Rubbing My Panties

Rubbing My Panties


Rubbing My Panties



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By alexk | 21 posts, last post over a year ago

Okay so here is what happened: I was rubbing his penis and he did cum a little but not a lot. After he did that on the outside of my panties he rubbe it near my vagina area it made me very wet. I am still a virgin and I am so scared that I might be pregnant. Please help me. After all that he put his penis under my underwear nut he said that he didn't cum at all BC he new it was BC we didn't have a condom to keep everything in. But we didn't do that last part a lot. Is there anyway I can get pregnant. Like right after that my sides started to hurt. While we were making out he was rubing like kind of my sides. You don't understand I'm so scared HELP ME PLEASE. he also kind of fingered me, I still want tyo be a virgin so like my hymen didn't rip or anything but like I was very wet. And since cum ws on my hand like it dried and everything then I started to play down there too with mine and his hands. Sorry its long, but now you can see how worried I am...

but the thing is it happened Friday afternoon and now its Saturday night.. do you think I'm pregnant because my side hurts or no??
Should I take a pregnancy test??

i am only 16!! But I am still a virgin. Never has a penis or finger been up my vagina. And I can't buy it till Monday. Do you think that the reason my side hurts is BC of this accident?? Before this I have had side problems but not this bad. But I'm still a virgin!!

if you were in my situation would you be worried??

like my ovaries that area the lower part

sorry one more question!! Would you be worried if you were in my situation and since his penis wadnt in me what are the chances of me getting pregnant??

No, thank you so much. Please pray for me not to be pregnant that would mean a lot

I´m sorry but I guess you could be pregnant, many girls get pregnant by this way, I suggest you tell your parents and his parents, they know what to do. You are too young.

are you serious???
i have asked many people and i also called a hotline and they said that there really inst any way i could be.
are you sure??

In reply to alexk on 2012-10-14 - click to read

Yes, but if you want to make sure you both must go to a Dr. I suggest tell your parents.


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