Rubbing Wet Pussy Tumblr

Rubbing Wet Pussy Tumblr


Rubbing Wet Pussy Tumblr
Let me slap my cock against your pussy until you get nice and wet.
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God. Last night he came home, undressed, and immediately told me to ride him until I was satisfied. After every orgasm, he held me still by the hips and asked if the need was all gone. When I said no, he just told me to keep trying. To do my best. Finally when my legs gave out and I still wanted more, he flipped me over, railed me until I cried, filled me with cum, left me a fucked-out mess, and told me I should know by now that I could never satisfy myself without his help. Because my body and soul belong to him and him alone. I can never be fulfilled without his help. I need him.
Here’s something I wrote , just imagine that’s it you and me x enjoy
I actually have a basement as you guys say .. we call it a cellar under the house ..
I would stalk you and follow you on a night out with your girlfriends ..
At the bar … you’re distracted for a moment and I quickly take satchet from my pocket with Ecstasy already crushed and pour it into your drink …
I order my drinks and ask if I could buy you and your friends a drink … I buy a bottle of Grey Goose and some mixers and soon we are all partying together …
An hour later after drinking and dancing … your friends and Inthink you’ve had enough … I say to them “ look girls you enjoy yourselves and here’s another bottle to keep the party going but I think I should take Lily home “ they trust me plus I’ve spent another £100 on a bottle of vodka for them .. and I usher you away with my arm round your waist , a bit wobbly on your heels I hold you up as the doorman asks if he can help , but I say I’m good and have an Uber waiting round the corner .
I laugh with you , making you feel comfortable and reassured …I open the door for you and you slide into the back seat , your short skirt riding up your thigh … and I slip in right next to you … the driver says hope you had a good night , where to ? I give him my address , so you don’t notice and he drives off …
It ok sweetie …we’ll have u home soon enough … I can smell your perfume and hair shampoo .. so fresh , so sexy … I lean into your face and give you a kiss .. “ it’s ok baby , you’ll be ok … the vodka must’ve been too much for you … trying to be a big girl drinking hard spirits”
I gently play with your hair. … moving it away from your face and kiss your forehead
Good girl .. just you have a rest we’ll be home soon baby … my hand touches your thighs and feel your smooth skin … the skirt sitting up high , your white panties on view to the driver when he checks his rear view mirror .. I slide my hand round your head so you can cuddle into me …and it inches towards the opening in your blouse … I can just make out your white bra and some of your skin … my breath is hot … my cock hardening at the thought of what is about to happen on the next few hours …
You doze off … all sleepy … I kiss your neck .. slow soft kisses .. you quietly moan into my chest …your perfume driving me crazy ..I shush you and slowly continue , tasting your skin , I slowly lick your neck and earlobe … you don’t move ..
You kiss me back and I lift your head to kiss your lips .. your mouth opens and slide my tongue into you , you sort of wake up with the intensity of the kiss …
The driver pulls up and stops the car … “ that’s you mate”… I tip the guy a £5 and open the door .. I hold your hand and guide you out .. your heels getting caught in the floor as I help you out … I hold you up and out my hands round your waist and guide you round the side of the house … I take a key from under the plant pot and open the basement door …” come on sweetie , just a little bit further “ .. I flick on a switch and the room lights up ..
You’re woken up with a full on slap across the face … whoosh !!!
“ shut up slut ..” I growl … “ the less you scream the better it will be for you “ Shocked you stay still , “ no mister … who are you … where am I”
SLAP … you get another crack across your face … the tears start to flow … “ shut up I said “
I take your hands and drag you up the bed , and quickly tie them behind you to the bed head …
I pull your legs apart and tie one then the other to opposite bed posts … “ no no no .. please mister .. please .. don’t do this … please “
“ you are gonna get what’s coming to you slut… dressing like a whore .. you will take whatever I give you .. I’m going to use your mouth , your cunt and ass … “ Now say “ yes sir … I’ll be a good fucktoy “.
Good girl … see it’s easy .. I jump up onto the bed between your legs and rip your panties off … “ no no no .. please sir .. “ I put them to my nose and smell your pussy on them .. then I rip open your blouse , your tits look inviting in a nice lace bra .. I rip that off too and your tits spill free … I slap your tits making you flinch with the sting .. groping your flesh and pinching your hardening nipples .. twisting them in my rough fingers .. you whimper in pain as I play with them … “ no no no please .. you don’t have to do this … please .. I won’t say anything , just let me go “
SLAP as my hand cracks against your cheek again .. “ shut up slut .. shut up , I’ve told you don’t talk , if you don’t shut up I’m going to gag you “
My hands reach down between your legs … I feel your pussy and roughly jam a finger into your cunt ..
