Rubius – Intelligent Decentralized Contract Protocols

Rubius – Intelligent Decentralized Contract Protocols


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The mystically enchanted the people of this present generation with some astounding features which have made our quotidian life activity very more facile and simple for us. with the Rubius a blockchain software startup that is dedicated to developing Aryl. This Aryl is facile to utilize Ethereum wallet and payment platform. Aryl additionally sanctions users to send, receive, or request payments in the currency of their cull.

The cessation-to-end solution commences with the Rubiex exchange. There, users can purchase and trade cryptocurrency within an intuitive environment. The exchange leverages astronomically low fees to offer more preponderant value than its competitors.What is Rubius?

Rubius is both the designation of our company and our cryptocurrency coin. The Rubius coins are a cryptocurrency operating on the Ethereum blockchain platform. They are designed to operate as a currency kindred to bitcoin and ether. Our company, Rubius Inc., is a blockchain software startup located in Tampa, Florida, USA. We are fixated on developing cryptocurrency products, accommodations, and solutions to avail advance the blockchain industry and spur economic developmentwhat rubius is all about?

Rubius, as the relegation translates, is a task of an affiliation that approaches just on cryptographic mazuma which is engineered in the cumulated states, Rubius has its own stand-out crypto coin and this coin works with the Ethereum blockchain headway. It is correspondingly intended to perform same points of confinement like the bitcoin , ethereum yet with a more organized concentration to energize the issue of stream of mazuma all around with its own particular coin, this is a reason in this time where the managing a record areas have been vanquished by the inconveniences of this contemporary time of innovative advance. With Rubius, one can spare your monetary structures, with an infeasible to miss the state of security discover, influence an expeditious online exchange, to pay for your things or things without bearing physical mazuma, this is efficaciously done through its different application kenned as the Aryl flexible application. With the mechanical plan of this activity; it is along these lines differing, immediate, unsurprising, expeditious, and keeps up a freak state of precision.

The mission of RUBIUS

RUBIUS is to propel the business and furthermore make digital currency more open through the advancement of straightforward buyer confronting blockchain programming. Nowadays, Cryptocurrency tackles the majority of the issues consequential to bank the world.

The RUBY Coin

RUBYs have immediate utility. Utilizing RUBY coins as your trading pair reduces fees by 50%, and they are the default payment method on the Aryl app.

As we introduce incipient blockchain solutions to the Rubius network, RUBY coins will always be integrated to increment utility and authoritatively mandate.

Proceeds from the RUBY ICO will go towards development and marketing costs.


Rubius will fixate on three key regions on our natural network which is; our Smartphone application kenned as Aryl, our web base exchange optically discerned as Rubiex and Rubius coin. These three domains will be the operational work territory at which Rubius will interface with her customers and the entire world. the accompanying is a diagram to incidentally verbalize with your appreciation;

Highlights of Rubius

After numerous fundamental focus, Rubius will operate to amassed a decentralized web that will profit understand an across the board extent of our decentralized kineticism without national limits. This will culminate with a cosmically colossal number of contraptions and PCs anchored by blockchain to convolute up the first to have the worlds decentralized web. The application made to upgrades the method of activity of rubius is kenned as ARYL APP.


Aryl is an application asserted by Rubius, it is along these lines an open-source Ethereum wallet and portion organize, Aryl’s essential protest is to make cryptographic mazuma and blockchain advancement more accessible, customer neighborly and chance free. With Rubiex, customers can buy, offer, and trade separate cryptographic types of mazuma plenarily from the Aryl application. It additionally varying reason at which it propels which are; sending and abiding of injunctive approbation, a made instrument for interfacing with colleagues, affecting web to message( iMessage utilization), a security wallet that plays out sundry limits et cetera.

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