Rug Burn Remedy

Rug Burn Remedy


Rug Burn Remedy


How to Treat Rug Burns at Home Do’s and Don’ts Summary

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Our routine life carries a lot of small accidents where our loved ones get hurt. We need to be extra vigilant in treatment to avoid any miss-happenings. One of the most common types of injury is rug burns, which can occur while working, playing, or doing minor household tasks. Generally, these kinds of burns occur when your body rubs against a rough surface like rope, rug or carpet, which results in the removal of upper skin layers. This can lead to a severe burning sensation and can serious trouble if not treated on time. Most common areas for rug burns s are elbows, knees, legs, and face.
As rug burn or carpet burn is the most common type of friction injury, it can heal on its own without seeking any immediate medical help, but it may sometimes get infected and lead to severe damage to deeper skin layers. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the burn as soon as possible. The burns can be treated on the basis of their severity:
Cold water treatment: Once you identify the affected area, immediately pour cold water on the injury to avoid the burning sensation. Continue pouring cold water for 5 -10 minutes and repeat the process every hour. Avoid using ice, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as these cause further pain and scorching. After the water treatment, clean the affected area with a soft cotton cloth.
Clean the burn with antiseptic solution: After washing the injury with cold water, clean the burn with an antiseptic solution to avoid any chances of further infection. Once you are done with the antiseptic rinse, dry the skin with a cotton gauze.
Apply antibiotic ointment: Apply an antibiotic ointment on the burn area and gently cover it with loose bandage. The role of antibiotics is crucial in reducing the inflammation caused by any burns, boils or scalds. What's more, the ointment kills the bacteria, thereby preventing further infection of inner skin layers.
Aloe vera gel treatment: You can apply aloe vera gel on the burn area as it helps in the healing process and acts as a relaxing agent to the skin surface. It also has natural antibacterial properties, which helps body to respond against damaging foreign particles.
Essential oils: Use of essential oils also helps in the healing process. It can accelerate the skin regeneration process. Many essential oils have antimicrobial properties like lavender oil, thyme oil, etc. Apply 2-3 drops of lavender oil on the burn area. This will leave no room for bacterial infections to penetrate the skin surface.
Honey massage: Apply honey on the burn, as it works as a lubricant and avoids friction between the injury and other surfaces. Honey also has natural antibacterial properties which prevents the wound from getting any further infection.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention
You should seek immediate medical attention in the case of any deep cuts or lacerations in your skin, as this may suggest damage to the inner layers of the skin. However, if there is swelling, bleeding, pus accumulation or drainage in the wound along with worsening of pain, this is an indication that your body cannot cope with the infection and you should immediately consult your physician.
While taking care of rug burn, you should keep a few points in mind:
Things to keep in mind while treating rug burn:
Avoid ice application: Never apply ice on the affected area as it causes the burned surface to blister.
Avoid wearing tight clothes: It is advisable to avoid wearing tight clothes around the affected area as cloth rubbing on the burn area will lead to the irritation of skin and increase inflammation on the affected area.
Avoid scratching: Do not touch or scratch the affected skin as this can lead to bleeding. Also, do not try to scratch the skin scab because it will lengthen the healing process.
Avoid lotions, powders or cosmetics: Some lotions and powders can cause problems in carpet burns as they can irritate the sensitive skin on the affected area. Therefore, try to avoid applying any kind of cosmetics, creams or powders on the burn area.

