Bigo Live showing Body for 18+.
Bigo Live has filled up with the obscene content
There are multiple factors that have made this live video streaming app quite dangerous for teens. Once you have got to know about the activities of teens on the particular app you may forget about Snapchat, Instagram and dating app like Tinder. Let’s talk about dangerous stuff about the Bigo Live app.
Bigo live app could end up with the sexual grooming for teens – and as well as befriending and creating an emotional connection between a young tween to a lower child’s inhibitions that turns to sexually abusing the child. Moreover, Tweens are harboring sexual fantasies with the use of Bigo live on their smartphones having internet access, according to Dr. Lim Leng, psychiatrist at Gleneagles Hospital.
The users get involved in predatory activities in terms of bullies online, stalkers and sexual predators that can ask for teens to show off their bodies and keep going for it. Ultimately, users ask teens to meet them in real –life.
“Teens and tweens are more like to be susceptible to that kind of requests as they turn to be more impulsive. “Dr lim added that. App can further encourage teens to be narcissist, he further added that.
Today, young tweens are at the point where they don’t bother for the ultimate consequences even compare to the adults and they think they don’t need anyone’s permission including their parents. However, they even don’t consider themselves as children. So, they always try to get more likes and comments and want to get gifts and probably monetary rewards may entice young steamers.
In addition, young tweens and teens may encounter with the derogatory remarks in terms of racist remarks that is something could happen explosively. So, young tweens and teens usually get slut shaming remarks from the users and they could bully online to the fullest.
The Live streaming of a young user enable another user to say something negative, so one negative or bully remark may trigger a bullying online conversation over the video of a teen doing something obscene in the video. Therefore, due to live streaming of an app may result in more dangerous than the typical social messaging apps like Facebook, Instagram, a
nd Snapchat that need time for certain comment.
The Famous Live Video Blogging app is full of Nude Content and these days it is quite popular in multiple Asian countries compare to others. Men always seem to flock to live stream of women replying to their comments and video calls. So, a rapid glance of the app shows multiple thumbnails featuring as inappropriate images of teens and teens. You can see such adult content in this app where young teens are focusing their cell phone camera on her chest wearing her nightgown.
Furthermore, a cell phone number may display on the screen that demands a certain amount of money in her Paytm account, after that the girl will make a personal video call on WhatsApp for further showing off their bodies. On the other hand, you may have seen so-called messages on the screen that Bigo don’t encourage for drug abuse, adult content, and nudity
Digital parenting has become an important responsibility for parents. So, parents usually use digital parenting app to monitor social networking apps. On the other hand, apps like Bigo that serves for a user as a live video streaming platform where text messages displayed on the screen. Therefore, typical parental control software remains parents helpless to counter with the video blogging apps. However, with the advancement of the technology you can also monitor each and every single activity happen on the target device installed video streaming apps no matter what if messages and conversations received on video screen only. Simply, parents can remotely record Bigo screen with the use of Live Bigo screen recording app.
It empowers parents to make short videos of the target cell phone device screen back to back. Moreover, parents can get access to the live Bigo screen recording software online control panel to view the live recorded videos of the live video blogging app and get to know the real –facts about teen’s activities. Moreover, parents can remotely control teens Bigo video blogging, it simply allows the user to block internet access on the device and live streaming will be stopped within no time.
Live screen recorder empowers parents to keep a hidden eye on teens video streaming app Bigo in real –time.
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Using Bigo Live, anyone can stream their lives for strangers to gawk at.PHOTO: THE NEW PAPER
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SINGAPORE (THE NEW PAPER) - Move over, Snapchat.
Singapore kids are spending hours on a new app - one that is from a local company, no less.
Meet Bigo Live, a live video streaming app that has been in the top five of Apple's app store here from July till last month.
Its appeal seems to lie in the fact that it is a combination of Periscope (Twitter's video live-stream app), Snapchat (a multimedia messaging app), and Mukbang (an online broadcast where the host eats large quantities of food while interacting with the audience in exchange for money).
Power up Bigo Live on your smartphone, and you are invited into any number of bedrooms, classrooms, workspaces, or any place for that matter, where young people are streaming whatever they are doing at the time.
Other users of the app can watch them and interact with them, by commenting on what they are doing, asking them to do certain things, or even asking for their contact details.
In other words, it is voyeurism made easy - and legal - with the consent of the streamers.
But allowing strangers into their lives in this manner does have pitfalls. Several young streamers, especially teenage girls, have had unsavoury experiences.
Some of them, who look to be in their early teens, are brazenly asked by strangers to dance and show off their bodies.
When The New Paper used the Bigo Live app over the past few days, a number of streams by teenage girls invited comments by users asking them to "perform".
For example, a young woman who was streaming with a close-up of her face willingly moved her smartphone to show her body in a camisole dress after a viewer asked to see it.
Other girls have borne the brunt of nasty comments, including racist jibes, about their bodies and abilities.
