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Best Friends By Dwayne Collage what a great place to be! Cindy had thought to herself. This would be the best time of her life! It had been four months since she had started and already things were happening. She had met three new friends, actually three girls from high school who were now her friends, Pam, Margaret and Kim. In high school they had been in totally different groups. Cindy was from the Upper Class. Most of her friends were cheerleaders or friends of cheerleaders. Where as Pam, Margaret and Kim were from the middle class. Cute and friendly, but that was about it. Cindy had run into Kim about two weeks after collage had started. Kim was in her physiology class and had invited Cindy out to go dancing with a bunch of her friends at a local nightclub. There Cindy met the other two. They all seemed to hit it off well and began hanging out as a group. Pam introduced Cindy to Frank a week later. Now, Frank and Cindy where engaged to be married. The date was set for January 28th. Frank had insisted on it, so they would be able to go to his parents house, during spring break, and she could be introduced to all his family and friends. Cindy could hardly believe this was all happening. There was a knock on her dorm room door, it was Kim. She had arrived to take Cindy to her bacholarete party at Pam’s parent’s house. It was perfect, Pam’s parents had left for the weekend, and the girls had the house to them selves until Sunday afternoon. The party began a usual, as soon as Cindy came in the front door a Strawberry daiquiri was placed in her hand, her favorite. In no time it was gone and another one was in her hand. She sipped this one a little slower, after all, she already had a light buzz. Margaret slips a video in the player. Shortly the women were laughing and giggling at the video and their own comments that followed as only women could. After the third video the presents came out. The first was a sheer pink teddy with matching crotchless bikini panties. After a few raunchy comments and laughter, the next box was opened. Out came a white garter with matching half-cup bra and panties. More giggles and comments following Cindy’s elaborate fake try-ons. Two more outfits followed before a long skinny box was handed to Cindy. Upon opening the top Cindy gasped and her face turned bright red. What is it cried Pam and Kim? Margaret quickly grabbed the box out of Cindy’s hands, who was trying to hide it. Reached inside and quickly withdrew a two foot long, double headed plastic dick, exclaiming " for those long lonely nights alone" holding it triumphantly in the air like a torch. A few a few minutes of good-natured bantering, Pam then suggested Cindy try on the outfits. With a little encouragement by the other two girls Cindy allowed herself to be talked into modeling the outfits for her friends. Having four daiquiris in her Cindy was feeling a little turned on by now. The cool air in Pam’s room caused Cindy’s nipples to harden, pointing slightly upward from her firm, grapefruit sized breasts. Shortly, Cindy emerged from the bedroom in a sheer Red Teddy and red stockings. Acting like a showgirl she danced around the living room a little. While changing into the next outfit she allowed her self the luxury of running her fingertips over her rock hard nipples, sending hot flashes to her crotch. Her hand slid down to her crotch and in between her lips. She was wet, she rubbed her self slightly, "Oohh!" that felt sooo good! "Hey Cindy, what’s taking so long in there?" came a voice from outside the door. Quickly Cindy finished dressing and went out to the living room again. The girls Ooh’d and ahh’d over this outfit it was a light blue silk camisole with matching panties. Cindy’s 36C chest was about to burst through the blue silk, her hard nipples were very visible through the thin material. Once again she was in the bedroom, the silk sliding from her body turned her on even more. Her fingers from one hand quickly found their mark between her legs, while her other hand played with her nipples. She enjoyed herself for a couple of minutes before forcing her body into another outfit. The next outfit was the White Garter, stockings, panties and bra. The panties were so small they didn’t even covered her white skin. It was smaller than the swimsuit she sunbathed in year round, it didn’t even cover her pubic hair which was trimmed to her swimsuit. The bra pushes her tits even higher up than normal, the material barely covers the lower third if her tits, the entire aureole and nipple was exposed to the cool room air. Cindy admired herself in the mirror once again. Frank was going to love this on their Honeymoon. Once again her fingers played over her hard nipples and wet crotch. Mmm! That felt good! She lay back on the bed and played with herself for a few minutes. Laughter from the living room broke her mood. Quickly she got up, slipped on the stiletto high heels and moved toward the