Running with a Goddess Ch. 02

Running with a Goddess Ch. 02

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and Alexa Bliss was in no way factually involved with any events within this story.


It was two days after the house show, and the day after Alexa Bliss had officially hired me as her personal security assistant, as she called me. It was her day off, and she had a part on the week's Smackdown she was worried about.

She planned a lazy day, staying in the hotel by the Thunder Dome. I planned to stay in my room and just watch TV while remaining on call.

It was only about noon or so that there was a knock on my door. I didn't order takeout, and only Alexa knew I had this room.

I silently got out of bed, grabbed my .38, and headed to the door. I peeped through the eye hole and saw that it was Alexa.

I opened the door and put my pistol in my pocket. "Hey boss, what can I do for you?" I asked and she looked up with a smile. She liked when I called her boss.

"I'm bored," Alexa said with a pout.

"Go on..." I replied drily. Instead of saying anything else, she took my hand and pulled me out of my room. "Lexi, where are we going?" I asked?

"Uh... to my room..." she said like it should have been obvious. "I'm bored, you were alone. Now you're not alone, and I can share my boredom with you," Alexa said with a beaming smile.

"Lexi, don't take this the wrong way," I said, stopping her just outside of her door, "but I don't want to watch Disney movie all day. It's great you're still in touch with your kid side, but..."

Alexa stopped me with a kiss and pulled back, a wily look on her precious, makeup-free face. "The Mandalorian is technically Disney. We can cuddle in bed together, too," she sweetened the deal and kissed me again.

"This is the way," I quoted the hit show, making Alexa giggle as she turned and unlocked the door.

I'd only been with Alexa for two days, but things were already complicated. We were more than fast friends. Friends didn't do the things we've done. Alexa sucked my dick so good just the other day that my ghost almost left my body. We've been spending a lot of time together, as my job, and her safety, require.

But she's been spending a lot of time off the clock with me, this as an example.

Alexa closed the door behind us and unzipped the baggy, grey hoodie she was wearing. It was just a basic tank top, but no matter what Alexa Bliss wears, you fucking look. She looked magically delicious in that simple tank and baggy sweatpants.

I was just wearing a t-shirt and sweats as well. It was definitely just a lazy day for both of us.

Alexa was already comfy, drowning in a sea of pillows. Some of them were the hotels, and some of them were Alexa's from home. She could not be comfy enough. Her words.

"Get over here, weirdo," Alexa said, making grabby hands at me. I just smiled and shook my head. Like any sane man, I crawled into her waiting arms.

I took the PlayStation controller from the side table and started the first episode of the Mandelorian. Alexa, meanwhile, was more than happy to wrap her arms around my shoulders and hold me tight.

Alexa hummed along with the theme song and scratched my head. I was on my side, my head on her belly and a hand absentmindedly resting on her thigh.

As the show drew on, Alexa kept rubbing my head, and my fingers began massaging gentle circles on her thigh. Occasionally I would catch a satisfied sigh leaving her full lips.

I slowly expanded the reach of my hand, and I received no complaint from Ms. Bliss.

"Wayne, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're teasing me a little bit," Alexa said, getting my attention.

I looked up and just smiled at her naturally gorgeous face and inched my fingers just a little bit higher. I playfully tugged on the leg of her pants and she smiled coyly.

"What are you thinking, big guy?" Alexa asked with a smile, knowing damn well. I wasn't going to push too far on my own. She had to let me know it was mutual.

"Nothing," I said harmlessly. "Just... hanging out." I pulled on her pant leg again. "What are you up to?"

"I'm thinking I might be a bit more comfy without these." I sat up long enough for Alexa to climb out of her overly baggy sweatpants.

Once she did, I laid back down like I

just had been. I continued to rub her thigh as before, too, except this time I was able to properly enjoy her perfectly smooth skin.

As the show and the day wore on, we continued our most laziest of days, and at some point I shed my layers as well, so that I was just in my boxers. Alexa stayed in just her panties and a tank top, though.

We ate delivery and stayed in the room the entire day as our Star Wars binge continued. We switched over to Star Wars Episode II and ate yogurt covered pretzels Alexa had brought with her.

It must have been around midnight when we called it a night.

"It's getting late, Lexi. I should head back to my room and let you get some sleep," I offered.

"Can you stay the night, Wayne?" Alexa asked, wrapping her powerful legs around my waist. "It'll be fun. I love sleepovers," she said with a grin.

"Alright. Let me just get my toothbrush," I said and excused myself. I got dressed and hurried back. I knocked and Alexa let me back in, dramatically waiving me in. She wore just as little clothes as when I left.

Alexa sat on the foot of her bed and waited till I came to her. She reached out, and looked up at me as she took the waistband of my sweats in her hands.

She slowly pulls down my pants and my boxers with them, bringing my rapidly hardening cock to free air.

"I've been thinking about this guy since I tasted him earlier," she said, licking her plump, kissable lips.

I put a finger on those sweet lips, stopping her from taking me in her mouth for a second time this week.

"Lexi, please?" I asked softly. She slowly leaned back and looked up at me with intelligent, steel-blue eyes.

"Wayne, what's wrong?" Alexa asked, resting on her arms.

"Don't get me wrong, you have me the best fucking blowjob of my life."

