Rule 34 Bojack Horseman

Rule 34 Bojack Horseman


Rule 34 Bojack Horseman

There's going to be so much Rule 34 of Bojack Horseman

Cartoons and Animation

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Boards Cartoons and Animation There's going to be so much Rule 34 of Bojack Horseman
SageHarpuia17 posted... Huh, didn't realize furries were up there with Nazis, The KKK, The WBC, and ISIS. I can't help but find myself curious as to why you have so much hate towards a group of people who haven't hurt anybody and just really like anthropomorphism. I used to have that same mindset, glad I moved out of it though. It's pretty childish, hating a group of people for enjoying something that makes them happy and doesn't do any harm to others. As usual, an overreaction from a member of the furry crowd. Reminds me of how a poster on here compared the hatred of Bronies to the Civil Rights movement and how that same poster said I was the same as people who created black and white bathrooms and water fountains. Furries and Bronies are not a legitimate rights movement, m'kay. It's doing harm to themselves mentally and it does bring harm to others around them. What benefit to society does walking around in public with a giant fursuit bring other than creeping people out and disrupting their daily lives, m'kay?
sega31098 posted... What just happened to my topic? What? Did you still want to discuss the implications of a horse man engaging in possible sexual deviancy? That's gross yo.
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There's going to be so much Rule 34 of Bojack Horseman

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Boards Cartoons and Animation There's going to be so much Rule 34 of Bojack Horseman
Dak_Strong posted... That's pretty edgy.
That's a terrible comeback, and a p*** poor defense of one of the worst groups of people to ever exist
Dak_Strong posted... not what I had in mind, but effective nonetheless.
So many games to play, so little time to play them, so many things to do.
Dak_Strong posted... Just more evidence this board is home to the worst posters on gamefaqs. It's hilarious that the mods constantly hide behind the excuse of "everything here has to be acceptable for those as young as 13" when literal furries and cloppers are allowed to freely discuss their fetishes here. I don't know about that, I think Current Events or the Anime boards could give Cartoons and Animation a run for its money, m'kay. Also, that is one boss picture you posted. I'm partial to the Catapult myself, but the Atlas is a kick-flank battlemech in its own right, m'kay. Not quite, there's actually a divide in the furry fandom between those who like anthros and those who like "ferals" to the point that it's part of why some of the furry fandom wasn't really open to the idea of FIM porn because most of it was "too zoo" for some of their tastes. Ironically, a sizable portion of the brony fandom might be okay with pony porn, but a lot of them abhor anthro versions of the same characters. While ultimately anthro and feral works alike are allowed on their respective boorus, there's a reason why such fanart (even the G-rated stuff) is clearly labeled and able to be filtered. I'm not even sure what to say about this part. If there are furries who like "feral", also known as "accurate representations of animals", then it's exactly as I've said: they're at least being honest about their sickness, m'kay. I was just playing along with the idea that despite the presence of a supposed diminutive pastel equine, you have yet to be the subject of anyone's unwanted advances or attention. I suppose it could be the whole earth pony thing, but then, I remember a certain one being quite the fandom waifu after that episode to Manehattan. First of all: Coco Pommel is a horrible apprentice. Just putting that out there so that the world realizes she's a waste of space. Second of all: you act as if the absence of advances upon me is a bad thing. I have better things to do than rebuff desperate Bronies, m'kay. My point is that you can't try to appeal to notions of shame as there's little I could judge a person for doing, especially when it's fictional anyway. If there is no shame, then its clear that you're just not socially aware enough. You can act like you're "above it all" or whatever, but there is nothing to be proud about when it comes to getting your undies hot to animals, whether they're "anthro" or otherwise, m'kay. Also, am I to assume that Sage is another alt of yours? I'm not sure what the point of alts are, they're pretty stupid, m'kay. I think you missed the point. The idea is that despite it *only* being pointed ears, some people find that incredibly hot, or how some people even *prefer* depictions of elves over humans despite the miniscule difference. Also plenty of animals have pointed ears, hell that's like, one of the features that makes foxes so popular in the furry fandom. There's a difference between pointed ears and a woman with a cat-face, a tail, paws, whiskers, the whole-buckin' nine yards (or nine lives, as it were). I'd hope you can understand the difference between simply adding a point to ears, which humans have, and full on just slapping animal parts all over people and calling it "hot", m'kay. Point taken though, 'kay.
Pretty sure "pony-play" is a dominant/submissive kind of thing, at least, articles on the subject imply as much. And before you ask, this was a thing that existed before bronies, so they didn't come up with the idea. I know what pony-play is, and you and I both know it doesn't usually feature actual ponies , m'kay. What can I say, I'm fond of the female form. Though I suppose I should have specified "female form" as you seem to be under the mistaken impression that one can just slap boobs on anything and that makes it automatically appealing. I also kinda lied, I'm not really fond of say, bug girls and such even when they're like "10% buggy" or however that chart goes. Anyway, while I'm not aware of a specific furniture fetish (though there's an internet rule that says everything is a fetish...), artists have depicted physically attractive specimens that were made out of metal and electronics. Why, it's even consider a longtime goal of humanity to one day make non-creepy humanoid automations, a sizable portion of which will exist only to get their "bolts rattled" ifyouknowwhatimean. If you're fond of the female form, then why modify it? Why destroy it with animal parts? There is an attraction there to animistic properties, otherwise you'd just do what any normal human would do and admire normal human females, m'kay. Reminds me of that episode of Rick and Morty I watched not too long ago. Funny stuff, 'kay. Regardless, one can be criticized for liking something that's supposedly normal, and that if I dropped something every time I was criticized for it, porn wouldn't even be the first thing to go. Yes, you can. But we as a species should know at this point what's normal and what's just wrong. Humping animals would be one of those very wrong things, m'kay. Eh, I wouldn't think anything of admitting it, but then I can be honest to a fault. Besides, if the internet is any indication, everyone has some kind of kink or fetish so there's nary a soul to be throwing stones. Except for Suri. I'll throw stones all day at all of your glass houses and laugh as they s***ter, m'kay.
hyperpsycho posted... This board is so awful now. Posters are saying that on every board nowadays. Hop offa that bandwagon, m'kay.
Nah, there's definitely been a decline of quality on this board over the past few years.
hyperpsycho posted... Nah, there's definitely been a decline of quality on this board over the past few years. I have been here the past few years and I cannot tell the difference in quality between the day I joined and today. It's always been this way, you just have your nostalgia blinders on full blast, m'kay.
Dak_Strong posted... That's a terrible comeback, and a p*** poor defense of one of the worst groups of people to ever exist Huh, didn't realize furries were up there with Nazis, The KKK, The WBC, and ISIS. I can't help but find myself curious as to why you have so much hate towards a group of people who haven't hurt anybody and just really like anthropomorphism. I used to have that same mindset, glad I moved out of it though. It's pretty childish, hating a group of people for enjoying something that makes them happy and doesn't do any harm to others.
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