Rtenzo Hentai

Rtenzo Hentai


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Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

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Copyright © 2022 Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai . All rights reserved. Theme: ColorMag by ThemeGrill . Powered by WordPress .
Animations created by Greengiant2012.
Did GG come out of retirement because his deviantart has been posting stuff recently
would be cool if you did an entire video and not just the gifs. the animation is fucking amazing for the gifs and would most likely get more attention than the fanfics that are being made. hell you could even make the videos to go along with them. dont mind if no voice actors happen cuz i 100% know you cant get the original ones for this but stuff like moaning and music wouldnt be a bag touch. just think about it. if you do it then you will be the first one to actually make a full video and not just the random clips like all others do. you could actually have a story to go with your fanfics and pictures. would boost your popularity a lot. just a thought. not many people want the attention like that nor do they have the motivation for it. just wish one person would actually do it when they have good art and a talent.
I know GG retired but would you by any chance make a new animation by rtenzo?
I want to but time is a major factor. I am trying to free up more time to be able to do it. I will try.
Understandable. Thanks for the reply.
Sakura’s expression while getting fucked makes my nose bleed and love the bounce of gigantic tits and booty.
Sakura reaction while getting penetrated and toyed makes my nose bleed also love the huge bouncing tits and booty.
these are beautiful af!!!!! can’t wait for the next one!
Such an amazing animation, really need some more cause they’re really good.
Damn I got excited when I saw this tab & thought we were about to see a glorious Enzo picture animated!
Greengiant does better animations than I ever could have
Will admit it’s a very quality animation! Hope to see more from greengiant as I’ve always followed his artworks as well!
More gifs like this are needed.

Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

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Copyright © 2022 Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai . All rights reserved. Theme: ColorMag by ThemeGrill . Powered by WordPress .