I reach back for your ripped panties and stuff them into your mouth .. “ now shut up .. you whore “
I push another finger in and start to work them in and out of your tight teenage cunt … gasping as I do .. as I lose control and take full advantage of you … after a minute or two … your cunt gives you up ..
“ what’s this … your pussy’s getting wet little one .. are you turned on as I rape your cunt”
Your pussy gets wetter and wetter as I continue my onslaught …
I lean down and replace my fingers with my tongue … I open you up so I can feast on your juices … “ oh my god .. oh my god … what are you doing to me mister “ … I lick and spit into you , using my beard to tickle your clit as your juice coats my face & chin … “ enjoying it now slut eh” love having your pussy eaten out eh … you dirty slut .. you’re not fooling me cunt .. you wanted this …
I use my spit and your juices and pull them towards your tight ass .. I slobber into your brown hole .. making it wet .. you flinch as the reality dawns on you .. and push a finger into your ass … you moan into your gag .. but I can’t hear you just your moans , can’t make out what you say … then you manage to spit out the gag “ no oh god no .. please mister … “ I push my finger in deeper and add more spit as I slide another into your very tight ass … I slowly start to fuck your ass with my rough fingers … soon I’m able to easily slide them in and out as you writhe & moan … “that’s a good girl .. your holes were made for this slut”
Your skirt is still on , high up around your waist … I’ve kept your slutty heels on too and your hands are still tied to the bed head …
“ Don’t make me hurt you … shut up I said”.
You push up from the pelvis as I eat your ass , finger your pussy and generally make a mess of your holes . Your juice pouring out of you , your body giving u up as you continue to moan …
“ Good girl … are u enjoying it now “
You think of something to make me stop, and spit at me- heavily breathing as you say “s-stop sir please. i don’t deserve this!”
I get up off the bed … and start to unbuckle my pants … I take off my belt …and move closer to your face and spit right back at you .. and whip my belt across your thighs .. once , twice , tree times … the red marks appear quickly across them where I’ve struck you .. “ if you don’t start to behave young lady I’m going to use the mettle buckle next next “ as I trace the cold steel across your nipples and neck … I take the belt and tie it round your neck and pull you up to my face .. “ DO YOU UNDERSTAND SLUT”
I start to take my trousers off , my cock is bulging in my pants and I quickly take them off as my cock springs out … your eyes widen and you gasp .. I pull u up with the belt
“ now show me how much of a whore you are ..” I grab your hair and pull you towards my cock “ open it slut … open your mouth “
I push my veiny cock in .. holding you by the hair as I push inch by inch into your wet mouth .. you struggle to cope with the thickness more than the length .. your cheeks bulge out .. “ suck it .. don’t make me say it again “
That’s it .. good girl .. take it all the way down .. guk guk guk … and slide that tongue underneath so you can lick at the same time .. good girl
What a good cocksucker you are .. that’s it up and down … I reach down with my hand and start to rub your cunt at the same time .. your pussy is soaking wet and I easily slip a couple of fingers in as I frigg you and you are choking on my cock ..
You pull your head up quickly as you beg me to stop. “ i-i can’t anymore, it’s to big sir. please don’t make me do this.” you moan as you feel my fingers go into you.
I strip off the rest of my clothing and give u a minute to recover from the cock down your throat ..
SLAP my hand cracks against your face once more … “ I said you will take whatever I give you .. now stop whining slut “
Teary eyed you look to me for mercy but u get nothing back …
I move above you and sit my ass on your face … “ eat my ass slut .. and eat it good or you will be sorry you were ever born into this god forsaken world “
I slapp your tits as I squat over you , your tongue in my ass , spitting on it and eating my brown ring … licking and sucking my balls aswell .. instinctively you suck my cock again .. from behind .. I continue to pinch your nipples and you moan from the pain I am giving you .. nipples hard and red raw .
I get up off your face , tears streaming down your face .. “ please stop … please sir I beg you”
Your young body is marked red from the belt, your face is red from the slaps , the tears , your tits are red from the rough groping and pinching . You look defeated , but still you beg for it to stop ..
