Rubbing Mommys Panties

Rubbing Mommys Panties


Rubbing Mommys Panties
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I'm 16 years old and I live alone with my Mom who is divorced
from my Dad. She's in her forties (I don't want to give her real age).
I've been enjoying her toes and feet for as long as I can remember. She's a very heavy sleeper since she
works two jobs to support us and occasionally takes something to help her sleep so she can be ready for work. When she
does take a pill to help her sleep she has no idea that I worship her toes (and feet) while she's sleeping. I used
to feel guilty about it but I don't any longer. I know that sounds strange for me to say about my Mom but my best
friend Eddie likes to suck her toes and lick her soles. Eddie also thinks she has sexy feet. She has perfectly aligned toes and super arches. She's a size 7.5 US. Eddie will come
over during the day and the two of us will suck on her toes after we breathe in the musky fragrance of her feet from being in (mostly) closed shoes all day.
Sometimes she'll wiggle her toes while we're sucking on them but she has never once gotten up. Eddie likes to
cum on her feet as well. I've never done that (something about it being my Mom) but I watch him squirt his cum on
her toes and soles. The sight of Eddie's juice running down her sole is amazing!

The other day Eddie came over with another friend of ours from
school, a black dude named Jackson. Eddie told Jackson about what we do to my Mom's feet while she sleeps and
Jackson wanted in on the action. Jackson started out real slow at first sniffing her toes (which were painted red at
the time) then running his tongue up and down her sole. He then started to kiss her arch ever so lightly and lick right
under her big toe. He got hard real fast so he must be into feet. At first he was a little nervous not knowing what to
expect. Once he relaxed a bit, Jackson took out his dick and began rubbing it on her foot. Eddie was shrimping the toes of her other foot so I just sat there watching them have fun.
I can have her feet whenever I want. The sight of Jackson's black skinned dick against Mom's wrinkly white soles gave me a stiff boner. As Jackson rubbed his dick on her foot I could see his pre-cum starting to glisten on her sole.
Mom moved a little at that point and spread her toes. Jackson stopped, not wanting to wake her but as I said,
she's a real heavy sleeper, as Eddie and I already knew. Eddie just continued with his usual shrimping. I thought I heard a slight moan from my Mom as if sub-consciously she felt what was happening.
At that point, Jackson blew his load between her toes and up onto her bare leg. She usually sleeps in her
panties but I told both Eddie and Jackson that area is off limits. Problem was Jackson's cum shot all the way on
her pussy leaving a big stream that had to be cleaned up. I told him to get something to clean it off in case she woke
up (which I knew she wouldn't). He got a paper towel and ever so gently wiped his cum off her feet, leg, and
panties. Jackson was still hard even after shooting his load. As he was
cleaning near her pussy we heard her moan again. Jackson's hand was right on top of her pussy and he was pressing
gently to clean his cum. Mom spread her legs at that point and Jackson noticed a huge wet spot on her panties near her crotch.
I gave him a look that said not to go any further. Eddie was still working on her other foot, gently nibbling
on her toes. Eddie's saliva was running down her foot in gobs he was sucking so much while watching Jackson rub
his dick on her foot.

I told them both enough for today. Jackson was excited as hell. He said he couldn't wait for the next time. He said my Mom's feet were sexy as hell and he wanted to suck on her toes. I told him
I would let him but he had to promise to keep this quiet. I don't want a bunch of guys sucking on my Mom's toes
and licking her feet all the time. I think Eddie, Jackson, and me are more than enough.
This is fiction right? This seems too fantastic to be an NF story.
Nice story. But if that's true, my own personal opinion is that I feel it is wrong that you bring over friends to basically take advantage of your mom for
your own sexual desires. I mean, she is your mom, have some respect my man. You basically are having your friends' dicks on your mom.
I agree with Nine and I am calling BS on this story. Heavy sleeper or not she is not going to notice three bodies in her presence. And she's not going
to notice dried come on her legs and feet? No matter how much you wipe with a dry towel there will be some stickiness and she would notice damp skin from a
wet one.

Sorry, this is no N/F story.
Wow! You guys are tough. I didn't notice a NF in the title so who knowsif it is fiction. What I did notice was this was his first post and with
reactions like those, probably his last.