Bigo Live users whom TNP spoke to said they had seen such comments. Some of them have been targeted.
But derogatory comments are not the only kind of negative attention experienced by users.
Miss Joanna Chia, 17, who mostly sings or responds to comments by users when she streams, said the worst comment she received was: "You're a slut, and you shouldn't be on Bigo."
She told TNP: "I don't let myself get affected by it. I feel that no one has the right to judge a person, just like how you can't judge a book by its cover."
Last week, a primary school pupil streaming on Bigo Live danced in her school uniform. Viewers commented on her skin colour and cast racist slurs at the child.
A few days later, an Indian foreign worker, who used the app to live-stream, also received abusive comments.
Dr Lim Boon Leng, a psychiatrist at Gleneagles Hospital, said that the app could end up as a platform for the sexual grooming of minors - befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child to lower the child's inhibitions with the aim of sexually abusing the child.
He said: "When users ask streamers to pose and praise them for it, they may be led on to show more and more, which can become dangerous, especially if the users ask to meet them in real life."
Dr Lim said that teenagers are likely to be susceptible to such requests as they tend to be more impulsive.
"Teenagers are at that point in their life where they consider consequences much less than adults, and they think that they no longer need to seek permission from parents as they are no longer children."
Dr Lim also suggested that the app could encourage narcissism.
He said young streamers could try to get likes, to see if people like them enough to get them gifts, and that the monetary rewards may entice young streamers.
"(In this app), you can get real-life gains. Though the amount may seem little for some, children may think it is a great sum," he said.
Mr Daniel Koh, a psychologist at Insights Mind Centre, described such derogatory comments and racist remarks as "something that can be quite explosive".
Because the app is live, a negative remark could trigger another negative remark.
"And this can get the passion rolling very fast, whereas on an app such as Facebook, it can take a while for people to comment," he said.
Perhaps wary of the app being misused, Bigo Live flashes an advisory on every live-stream to warn users that they will be banned or have their accounts suspended if their stream "contains smoking, overtly sexual acts or illegal content".
The advisory also says the app is reviewed 24 hours a day "to keep the community safe and open".
Lawyer Ravinderpal Singh said the creators of the app may not be liable if its users break the law. The lawyer from Kalco Law compared it to a telephone line.
He said: "It is only a medium that is used for harassment. A phone line cannot be at fault when users harass on the line. So far, none of the social media platforms have been held liable for harassment that happened on the app."
The app also has a mute function, which allows people to completely block specific users from sending them messages.
However, Mr Singh says that under the Protection from Harassment Act, users could be liable for harassing others on the app.
Offenders can be fined up to $5,000 and/or jailed up to six months.
When users ask streamers to pose and praise them for it, they may be led on to show more and more, which can become dangerous, especially if the users ask to meet them in real life.
Bigo Live is a live-streaming app available globally in Google Play and Apple app stores.
According to SimilarWeb, it held the top ranking in the Singapore App Store for five days until Pokemon Go took its spot on Aug 6. On the Google Play store, the app has more than 10 million downloads worldwide.
It takes a mere tap to start streaming live video. When users are streaming, they can receive rewards from other users, who buy "diamonds" to get stickers of items like flowers, a supercar or a ring to give to users they like. The diamonds (the app's currency) are bought with real money.
Each item's value will be added to the streamer's "bean" count and when they reach 6,700 beans, they can cash out the beans for money - 210 beans equal US$1 (S$1.36).
However, Singapore users told The New Paper that when they tried to cash out their beans, a message said that only those with bank accounts in Thailand and Indonesia could do so.
Singaporean user Kereen Hong, 19, said she encountered this problem when she tried to cash out her 37,000 beans.
Bigo Live seems to be focusing on the South-east Asian market, with heavy promotion of social media personalities and Bigo "models" from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam on its official Facebook page.
TNP tried to contact Bigo Live through its e-mail, Facebook page and Twitter account, but did not receive a reply by press time.
We visited the company's registered address in Suntec City, but the unit has been taken over by a real estate company.
We also went to the address listed on its website, on another floor in Suntec City, and it was empty. A concierge said the company had moved out earlier this week.
According to the LinkedIn profile of Jianqiang Hu, who is listed as a co-founder of Bigo Live, the company is "invested" by YY, inc, a tech company headquartered in Guangzhou, China.
A media expert, Mr Lars Voedisch, managing director of PRecious Communications, told TNP that live-streaming social media apps, such as Bigo Live and Periscope, will be a new trend.
"The current focus is on live broadcasting, but there is still a lot left unexplored with this new form of social media interaction...
"It is definitely an app to watch."
He said that Bigo Live's popularity could be attributed to what today's teenagers value: social validation.
"Their identities online matter as much as... their identities offline. So an app that allows them to not only show their talents and share their interests, but also allows them to gain fans and earn money would definitely seem attractive."
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