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See synonyms for: round / rounded / rounder / rounding on
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having a flat, circular surface, as a disk.
curved like part of a circle, as an outline.
having a circular cross section, as a cylinder; cylindrical.
shaped more or less like a part of a sphere; hemispherical.
free from angularity; consisting of full, curved lines or shapes, as handwriting or parts of the body.
executed with or involving circular motion.
full, complete, or entire: a round dozen.
noting, formed, or expressed by an integer or whole number with no fraction.
expressed, given, or exact to the nearest multiple or power of ten; in tens, hundreds, thousands, or the like: in round numbers.
roughly correct; approximate: a round guess.
considerable in amount; ample: a round sum of money.
brought to completeness or perfection.
straightforward, plain, or candid; outspoken: a round scolding.
positive or unqualified: a round assertion.
any round shape, as a circle, ring or sphere.
a circular, ring-shaped, curved, or spherical object; a rounded form.
something circular in cross section, as a rung of a ladder or chair.
Sometimes rounds . a completed course of time, series of events or operations, etc., ending at a point corresponding to that at the beginning: We waited through the round of many years.
any complete course, series, or succession: The strike was settled after a long round of talks; a round of parties.
Often rounds . a going around from place to place, as in a habitual or definite circuit: a doctor's rounds.
a completed course or spell of activity, commonly one of a series, in some play or sport: the second round of a tournament.
a recurring period of time, succession of events, duties, etc.: the daily round.
an entire range: the round of human capabilities.
a single outburst, as of applause or cheers.
a single discharge of shot by each of a number of guns, rifles, etc.
a charge of ammunition for a single shot.
a single serving, especially of drink, made more or less simultaneously to everyone present, as at table or at a bar: The next round is on me.
movement in a circle or around an axis.
Cooking . Also round of beef . the portion of the thigh of beef below the rump and above the leg. Informal . round steak .
Archery . a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance from the target in accordance with the rules.
one of a series of three-minute periods making up a boxing match: a 15-round bout.
Music . a short, rhythmical canon at the unison, in which the several voices enter at equally spaced intervals of time. rounds, the order followed in ringing a peal of bells in diatonic sequence from the highest to the lowest.
Golf . a playing of the complete course.
Cards . a division of play in a game, consisting of a turn each for every player to bid, bet, play a card, deal the cards, or be dealt cards.
throughout or from the beginning to the end of a recurring period of time: all year round.
Also 'round . around: The music goes round and round.
throughout (a period of time): a resort visited all round the year.
to free from angularity; fill out symmetrically; make plump.
to bring to completeness or perfection; finish.
Jewelry . to form (a gem) roughly (sometimes followed by up ); girdle.
to end (a sentence, paragraph, etc.) with something specified: He rounded his speech with a particularly apt quotation.
to make a complete circuit of; pass completely around.
to make a turn or partial circuit around or to the other side of: to round a corner.
to cause to move in a circle; turn around.
Phonetics . to make the opening at (the lips) relatively round or pursed during an utterance. to pronounce (a speech sound, especially a vowel) with rounded lips; labialize. to contract (the lips) laterally. Compare spread (def. 14b) , unround .
Mathematics . to replace by the nearest multiple of 10, with 5 being increased to the next highest multiple: 15,837 can be rounded to 15,840; then to 15,800; then to 16,000.
to become free from angularity; become plump.
to develop to completeness or perfection.
to take a circular course; make a circuit, as a guard.
to make a turn or partial circuit around something.
to turn around as on an axis: to round on one's heels.
to reduce successively the number of digits to the right of the decimal point of a mixed number by dropping the final digit and adding 1 to the next preceding digit if the dropped digit was 5 or greater, or leaving the preceding digit unchanged if the dropped digit was 4 or less.
round off, to complete or perfect; finish. to express as a round number, usually to the nearest multiple of 10.
round out, to complete or perfect: The new coin rounded out his collection. to fill out; become rounder: She rounded out so nicely that everyone soon forgot she had been so ill.
round to, Nautical . to turn a sailing vessel in the direction from which the wind is blowing.
round up, to drive or bring (cattle, sheep, etc.) together. to assemble; gather: to round up all the suspects in an investigation.
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What does SAFFRON symbolize in Hindu traditions?
in the round , (of a theater) having a stage completely surrounded by seats for the audience. in the style of theater-in-the-round: The play should be done in the round. in complete detail; from all aspects: a character as seen in the round. (of sculpture) not attached to a supporting background; freestanding.
make the rounds , to go from one place to another, as in making deliveries, paying social visits, or seeking employment. Also go the rounds . to be reported or told; circulate: another rumor making the rounds.
First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English adjective round(e), roende, rount, from Old French, ront, earlier reont, from Vulgar Latin retondus (unattested), from Latin rotundus “wheel-shaped, round, circular”; Middle English noun partly derivative of the adjective, partly from Old French rond, ronde (derivative of ront ); Middle English verb derivative of the adjective; Middle English adverb and preposition apparently shortened variant of around ;see rotund
OTHER WORDS FROM round roundness, noun
verb (used with or without object) Archaic .
First recorded before 1000; Middle English rounen, rounne, rounde, ronde “to speak softly, whisper, gossip,” Old English rūnian “to talk low, whisper, mutter,” derivative of rūn “a secret conversation, consultation, counsel”; excrescent -d as in sound; see also rune 1 Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
The Bondboy | George W. (George Washington) Ogden
having a flat circular shape, as a disc or hoop
having the shape of a sphere or ball
(prenominal) complete; entire a round dozen
maths forming or expressed by an integer or whole number, with no fraction expressed to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand in round figures
(of a sum of money) considerable; ample
fully depicted or developed, as a character in a book
(prenominal) (of speech) candid; straightforward; unmodified a round assertion
(of a vowel) pronounced with rounded lips
in the round in full detail theatre with the audience all round the stage
a session, as of a negotiation a round of talks
a series, cycle, or sequence a giddy round of parties
the daily round the usual activities of one's day
a stage of a competition he was eliminated in the first round
(often plural) a series of calls, esp in a set order a doctor's rounds ; a milkman's round
a playing of all the holes on a golf course
a single turn of play by each player, as in a card game
one of a number of periods constituting a boxing, wrestling, or other match, each usually lasting three minutes
archery a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance
a single discharge by a number of guns or a single gun
a bullet, blank cartridge, or other charge of ammunition
a number of drinks bought at one time for a group of people
a single slice of bread or toast or two slices making a single serving of sandwiches
a general outburst of applause, cheering, etc
movement in a circle or around an axis
music a part song in which the voices follow each other at equal intervals at the same pitch
a sequence of bells rung in order of treble to tenor Compare change (def. 29)
a dance in which the dancers move in a circle
a cut of beef from the thigh between the rump and the shank
go the rounds or make the rounds to go from place to place, as in making deliveries or social calls (of information, rumour, etc) to be passed around, so as to be generally known
surrounding, encircling, or enclosing a band round her head
on all or most sides of to look round one
on or outside the circumference or perimeter of the stands round the racecourse
situated at various points in a lot of shelves round the house
from place to place in driving round Ireland
somewhere in or near to stay round the house
making a circuit or partial circuit about the ring road round the town
reached by making a partial circuit about something the shop round the corner
revolving round a centre or axis the earth's motion round its axis
so as to have a basis in the story is built round a good plot
on all or most sides the garden is fenced all round ; the crowd gathered round
on or outside the circumference or perimeter the racing track is two miles round
in all directions from a point of reference he owns the land for ten miles round
to all members of a group pass the food round
in rotation or revolution the wheels turn round
by a circuitous route the road to the farm goes round by the pond
to a specific place she came round to see me
all year round throughout the year; in every month
to move or cause to move with circular motion to round a bend
(tr) to pronounce (a speech sound) with rounded lips to purse (the lips)
Derived forms of round roundness , noun
C13: from Old French ront , from Latin rotundus round, from rota a wheel
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
In his November post announcing the Earth Fund’s first round of donations, Bezos mentioned a “group of incredibly smart people” who were guiding his decisions.
He led all Eastern Conference guards by a wide margin Thursday when the league released the second round of NBA all-star voting.
For non-climbers, the four-mile round -trip hike to Chimney Rock promises panoramic views.
Money makes the world go ’ round , and as such, it’s a perfect tool for surveillance and control.
Memphis Meats had a record-breaking $186 million second round of funding, followed by Mosa Meat’s $75 million round later in the year.
France 24 is providing live, round -the-clock coverage of both scenes as they progress.
Wrapees was the term marines used for the Japanese because they had wrapping round their legs.
After a bunch of tough talk, this round of the hacker-on-hacker fight nevered materialized.
Divide the dough in half and very gently pat each half into a round 1-inch-thick disk.
But others say a still-unidentified man likely fired the round that caused a lethal head wound.
Of course, considerations of weight have to be taken into account, but the more mould round the roots the better.
In cross-section the burrows varied from round (three inches in diameter) to oval (three inches high and four inches wide).
There were at least a dozen ladies seated round the big table at the Parsonage.
Mr. Jones swung round a large iron key he held in his hand, and light dawned upon him.
Sol got up, slowly; took a backward step into the yard; filled his lungs, opened his mouth, made his eyes round .
A song that can be begun at different times by different singers, but with harmonious singing ( see harmony ) as the result. “ Row, Row, Row Your Boat ” is a round.
In addition to the idioms beginning with round

