Rtf Latex

Rtf Latex


Rtf Latex

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Converts most input encodings to unicode Handles many bibliographic formats Inserts cross references Translates TeX equations to Word field equations Converts graphics and inserts into RTF file Babel language support Tabular and table conversion

Wilfried Hennings
ticket #161

binaries in the latest release tarball


Wilfried Hennings
a comment
on ticket #161

you are right! I just replaced the tarball by latex2rtf-2.3.18a.tar.gz which should not contain the binaries any more.


Vitaly Lipatov
ticket #161

binaries in the latest release tarball

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I would recommend "Total Doc converter". It works pretty cool for me. They also offer free trial version. First try then buy.

It is very handy converter when you write an article into scientific journal. Typically you write a source code in LaTex then convert the output into desired format like pdf. But for popular magazines Mircosoft Word is the case, so rtf is desired. Good work!

Hyperlatex allows the development of documents that are to be distributed either as printed
matter or as HTML. It is not a general-purpose translator of LaTeX files into HTML, but allows
writers to write for both media simultaneously.

LatexInWord provides macros for Microsoft Word that allow the use of LaTeX input to create equations images in both inline and display modes. Similar macros for other word processors will hopefully be added in the future.
We are currently in the process of migrating this project to GitHub:
Client: https://github.com/EngineeroLabs/latex_in_word
Server: https://github.com/EngineeroLabs/Process_LaTeX

rtf2latex2e translates Rich Text Format files into LaTeX

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Latex2rtf tries to convert your LaTeX file into a RTF file for opening in Microsoft Word. The general idea is to try and get the things that computers are good at correct: character conversion, graphic conversion, etc. Page layout suffers because control in RTF is pretty pathetic compared to TeX. Consequently, it is likely that manual reformatting will be needed.

Translation of bibliographies is pretty good and a wide range of styles are handled, but you must typeset your LaTeX file to create the needed .aux and .bbl files first.

Translation of equations used to be excellent: it used to be possible to double-click equations in Word and then edit with MathType. Unfortunately, this conversion in Word has gotten progressively worse over the years (I changed nothing!). Unfortunately, the only solution is to converting to MTEF objects, which is a major rewrite (but would make OpenOffice users much happier.) Volunteers welcome!
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Unfortunately, I can't use rtf2latex2e because it says that DropUNIX "no longer supports the classic environment". I barely know what I'm doing otherwise, besides dropping my .rtf file onto the DropUNIX program.
What else can I use? I don't mind which type of file it is I'm converting to LaTeX (.doc would also be OK, as long as it keeps my formatting).
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See the fmtconv question on the UK TeX FAQ, or, more specifically, the page on Converters from PC Textprocessors to LaTeX - Overview , which is specifically about this question and has many many examples. This general list of word-processor filters may help too.
UnRTF claims to be able to convert RTF to LaTeX as well as other formats (e.g. HTML). It claims to support HTML best, so perhaps RTF->HTML->LaTeX (e.g. with html2latex) might work better. I haven't actually tried any of this though.
Make your rtf/doc document into docx, and convert it using docx2tex .
You need the System.IO.Packaging .NET class to get this to work, which is no problem if you are using Windows, and is in principle supported by Mono if you are not. If anyone has success doing this with Mono, I'd like to hear of your experiences: this didn't work a year or so ago, but their implementation of that class has improved since then.
I say more about the utility in an answer at tex.stackexchange . Suffice it to say that I consider this by far the cleanest, most Latex-friendly option out there.

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I am currently starting to write a thesis. As I am using R for statistics, I actually would like to use LaTeX and the knitR package for the text but I also have doubts to use it as the work might be published and the journal might only accept rtf or doc formats. I noticed that this topic has already been discussed elsewhere ( http://www.tex.ac.uk/FAQ-fmtconv.html , Which is the best import / export LaTeX tool? ) but the threads have not been very helpful to me (lack of software skills on my part). So I hope someone has some simple answers for me.
My problem looks like this: I have a knitR document including plots and citations:
I tried the following to convert the document into an rtf file:
1) LaTeX2RTF: problem was that diagrams and citations were not converted
2) R 'connect3' package using the following code (same problem as LaTeX2RTF)
3) I also saw the thread describing tex4ht but the setup for windows operating system seemed terribly unhandy to me ( https://www.tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn-mswin.html )
So I'd like to ask how you are adressing this problem and if you could describe the solution in a simple way.
I found two solutions that work quite well:
1) http://www.sciweavers.org/convert-latex-to-rtf
2) https://www.lyx.org/
I hope this will help someone
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rtf2latex2e is a program that translates RTF (rich text format) files into
LaTeX files. It has the capability to handle fairly
complex RTF files containing figures, tables, and equations.
The resulting LaTeX files are intended to be quite readable and suitable for editing.

RTF is not a typesetting language and there is a pretty serious
mismatch between the capabilities and assumptions inherent in the
RTF and TeX formats. The resulting document will need some editing.

Sometimes you want/need to convert a Microsoft Word file to LaTeX. One
way to do the conversion is use Word to save the .doc or .docx file
in RTF format and then use
rtf2latex2e to convert to LaTeX. This method has a few advantages over
saving to text or converting to HTML and then to LaTeX.

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