door, hoping that her absents had not been noticed. "There she is!" said Margaret. Cindy stepped into the living room and struck a pose before she realized that her friends were not alone. There were men standing around, two stepped behind her preventing her from bolting back down the hall. When she tried to cover her bare tits one man grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. As the initial terror faded she started looking closer at the four men around her. She knew them! "Billy! Mike! What’s going on?" Everyone began laughing, even the girls. Suddenly Cindy is afraid, very afraid! "Stupid Bitch, she still doesn’t get it" sneered Margaret. "You looked like you were having so much fun, we thought your soon-to-be husband should have an early peek!’ said Pam. Suddenly Frank stepped from the Kitchen into the living room. Cindy hadn’t been able to see him in the other room, her face turned white at the evil grin on his face. "Hi honey!" he said. "what are you doing here? Don’t you have your own party going on?" Cindy’s voice trembled with dread. "Why this is my party! Don’t I have a bunch of great friends! They even got me a stripper!" with the last statement he walked up to Cindy, looked her up and down, then said "what a beauty she is too!" Tears came to Cindy’s eyes "what do you mean by that!" she gasped. Not really wanting an answer, she got one anyway. "Why pay for one when you were doing so good!" Kim said. Then she held up a remote to the VCR, pressed a button, and looked at the big screen TV. Every ones eyes followed hers, even Cindy’s. Cindy appeared on the screen in her teddy dancing around the room. All the guys started cheering at her seductive movements. Kim then fast-forwarded to the blue silk camisole dance. More cheers as Cindy’s hands caressed over her body. "Why you sure are you enjoying your self there!" snapped Pam. "Why don’t you do it for your Frankie!" she added. Cindy was roughly shoved into the middle of the room. "Dance" every one cheered! "Dance, dance, dance!" Cindy tried to cover her tits once again. "NO!" yelled Pam. She walked up to Cindy carrying a stick in her hand. Mike grabbed Cindy’s arms by the elbows and held her tight. "No hiding yourself, keep you hands down. Or you will be punished!" With that she whacked Cindy across the knuckles with the stick. Cindy cried out in pain. "Now dance!" Pam told her. Cindy looked around at all the faces in the room. She knew them all. They were her friends, or so she had thought. "Why are you doing this to me" she whimpered. "Why?" exclaimed Pam. "Because you deserve it!" then she continued; "do you remember a boy in High school named Joe Knight?" "He was my boy friend in the 10th grade" Cindy replied. "No! he was MY boy friend first! You stole him from me right before the Prom. I swore I would get you back, remember!" "I’m sorry, but I didn’t know he was going with anyone." Cindy replied. "Yeah right! Now it’s pay-back-time you snob!" Pam replied angrily. "Now dance bitch!" "Please no, I can’t" cried Cindy, now in tears. "Do it!" snapped Pam, hitting Cindy on the ass with the stick. Cindy jumped at the pain. Realizing she had no choice, she slowly began dancing. The guys cheered her on. The women sneered at her. Cindy continued to dance all the time wondering what was next. She found out when the song ended. Frank picked her up and placed her on a large coffee table. She was told to start posing seductively. Mike had a Digital camera and was already zooming in. Margaret had a Captiva camera and was clicking away, pictures were already appearing at the back. Adam was holding a video camera and moving around the table. Full body shots and close ups were taken. Threatening to beat her if she didn’t smile, Cindy did her best to look like she was having fun. She cupped each breast upon direction, then sat down on the table and spread her legs wide. Now totally humiliated as the camera Mike held zoomed in on her tits getting as close as possible. "Let’s see that pussy" said mike. He reached over and grabbed her panties at the crotch and yanked. RIP! The cloth parted before Cindy could react. Instinctively she tried to cover her pussy with her hand only to have her knuckles painfully smacked with the stick by Pam. Frank and Thomas grabbed Cindy’s legs preventing her from closing them together. "Please No!" she pleaded to no avail. She was now directed to part her pussy lips so every one could see her wet hole. Tears steaming down her face she complied. Cindy was totally humiliated to no longer be in control of her fate or her body. The video camera zoomed in, more flashes from the cameras. "Now I think she should give her fiancée’ a blowjob" said Kim. Cindy was yanked to her feet. Frank then laid down on the coffee table a hugh grin on his face. Cindy was force to kneel at the edge of the table. With shaking hands she unzipped his pants and pulled his hard dick out. Slowly she bent over and took the engorged head into her mouth. Then continued going down