By taking small precautions and being cautious, rug burns can definitely be treated with utmost ease and comfort. You just need to be extra vigilant about the possible outcomes of a burn injury.
This article contains each and every detail about rug burns or carpet burns. How they occur and how rug burns can be treated at home. Along with this information, you get first line treatment information for carpet burns, scalds and other affected areas. Use this information as first aid when encountered with any kind of immediate condition like minor burns and scalds. You can use the above treatment techniques to get rid of these rug burns and scalds in a short period of time. Being cautious is as important as treatment.
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Rug burn -- which is caused when your skin rubs against abrasive surfaces -- can leave you with a painful, red and often itchy wound. Little children that are just starting to walk and frequently fall, often get rug burn. Not treating rug burn, or treating it incorrectly, can result in an infection of the wound. To eliminate rug burn, you have to treat it as a first-degree burn.
Clean the wound. Run cold water over the affected area for up to 15 minutes. Cold water reduces and prevents swelling that may occur when blood vessels start bleeding. Avoid icing the wound, because this may worsen the condition. Dry the wound with a soft, clean towel.
Apply a layer of antibiotic ointment to the wound to promote healing. Aloe vera gel, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is another good product to apply -- if you don't have any antibiotic ointment.
Place a loose bandage or gauze over the wound to protect it. By covering the wound you protect it from other fabrics that may come into contact with it, and worsen the condition.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, if the pain is unbearable. Within three to six days your rug burn should be gone.
Consult your doctor if the rug burn wound is deep and severe. Professional treatment may be required.
Kimberly Caines is a well traveled model, writer and licensed physical fitness trainer who was first published in 1997. Her work has appeared in the Dutch newspaper "De Overschiese Krant" and on various websites. Caines holds a degree in journalism from Mercurius College in Holland and is writing her first novel.

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Do not apply ice or butter to the burned area. This can cause tissue damage and promote infection and other complications.
If your rug burn is bigger than a handprint or on your face, hands or other sensitive parts of your body, you should seek medical treatment to prevent infection.
Copyright © 2022 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. // Leaf Group Lifestyle
At Healthfully, we strive to deliver objective content that is accurate and up-to-date. Our team periodically reviews articles in order to ensure content quality. The sources cited below consist of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, prominent medical organizations, academic associations, and government data.
The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a professional health care provider. Please check with the appropriate physician regarding health questions and concerns. Although we strive to deliver accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee to that effect is made.
A rug burn is a type of friction burn, which comes from the damage caused by the force of your skin rubbing against a surface 1 . Rugs burns are among the most common type of friction burn. Like any other sort of burn, treatment of a rug burn depends on the severity of the burn injury and the location 1 . Large rug burns, or those located on sensitive areas such as the face, hands or feet should be attended to by a medical professional to prevent infection and other complications 1 .
Run cool water over the rug burn to remove any debris or foreign objects, avoiding infection 1 . The cool water will reduce the burning sensation in the burned area. You can also dampen a clean cloth and fold it until it is the size of the rug burn 1 . Press it to the burn injury to relieve pain symptoms.
Consider applying burn cream to the burned area to speed healing, prevent infection and avoid scarring. If you do not have burn cream available, try aloe vera lotion or gel. You can also try an antibiotic cream, such as Neosporin. An over-the-counter pain reliever, like acetaminophen, can also take care of most of the pain associated with a rug burn 1 .
Prevent further irritation to the burned area by applying a loosely wrapped gauze bandage. The bandage should be clean and sterile. You could also use a clean cloth if a gauze bandage is not available.
Seek medical treatment for a serious rug burn, or one that affects more than one layer of skin 1 . These are more prone to infection than minor ones. You should also seek medical treatment if you have an immune deficiency. Even if your minor rug burn has been healing on its own, you should see a doctor if you notice the burn injury leaking pus or experience an increase in pain over time 1 . These are signs of an infection.
Do not apply ice or butter to the burned area. This can cause tissue damage and promote infection and other complications.
If your rug burn is bigger than a handprint or on your face, hands or other sensitive parts of your body, you should seek medical treatment to prevent infection.
Michaele Curtis began writing professionally in 2001. As a freelance writer for the Centers for Disease Control, Nationwide Insurance and AT&T Interactive, her work has appeared in "Insurance Today," "Mobiles and PDAs" and "Curve Magazine." Curtis holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication from Louisiana State University.

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