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double round (double x);
float roundf (float x);
long double roundl (long double x);

double round (double x);
float round (float x);
long double round (long double x);
double round (T x); // additional overloads for integral types

Header provides a type-generic macro version of this function.

Additional overloads are provided in this header ( ) for the integral types : These overloads effectively cast x to a double before calculations (defined for T being any integral type ).

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/* round vs floor vs ceil vs trunc */
#include /* printf */
#include /* round, floor, ceil, trunc */

int main ()
const char * format = "%.1f \t%.1f \t%.1f \t%.1f \t%.1f\n" ;
printf ( "value\tround\tfloor\tceil\ttrunc\n" );
printf ( "-----\t-----\t-----\t----\t-----\n" );
printf (format, 2.3,round( 2.3),floor( 2.3),ceil( 2.3),trunc( 2.3));
printf (format, 3.8,round( 3.8),floor( 3.8),ceil( 3.8),trunc( 3.8));
printf (format, 5.5,round( 5.5),floor( 5.5),ceil( 5.5),trunc( 5.5));
printf (format,-2.3,round(-2.3),floor(-2.3),ceil(-2.3),trunc(-2.3));
printf (format,-3.8,round(-3.8),floor(-3.8),ceil(-3.8),trunc(-3.8));
printf (format,-5.5,round(-5.5),floor(-5.5),ceil(-5.5),trunc(-5.5));
return 0;

value round floor ceil trunc
----- ----- ----- ---- -----
2.3 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
3.8 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0
5.5 6.0 5.0 6.0 5.0
-2.3 -2.0 -3.0 -2.0 -2.0
-3.8 -4.0 -4.0 -3.0 -3.0
-5.5 -6.0 -6.0 -5.0 -5.0

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