until her nose was touching his pubic hair. Frank grabbed Cindy’s hair and began forcing her up and down his shaft at an ever-increasing rate. Gagging as Frank’s dick was shoved deeper and deeper into her throat. It seemed like hours to Cindy who was fighting for each breath. Suddenly, Frank yanked her head all the way down and held it there. Cindy felt his member pulsing deep in her throat as he began to come. When Frank was done, he got up and calmly said "who’s next?" "I am" said Mike, he handed the camera to Frank. Then he unzipped his fly, pulled his hardening dick out, walked up to the kneeling Cindy "suck it bitch". Without waiting for a reply he shoved his hard member in to her mouth. Mike was followed by Thomas then Billy. Only when Ralph unzipped did Cindy realize how bad the situation was. Her eyes widen in horror and Ralph’s dick hardened and kept growing and growing. The dick in front of her face was so large she doubted her hand would fit around it. And indeed it wouldn’t, there was still a gap between her fingertips and thumb as her hand wrapped around it. It looked almost twice as long as any of the other guys dicks did. "Meat" was his nick name, now she knew why. She opened her mouth to protest only to have the hugh head rammed into her throat. Gagging, she tried desperately to push Ralph’s hips away only to have her hands grabbed and held behind her back. Panicking for breath, she didn’t even realize her hands being tied behind her back. Suddenly the dick slides out of her throat allowing her to breathe through her nose again. Her friends were all laughing at her plight. "Deep throat" some one yelled. "Take it all slut" someone else yelled. Again the monstrosity closed her airway. Panic gripped her as it went further down her throat. Again and again until she lost track. Only when her lungs where about to burst was she allowed any air. Then it began to pulse, she knew what was next. She choked his sperm down so as not to drown in it. Cindy coughed and gagged when Ralph finally pulled from her mouth. Her body desperate for air, she kept taking deep breaths. While her friends laughed at her predicament. Cindy was now dragged to her feet. "Now for the best part" said Pam. "Cindy will now fuck Frank!" Cindy couldn’t believe her ears, she was a virgin, and Frank knew that! Yet there he was, his dick as hard as ever, ready for her tight pussy. She pleaded with Pam not to do this to her. Pam just laughed at her and said that she wouldn’t. Cindy would do it to her self! Frank laid back down on the coffee table. Cindy was led over and forced to straddle the table over Frank’s hips. With Ralph’s hands on her shoulders pushing her down. She lowered self slowly downward. Frank guided his dick to her waiting snatch. Cindy felt the head push against her pussy lips, she was still wet from earlier and the head slid right inside. She felt the pressure on her hymen. Mike zoomed in the digital camera from behind Cindy, getting a close-up of Frank’s dick entering her pussy. Adam zoomed in the video camera from the front. Cindy couldn’t believe this was happening. With her hands tied behind her she was helpless to stop this. Frank reached up, pushed the bra up over Cindy’s tits and began fondling them. Squeezing and kneading the firm flesh and occasionally pinching the nipples, Frank seemed to be enjoying himself. Meanwhile, Pam was telling Cindy to take Frank all the way in. Cindy continued to refuse. Frank began squeezing Cindy’s tits harder causing her to moan with pain and plead for him to stop. Suddenly, Frank’s fingers grabbed Cindy’s tits harshly, ruthlessly digging his finger into the soft flesh. Cindy screamed in pain. Then Frank yank downward on both tits very hard. Cindy though her tits were going to be ripped off, instinctively her body followed the motion trying to relieve the pain. Her legs relaxed allowing her body to move downward. Then another pain ripped through her body has Frank’s dick tore away her virginity. Her body continued downward impaling its self on Frank’s dick. Another, scream came from Cindy’s mouth, one of pain and loss. Her pussy contracted around Frank’s dick, he moaned in pleasure. Then still gripping Cindy’s tits he shoved upward. Cindy Grunted in pain while her legs stiffened raising her body up once again trying to ease the pain. And so it went on, Frank repeatedly yanked up and down while his dick repeatedly impaled Cindy. "She’s so tight" he moaned. "Ugh!" he spewed deep inside of Cindy. Everyone cheered! "Tight, oh so tight" he kept moaning. Finally he let go of her abused tits. She sat on his softening dick, her pussy sore from it’s own abuse. After a few minutes she was lifted up and left standing by the table. Ralph pulled her bra back down into place, with mocking sympathy, he patting her cheek. Kim approached her, commenting on how big Cindy’s tits were and noting how the bra enhanced them without covering them up. Kim’s finger trace around the areola of Cindy’s left nipple. Then