"What's the problem?" she asked, still lost.

"I think I need some time to think about what's going on here, okay?" I said, stepping away from her.

"You mean what we are?" Alexa asked, sitting up again and clasping her hands together.

"Yeah. I mean, you hired me. I signed a three month contract and everything. But we've been spending a lot of time together off the clock, and we've got this benefits thing going on, too."

"And so fast," Alexa added, seeing where I was coming from. She looked up at me and I saw her trying not to look hurt. "Do you want to go back to your room? We can sleep on it for one night, both see what's happening here?" Alexa offered.

"I'll stay with you, if you'd like, but let's slow it down a bit maybe. Let's play moments by ear and not rush into things, okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," Alexa said with a genuine smile, playing with the pink dyed ends of her hair. "Let's call it a night, then?"

"Yeah," I concurred,and we both hopped into bed. I was still in the nude, and Alexa was still in a t-shirt and her cute white panties.

We laid together under the covers and watched the rain that started outside. It got heavier and heavier until lightning flashed and thunder rolled.

With every boom and flash, I could feel Alexa jolt. I never knew until now that she was afraid of storms, which could be why she wanted me to stay so bad.

I started rubbing her tight stomach to try to calm her down, and I felt her relax a little bit.

"Lexi, you should have told me you hate storms," I whispered into her ear.

"I'm an adult, Wayne. It shouldn't be your problem," she said.

"It's not my problem, but it's something I want to help you with," I told her, slowly moving my fingers down, grazing past her belly button to rest on her panty line.

Alexa put her much smaller, much softer hand over mine. "Wayne, please. Touch me?" I couldn't deny Alexa Bliss twice in one night, especially not right now, not the way her perfect ass was pressed up against my fully hard cock.

I did as my new boss asked, and lowered my hand, cupping her hot sex over her panties. Alexa gasped and I had to smile a bit.

I started slowly moving back and forth, rubbing her softly but enough to get her started.

"You pleasured me last night, and now it's my turn," I whispered as I traced her outer lips with two fingers, and ran a third along her clothes hopening.

"Oh my God, Wayne," Alexa groaned, and wreathed into me, already stimulated by my first teasing. "Most guys just want to get straight into it, use my body," she lamented as I continued to slowly rub her down.

"Not me, Lexi. You're a goddess, and your body, you, deserve that proper worship," I told her as I slid my hand down into her dampening panties and properly touched the hot opening of her bare pussy.

I knew there was no going back now, so I pulled her panties down to her mid thighs before they could get ruined.

Alexa moaned as I pressed two fingers against her opening but didn't enter her. I wanted to get my fingers good and wet before I delved inside her.

"Fuck, Wayne. You tease me so good," Alexa whimpered into the pillow she had just buried her faith in.

My fingers passed her slick lips, and finally I inserted one finger into her hot, wet tunnel.

"Wayne, oh my God!" Alexa hissed as I drew one finger in and out of her, going a little deeper into her spongy walls each time. "Second finger. Please?"

I happily obliged, swirling my first finger around her cavern to make sure there was room for another digit.

I slid out my first finger and brought it to my mouth. I cleaned the nectar off of them, and made sure she heard me sucking her juices straight off.

"Open your mouth," I growled in her ear, and put my intended weapons in front of her. She moved her head forward and hungrily wrapped her tongue around them, getting them good and wet, knowing what they were to be used for.

I plunged one finger straight into her, making her gasp and go ramrod-straight, and I slowly started working her tiny clit and easing my second finger into her tight, slightly convulsing pocket.

"Oh Wayne! Oh my... oh..." Alexa's breathing began coming in shorter and sharper with each plunge and withdrawal of my fingers. "Right there! Right there, Wayne!"

Alexa's hands clamp down on my wrist and hold me down. Even if I wanted to withdraw my fingers from her, I couldn't. I follow her orders and keep plunging as deep as I can, curling my fingers, swirling inside of the hot wet until Alexa's whole body shakes against mine.

"Wayne! Wayne!" Alexa sobs as I work her to completion, my fingers deeper in her than I've ever had them in anyone. I slid my free arm under her side and began vigorously working her clit.

She wasn't able to bite back the yelp, and after it, gave up on being quiet as she absolutely humped my hand.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna... Wayne, I'm gonna!" She couldn't hold back anymore, and cried out as I ripped an orgasm from her. Built up arousal flooded out around my hand and ran down to the sheets around us.

I slowly withdrew my hands from around her. I could feel the college air of the room collide with the warm honey on my fingers.

I brought my hand to Alexa's lips, and she hesitated a moment before accepting what I offered. At first, her tongue was hesitant, but after she got a taste for herself, she sucked my digits completely clean.

She pushed my fingers from her mouth with her tongue, and I licked them once to make sure Alexa had properly polished them, which she had.

"Good God damn, Wayne," Alexa said with a tired laugh as she rolled over coming face to face with me.

A flash of lighting lit up her eyes, and I found myself barely able to breath from the sight of her, her cheeks beautifully flushed.

"Did I help your storm anxiety?" I asked, knowing full fucking well that I did.

"Oh, yes you did," she said with a sly smile before kissing me. "Thank you so much," she said and kissed me again. "I hope you're around every time I hear thunder."

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