Way to go. Silence someone because you have the need to be critical. A shame, really, since it was told rather well, fiction or not.
Hey, I did not say it's BS, although I am leaning towards the fact that it is. However the point of my comment is that if it IS true, then I was just
pointing out it's disrespectful and low dignity to have your friends dick on your mom, even though it's just her feet, but still for their sexual
desires. I mean it is basically the same as saying for a non-foot fetishist saying, "Oh, yea my mom is a heavy sleeper, so my friends and I all gather
around and slipped our dicks between her breasts until we came". It is wrong. Now I did not even comment the fact that this person is 16 yrs old, still
attached to his mother's feet (i know many of us develop foot fetishism early in our lives because of our moms feet, but 16 yrs of age is stretching it),
because I believe to each their own, however like I said for the sake of the mother's dignity, he should not have his friends jacking off to his mom's
feet. That is all.
So what if it's BS? If he marked it NF then you would have a beef.

By the way, I understand your point of view about showing respect for his mom. He did show some restraint by not cumming on her feet himself. But remember one
thing, anyone who has cum on a woman's feet is cumming on the feet of someones daughter, sister, maybe mother, and possibly wife. Kind of like "He
who is without sin...."

If you've never done anything like that, then please accept my apologies.
nice story it would be even better if you added some pics of her feet and please write more about you and your friends and her feet and toes
did they ever tried to go beound her feet?
Someone requested pictures. I forgot that one of my friends lent me his IP camera that I put under her computer desk. Here are some shots of that as well as
her sleeping on the sofa:

I really can't believe it... If someone was touching my mom in that place, It would be the end of that person. Let alone, allow my friend to whip it out
and actually do that to her feet. Those might be real pics, but the story really can't be Legit
daaaaamn! get some sole shots! thanks for sharing she has amazing feet!
ya add pictures of her soles and when your friends are doing stuff to her feet and when the cum
Please leave feedback - N.B. ALL POSTED IMAGES AND VIDEOS ARE ยฉ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 FOOT FETISH TRINIDAD
any new pics of stories abt her feet??
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Not many results contain rubbing , mommys Search only for "rubbing" "mommys" panties ?
I remember taking a pair of my moms panties from her drawer. I ran to my room and stripped down naked. I remember they were shadowline nylon briefs size 9. I slowly stepped into them and pulled them on and the feeling was electric. They were very large on me and I instantly got hard. I started to stroke and before I knew it I started to c**.
10953 Views I'm 12 and My daddy rubs my private parts and I really like it. He calls me his princess and makes my privates wet. He will sneak into my room when mommy is sleeping and we'll snuggle where he starts to rub my belly, my boobs, and my privates. It tingles. And I love that feeling.
About Community. Women who could be moms wearing a bra, panties , or both. 1.2k.
gently to clean his cum. Mom spread her legs at that point and Jackson noticed a huge wet spot on her panties near her crotch. I gave him a look that said not to go any further. Eddie was still working on her other foot, gently nibbling on her toes. Eddie's saliva was running down her foot in gobs he was sucking so much while watching Jackson rub
"I will show you what a piece of meat feels like", she said. She reached in her nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube and squirted a bunch over my cock and balls and started rubbing it in. Of course I got hard quickly, mom said "Now see how it feels to be used and not able to do anything about it!"
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Director : Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix In a small Florida town, a young French woman goes with her mother to a routine medical check-up to act as her interpreter. However she is taken by surprise when she learns that it is actually a gynecological examination she is attending. But, the biggest revelations are yet to comeโ€ฆ ยฉ Sarah de Chabaneix / Plus 3
Now, today My mom told me she was going to a book sale in town at the library she does charity cervices at. And my dad, being a traveling ceo and sales rep is out of town till next week. I decided this would be the best time to masturbait. What i inferred from my mother was that she was leaving immedeatly. So i go into my room, fire up limewire ...
I had more than half of his cock in my mouth when he said, "mom, I'm gonna cum." Bonnie was saying. "take it, take your sons cum in your mouth. " Those words got me so hot and I moaned as if to say, "yes, give me your cum." A second later my son said words that are forever burned into my mind. "Mom, I gonna cum in your mother."
I seduced my son by at first wearing nylon leggings and short skirts, then i asked him to rub my feet and eventually for him to "see" how they smell and yes, later taste, and it didnt stop there. I started to leave the bathroom door opened when i showered so he could see or [โ€ฆ]
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