she bent over and took the nipple in her mouth and began sucking on it. The men cheered, the women laughed. Cindy’s face turned bright red with humiliation and shame. "Looks like she’s enjoying this" said Kim. Pointing out the hard nipple. Cindy turned her head away. Suddenly Cindy cried out in pain. Kim now held her nipple pinched between her thumb and finger. "Ow!" cried Cindy "please stop!" Instead Kim began twisting the nipple around. Then Margaret grabbed the other nipple and twisted it too. They both laugh at her pain, twisting harder. "Please, stop!" Cindy cried out. Kim released her nipple. Margaret, however, stops twisting and began pulling. Cindy was force to follow. Margaret made Cindy walk around the room, leading her by her nipple. More laughter and pictures followed. Then Franks said he had a better idea then disappeared into the garage. Returning a few minutes later with some string and two electrical Alligator clips. Tying the string to the clip ends he then clipped one onto Cindy’s nipple. "Ow! Oh please no, take it off!" She cried. She cried out again as Frank clipped the other nipple. "Now we can lead her around by her tits" he said, and began demonstrating how. Franks tugged hard on the strings causing Cindy to cry out in pain as her nipples were jerked forward. Frank then led her around the house. Then Kim took over, followed by Margrette and the others. Almost everyone had had a turn when Adam decided she should walk in the sunshine and promptly pulled Cindy into the back yard. Adam dragged her around the yard several times before tying her to a tree. He ran the strings over a head high branch then tied it to another branch, pulling the string taunt and causing Cindy’s tits to form little cones pointing toward the branch. To her humiliation he left her. For the next half-hour the others laughed and teased Cindy at the tree. Pulling on the strings to make her stand on her tiptoes ignoring her pleading and cries of pain. "Time for something different!" exclaimed Pam. Untying the strings she dragged Cindy into the house and then out into the garage. Everyone followed wondering what she was up to. In the garage was Cindy’s Ford Escort. Pam opened the driver’s door and rolled the window down half way. Then she pulled the strings through the open window until Cindy’s chest was stopped by the frame. Pam began to slowly roll the window up. The top edge of the window reached the bottom of Cindy’s tits and continued up. Cindy screamed as her tits were slowly squeezed tighter and tighter between the frame and the window. Pam stopped when there was only a small gap between the frame and the window. "Don’t want to cut them off, just hold them" she said. Cindy was held just right, tight enough so she couldn’t pull them out, yet not tight enough to cut in to the soft flesh. Pam then slapped Cindy’s butt, causing Cindy to jerk upward. Cindy screamed in pain as her tits were still held by the window. Kim, then Margrette took a swing, enjoying every minute of Cindy’s pain. Cindy’s tits began turning red. "This is too much! I want some more of that tight pussy!" said Frank. With that, he pulled his dick out, stepped behind Cindy and rammed it home. Cindy screamed from the forced entry in her tight pussy and from her body being shoved forward yet being held in check by her tits. Hot from watching Cindy’s torture, Frank ignored her screams and continued to thrust deep inside her. For what seemed like forever Cindy felt Frank’s dick shoved in and out of her sore pussy. Suddenly he stopped, only to be replaced by Adam, then followed by Thomas. When Billy’s turn came he pushed into Cindy’s tight and well-lubricated pussy. After a few strokes he pulled out, placed his dick at her ass hole saying it should be tighter, and then pushed. Cindy, lost in her pain, only realized what was going on when the head of Billy’s dick pushed past her sphincter. She screamed again while every laughed. Billy shoved harder, half his dick was now in Cindy’s ass. Each thrust brought double pain to Cindy, her squeezed tits felt like they were being ripped off on each thrust and her ass felt like it was being ripped apart. Shortly her cries fell to moans as she lay over the doorframe. She didn’t even notice when Billy was done. Next came Pam with Cindy’s double headed dick. With out warning she rammed the dick up Cindy’s cunt. Then proceeded to fuck her ruthlessly. Pulling it out long enough to shove it in her ass and fuck her more. Last came Ralph, his hugh hard dick engorged with blood. Cindy again pleaded, claiming it would tear her apart. Ralph ignored her and proceeded to push the hugh head between her tight pussy lips. Cindy creamed in agony with each thrust as Ralph’s dick inched it way in. "Your killing me!" she screeched. Cindy felt as if her pussy was being ripped wide open as each inch of Ralph’s dick entered her. Having buried his dick to the hilt, Ralph began his slow fucking of this ti
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