Rules and variants of werewolf games

Rules and variants of werewolf games


These are some rules and variants for the game of werewolf, specially for lycanthrobot. There is also a section with tricky cases at the end.

Rules of the regular game

To be written.

Rules of the more than one role per person game

Whoever dies during the night can choose the role that is killed (unless otherwise specified). When someone is lynched one of their roles dies randomly.

To be continued.

Variations of the game

To be written.

Tricky cases

1) Day is considered to have started (for roles like the barber and so) after the nocturnal deaths (but if a hunter has to kill because they died in the night, that is day already, of course, the barber can't act if the hunter has already decided to kill the barber's role).

2) The actions of people that visit the cautious granny the night their ability is activated do take place.

3) If the only wolf left alive is in love with someone of the village (in the one role per person mode) the slut has lost already. The slut can do anything at random, betray the wolf or whatever.

4) In the mode with two or more roles per person if a bleeder/elder is killed and the master asks this person to choose the role that will die and they choose the bleeder/elder then this role doesn't die and everybody knows that this person is bleeder/elder

5) If you are a witch you can kill yourself, you won't normally do it but you can. This can be useful when there is a wizard or a hypnotist.

6) If the martyr picks the hero and the hero dies "fighting", then the hero dies but not the martyr, this is, the martyr and those kinds of roles only die if the person picked was going to die as a direct consequence of the actions, not as a consequence of a side effect.

7) What the defender can't do is to pick the same person two consecutive times. It's not the same as not being able to defend two consecutive times to the same person.

---Wizard quotes

8) If wolves can't agree on who they would kill, they will vote and the person that has the majority of votes is killed. In case of a tie it's random among the people that were voted the most.

9) If a devil makes two wolves Tom and Jerry and at the end of the game they are the only players alive, they keep picking someone on the night or voting in the day until only one is alive.

10) If a thief has to choose between another thief and a role A, the thief can choose the other thief and will be given other two roles to choose one different from A. A won't be elegible if the thief is chosen.

11) A wolf that stops being a wolf because of the cardsharp or the wandering ghost has the goal of a minion, but this person doesn't know who is the new wolf.

12) If there is an albino wolf in the game, ideally all of the other wolves should be indistinguishable because otherwise it would be easy to know who the albino wolf is. Example: If there is a wolf_brainwasher, an albino wolf and a wolf, the wolf can guess who the albino is because the brainwasher_wolf can prove that they is who claims to be. In these cases, it's better not to include a brainwasher but to let the wolves vote who should be brainwashed instead.


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