I spin you over onto your tummy , hands still tied , legs spread open and I rip what’s left of your slutty skirt off .. your sobbing hard into the bed, face down and now ass up .
I take the belt and whip it across your ass cheeks … you scream out as another and another and another whips across your cheeks , they immediately turn rosey red .. another cracks against you ..
“ this is what happens to teenage teasing sluts … dressing like whores and behaving like sluts “
When real men find you .. this is what you get ..
“ too late for that now slut .. I’ve snapped and you are going to satisfy my needs … like it or not “
I pull you up from the waist … hands still tied , head down , ass up and I kick your thighs further apart ..
I get up behind you and spit onto your cunt , use my fingers to rub it in but your cunt is wet already in readiness for what’s about to come .
I grab your hair , pull you back sobbing and rubb my cock over your pussy , using your own juices as lube … slowly I move it up and down your slit .. teasing myself ..
Sliding up & down … “ please sir .. please don’t do this ..I beg you please … it’s not too late .. you haven’t actually fucked me yet .. you don’t have to .. please ..
I thrust into you in one movement , my whole cock disappearing into your teenage cunt … balls deep ..
you gasp hard , as the enormity of it takes your breath away … I pull you back against it from your hair ..
“ oh my god .. oh my god no “ you cry as the cock invades your womb unprotected , unsheathed and relentlessly hard ..
You cry harder as you continuously beg me too stop. “p-please.. no no.. you can stop this now.. i’m begging you..” you feel too defeated but constantly fighting against me feeling me push my cock into your wet cunt, you moan softly
I power into you.. not giving you any chance as I build up a quick hard rythem .. riding you hard and fast .. pow pow pow .. in and out …
tears streaming down your face as I take what I want from you .
“ that’s a good girl … see how you take my cock so easy “
Only good fucktoys can take a cock like that first time … your not fooling anyone slut … you wanted this to happen … if it hadn’t been me it would’ve been some other guy !!
Cunts like you .. are nothing but whores who fuck for nothing .. getting fucked is your prize ..
I let go of your hair and put both hands around your mouth .. my fingers keeping your mouth open as you slobber and cry , sluts like you don’t mind being hurt , being slapped and spat on it’s what you live for being good whores and fucktoys for older men to abuse .. that’s it good girl … I’m going fuck you upside down slut ..
I can feel your pussy tighten around my cock .. trying to squeeze my cum from me … I won’t last too much longer slut …
I bury myself as deep as I can and let go of my seed … ahhhh ahhhh
Spurt after spurt of hot sticky cum floods your womb .. you can feel it hitting the walls of your womb .. I keep it in your pussy for as long as I can … you too orgasm as you feel the cum shooting inside you …
I pull you back by the hair … and kiss your neck and face ..
you respond passionately as we kiss hard , tongues inside each other’s mouths .. bodies sweating , the heat pouring out of us both …
“ good girl … we’ll done Princess “
You giggle as you kiss me back with a soft moan, replying “thank you daddy.” blushing looking down and you say after the fact - “you should rape me more often daddy, i like being your pretty fucktoy. i’m sorry i put up such a fight. i won’t next time sir.”