Previous Story (Part IX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XI): To be continued…
Mana Nakiri stood naked inside the massive walk-in closet of her personal manor, well, technically the huge mansion belonged to the World Gourmet Organization, or W.G.O for short. But Mana had been living here for more than ten years now as she hadn’t named a successor to her position as the W.G.O’s Bookmaster. So she was fine considering it to be her home. If a person were to walk into the closet with her though, they’d probably think they’d stepped into a high end clothing store. All of the clothes were perfectly pressed and hanging off of racks that were arranged by color and item. The part of the closet she currently occupied looked like a full blown Lingerie Department.
Bras, panties and other undergarment accessories hung off of racks of hangers and even a few plastic mannequins. The decorator she hired at the time she’d moved in had done the place up to have a warm atmosphere, including the wall paper being a dark pink color with lighter pink hearts. It intentionally served to make one feel like they were inside a store rather than a walk-in closet that was basically the size of one.
Her naked body was freshly washed, her skin still slightly damp from the bath she’d just exited from. The salmon pink haired woman looked at her naked body reflected in a body length mirror on one wall. She idly wondered if her figure belonged in the M.I.L.F. category, or if she still could be thought of as a young woman. She wasn’t even in her forties yet, so she supposed she could still count as “hot”. Not that it really mattered, it was just an idle thought. Looking away from her reflection, Mana continued to ponder what she would wear today as one of her private attendants continued his report.
“…And for now, Lady Erina has continued the soft opening of her restaurant. ” the young man reported.
Mana sighed, “My daughter can be so foolish, accepting such a challenge. Still, I did send Sara there to get her to give up on being a chef while also showing her the best alternative to regular food. And you say they actually kept the meat substitute I had you send them?” she asked.
The attendant was a young man in his twenties with dark red, nearly crimson hair and an odd set of tattoos above his eyebrows. He was of an average build, but was well trained in multiple forms of combat and carried a rather intimidating looking sword when he was on guard detail. Mana hadn’t yet bothered to memorize his name as he cleared his throat and looked at the clipboard he carried. “Ahem, yes, they are using its radical body altering effects to their gain as far as the sexual services their restuarant can provide.”
Mana chewed the tip of her thumbnail lightly, “Well, that little gamble went south. I should have known the Arato girl would have been able to counter its effects. Well. No matter. It might help in the long run.” she mused aloud.
A sudden wave of dizziness came over Mana as her stomach let out a loud grumble that the attendants in the hallway could hear! Mana was more annoyed than embarrassed by the sound as she placed a hand over her stomach and turned away from the selection of lingerie to look at the young man divulging the report of her daughter, Erina Nakiri.
“Has Anne returned yet?” she asked.
“No milady, her flight isn’t scheduled to land until this afternoon.” the man reported.
“Oh well, I hate needles anyway. You know what to do.” she told him.
“Understood, milady.” the man replied coolly. He quickly began taking off the black kosode he wore and the shitagi underneath, followed quickly by the matching black hakama. He wore a more standard suit when he was guarding her, but the attendant uniforms strayed more towards traditional Japanese feudal styles in the manor. Her own tastes mainly, as she rather liked the aesthetic. The last Bookmaster had been a perverted old bald man with missing teeth and a long white beard. He was the embodiment of the ‘Pervy Old Man’ cliche, having all his guards and attendants be female and the manor ones always dressed in sexy outfits. Mana hated wearing some of those outfits, but she did miss the old perv, as he was one of the few men in the world who knew how to cook a decent meal! She hoped he reincarnated somewhere nice at least.
Mana licked her lips as the attendant dropped his hakama, revealing the white fundoshi style underwear he hand on, and the massive bulge it contained within. She walked over to him and smiled as she dropped to her knees in front of him. Her attendant was insanely professional, managing to keep himself from being aroused at the sight of her naked body through sheer force of will.
The instant she pulled down the old timey underwear though, she marveled at how quickly his dick went from flaccid to fully erect. It wasn’t all that different from watching a fire hose fill out once water pressure was applied to it. And much to her delight, it was roughly the same size as a fire hose as well! His cock was so thick, Mana needed both hands to grip it, and the firmness of it made her pussy heat up just from the sight alone! She did feel a little guilty for the latter part, but Azumi wasn’t around, and she doubted that gloomy old stick-in-the-mud would be able to understand as she opened her mouth wide.
“ HAAAAAMMMMPH!!! ” Mana moaned as she easily swallowed the man’s cock down her throat. Her neck bulged from his girth as she took his length in and she moaned in utter bliss at the feel of it moving in and out of her mouth as she immediately began bobbing her head.
“ NMMMMPH, HMMMMPH, AGUHMMMMPH, NMMMMMMMPH…! ” Mana moaned, loving the feel of the man’s massive dick in her mouth. Her jaw ached from it, but she could ignore that as she listened to him groan in pleasure as she took his cock deeper and deeper down her throat. For the longest time, Mana cursed her ‘gift’. To most, the God Tongue seemed the perfect skill for one who walked through the endless wasteland that was cooking. But in truth, it was a terrible curse. Mana missed food. The enjoyment of savoring a meal, the anticipation that came with the scent of something fresh from the oven, and the feeling of a properly full belly.
But her curse had stolen all of that away. She couldn’t stand the taste of anything less than absolute perfection! Even the smell of something that wasn’t to the highest of standards made her want to vomit! At its worst, Mana went weak from starvation, living off of a cocktail of raw nutrients Anne administered for her.
Until, that is, she found a solution! The taste of human skin didn’t trigger her God Tongue, and the nutritional value in semen had proven enough for her to subsist on for many years now!
“ AHMMMMMPH, NMMMMMPH, GUMMMPH, AHMMMMMPH, AGUH GUH GUH GUUMMMPH…!!! ” Mama gagged and moaned, moving her head back and forth faster and faster, loving the feel of this huge, hard, throbbing dick moving back and forth along her tongue. To feel anything in her mouth that didn’t make her sick was a relief she couldn’t even put into words!
“Ahhhh, miladyyy…” her attendant groaned.
“ DHON’T TAHLK, JUSHT CUM!!! AYE NHEED IT, PHEED MEH YOUR THICK HAWT LOHAD, AYE WHANT ID SHO BHAAAD…!!! ” Mana moaned, her voice almost incomprehensible with such a huge rod of man meat in her mouth. She idly moved a hand between her legs, rubbing at her itching pussy. Her clit was so swollen now, so sensitive, just the lightest touch of her fingers on it was enough to make her cum!
“ MMMMMHMMMMMPH, YESH, SHO PHIIIICK!!! AGUH GUHMMMPH, MMMMMPH, HMMMMPH!!! ” Mana moaned, moving her head back and forth faster. Long glistening stalactites of saliva hung from the red haired man’s huge dick every time her plump lips pulled back as she looked up at him.
“ CUMMMM, GHIMME CUM, PHICK, WARM, CUMMM!!! ” she moaned as her belly rumbled in protest again. “ AGUMMMMPH GUH GUG GWEH GUH…! ” she gagged loudly, her eyes rolling back in her head as she felt her pussy gushing hard as her fingers swirled around her clit furiously, sending her from one orgasm to another!
“ HAAAH AAHHHHA…! ” the red haired man groaned, and Mana deepthroated his dock, sending the tip all the way down into her stomach. A rich, thick, liquid warmth flooded into her as his cock throbbed and pulsated in her mouth.
“ AGUH, AGUH, AGUH… ” Mana gulped, feeling his hot cum flowing through his cock in her throat as he emptied his balls into her belly. She held his dick in her mouth for several long moments, until she was certain the last possible drop had been deposited in her stomach.
“ AGUUUUUUEH , hah…” she gasped, pulling her head back slowly. She barely even gagged as she got up again, with her hunger gone for now as her belly went quiet. “Hmmmh, thank you. I needed that. You may get dressed now, and have the bathroom attendants draw another bath for me. I’ll need to wash up again before getting dressed.” she told him.
“Yes milady, at once.” the red haired man said as he hurriedly put his clothes back on.
‘ I really should learn his name someday. ’ thought Mana.
Quando sai a próxima famfic das outras histórias


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