Sitting in my college advisor’s office at the end of the semester. He’d flirted with me all year, and I was too naive to tell him to stop. Now his middle aged body was leaning over me on his sofa, making me nervous and needy as he coaxes me;
“Come on, let me just see your pussy. You’re so pretty, I bet your pussy is so cute and sweet. I just want to look at you. Let’s get these panties off… oh my god, look at you. Look at that pink pussy. It’s so beautiful. Can I just touch you a little bit? Can I put my hands here, on your thighs, and maybe spread you open a little? Oh yes, baby, look at you, so wet already, you’re shaking… I just want to hold your pretty little pussy open and watch you squirm. Yes, baby. Don’t be shy, I want to see you drip for me. No no, don’t close your legs. I’m gonna spread you some more. There we go, there’s your pretty little clit. I’m gonna lick it, baby, is that okay? Would you let me lick your little pussy for a minute? Just a minute. Mmm… oh fuck, baby, you taste so fucking good… Mmm, god, you like that? My tongue swirling around your clit? You like it when I fuck you with my tongue? Mhmm… fuck yeah, moan for me, baby… Let me just hold you open and eat this pretty little pussy… until you’re shaking. Oh fuck, you’re so wet, baby… you’re so close, I can taste it… please cum for me, baby. Cum in my mouth… just cum, baby, oh, yes… Come on, baby, I know you can. Keep cumming, that’s it… fuck, you’re so pretty when you squirm like that. Good girl. Good girl… let me rest my cock on your pussy for a minute. Get your breath back while I slide my cock up and down… God, you’re so wet, baby… you’re dripping. Soaking wet, aren’t you? It feels amazing. Just sliding back and forth across your clit, teasing your little pussy with my cock… you’re making me throb baby, can you feel it? Can you feel my cock pulsing on your clit? Fuck… What if I just… push the head in? Oh God, you’re so warm… Mmm, yeah, let’s do that again, just the head… Fuck, fuck yes… look how easy I can slide inside. It would be so easy to fill you up. I could slide all the way inside you. You’re so wet for me. You’re so ready to be fucked, baby. Let’s just test it, okay? I’m gonna put the head in, and we’ll see how easy you open up for me, okay? Mhmm, there’s the tip… and now, there’s an inch… two… three… Oh god, baby, you’re taking it all so well… look at you stretch around my cock. Dripping, taking my dick so deep, fuck… there it is, baby. My whole cock buried inside you. You took it all, baby. Good girl. Does it feel good, being filled with my cock? Can you feel me stretching you open? Can you feel my pulse inside you? Oh God, you feel so fucking good. Your pussy is so soft. You look so beautiful spread open for me like that. I just have to fuck you now. I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You’re so tight around my cock… yes, baby, fuck, you feel so good. Just let me fuck your perfect little pussy a little longer… Yes, yes… fuck, yeah, baby, you like my dick inside you? Mmm, yes… I’m so deep inside you. So fucking deep. Fuck, I want to cum inside you. Fuck… Let me pound into you until you can’t think. Just feel me fucking you, pushing my cock as deep as I can, feel me getting harder and hotter… that’s it. Good girl. Whimper for me. Tell me how good my cock feels buried inside you. Take that cock, and moan for me. Yes… Mmm, fuck, baby… you’re so wet, you’re so warm… yes. Yes. Oh God, I want to cum. I want to cum inside your pussy so fucking bad. Can I, baby? Please let me fill your cunt with cum, oh God… fuck, yes… please, baby. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum, baby, I’m sorry… fuck… oh, fuck, baby, can you feel it? Mmm… can you feel me flooding your pussy? Fuck, you’re making me cum so much… so deep inside you… Oh fuck, yes… take that load, baby… what a good girl. So full. Fuck.”
You know who you are. The dirty little sluts who who crave being humiliated and degraded for Daddy's amusement.
The filthy ones who want to bury their face into Daddy's crack. They tell themselves they only do this for their Sir's enjoyment, but deep down they know they love to worship their Owners asshole. Their favorite place in this world is having Daddy's ass cheeks surrounding their nose and mouth, with their tongue lapping at the filthy hole of their superior.
They know down to their core that lapping and tongue fucking a man's shithole is their place in life. It gets their cunt wet or their cock hard, their juices flowing.
Well don't worry little slut, Daddy knows how much lapping at our hole gets to you. We can tell by your drool, your eyes and how much you start leaking. Keep lapping our assholes and you'll be rewarded you little pig.
in a relationship i’m gonna love you and mutually love the way we fuck, but let’s pretend i hate how we fuck because you’re acting too fragile and shy. i get tired of it eventually and decide to just start raping you instead, forcing my cock all the way in, grabbing at you however i want. at first you would stay with me because you’re scared, but soon you would stay because you never want to lose that feeling.
It was all part of the turn-on, to seduce a man and make him believe he was the one owning me. But men can be so silly, at times. They always think they are the only ones with nasty perversions. So few of them think that someone like me, some delicate looking little tipsy woman, can be the one holding the reigns. You just have to do it right. You just have to make them believe they’re raping you.
I found him at one of my favorite prowling spots. A dive bar, on the other side of town. Low lights, loud music, packed to the brim with college kids and party goers. It’s always so easy to look vulnerable there, you just have to wear the right clothes and walk with a slight stumble. He swooped in on me right away, tall and strong, telling me he was going to get me home safe. I feigned drunkeness and tripped into the cab and pretended not to see the devious smirk on his face as he directed the driver to his apartment. He was all mine.
And now he was on top of me. It didn’t take long, of course. I was dripping wet and he was rock hard at the idea of fucking. He pushed me onto the b
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