Rough Sex Bleeding

Rough Sex Bleeding


Rough Sex Bleeding
Bled from rough sex — Should I see a doctor?
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If I had sexual intercourse with a man and he rammed me so hard that I bled a lot (and no, it was not my first time), should I see a doctor?
From your question, it’s not clear whether you’re experiencing vaginal or anal bleeding. While it may be common to bleed after your first time having vaginal sex, subsequent instances may be due to a number of causes. No matter the source of your bleeding, it's best to see a health care provider as they can help diagnose the specific cause and recommend an appropriate treatment and prevention strategies. Beyond getting this checked out, a dose of communication may also be in order.
Anal bleeding often involves tearing in the lining of the rectum. If you’re experiencing anal bleeding, it’s critical to abstain from sex as it can increase the risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and further damage. Vaginal bleeding after sex, on the other hand, may be due to concerns such as:
This list isn't comprehensive so it’s best to have your health care provider take a look and recommend a treatment plan.
Rammed, it may also be a good idea to reflect on whether you enjoy engaging in this type of sexual activity. Was this something you and your partner both agreed upon? If so, consider steps for reducing the chance of this happening in the future — for instance, you may ask your partner to go slower, communicate clearly if you're experiencing pain, and use lubrication to minimize any uncomfortable friction during sex. It’s also worth noting that if you ever feel discomfort or pain during sex, you have the right to stop your partner. You can say something like, "No, this is too rough;" or, "Stop, you're hurting me!" If this isn’t something you agreed to, it will be good to have a conversation with your partner about the type of activities you’re comfortable with to ensure experiences that are pleasurable to you both. You can say something like, "The last time we had sex, you were a little too rough. It caused bleeding and I had to get it checked out. I don't want that to happen again, so I will let you know when to stop or ease up, okay?" It could also be good to ask your partner if there are other ways to have sex that are pleasurable to you both that don't result in bleeding or are less rough. 
Talking with a health care provider to address and treat this bleeding, talking with your partner, and taking steps to prevent this in the future are good ways to get you back to pleasurable action.
Hey Rammed, Just want to add a quick note about a possibility Alice didn't address! If you CONSENTED to rough sex, and wanted or enjoyed it, you might want to consider safer ways to explore your sexual interests. I first discovered that I like a little sexual pain after I bleed a bit during sex. But I've learned that a good bite or a bruise feels just as satisfying, and can be moderated to be just the right depth and can be safe. The BDSM community can give you lots of ideas to safely feel pain, or to feel overwhelmed and/or dominated during sex. Just a note for you or others who might stumble across this question. Cheers
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By Xali_shadow5918 | 3 posts, last post over a year ago

Sameera Madugalle, M.D.
answered this
Bleeding After Sex

Ya i'm 16 a bit young for sex some may say.
but it was me and my boyfriend 3rd time having sex. And i wasnt a virgin for him. i was raped when i was younger. but yeah. so i didnt bleed any other times but this one..

It was much different from all others. it felt like he was much deeper and it hurt alot more then all the others times with him. But i didnt tell him this and it got a little rough

and a while after he had to go home i started bleeding that night a few hours after. and it lasted for a fer days (1-3 ish at most). not period blood. but dried looking blood. I'm really scared, this is the first time i ever been with a guy on my own will and i dont want to be this scared.. was it because he was to rough?

I would really like to know.. do i have to got to the doctors? i;m really unsure what to do T_T

Don't worry too much about it. Especially if it was only a little and doesn't happen again. I and bleed alot my first time. So I was broken for certain. I bleed again once, after three months of having sex. so sometimes there's just a little more hymyn to break, maybe a different angle or deeper. and deeper sometimes does hurt a little, but that's just because we don't have an endless hole there.
chin up

Well i need help i had unprotected sex 13 days ago but he pulled out and i know he didnt come inside me because i saw it when he pulled out, and a week ago i started having blood, i thought it was just my period coming early but its not due for another 2 days now, but then it kept starting and stopping and i usually wear a tampon but there was hardely any blood on it so i started wearing a panty liner but it still wasnt filling it up, this is unusual for me as it is usually heavy, but the blood stops then it restarts again, also i got a pregnancy test today and it was negative, im really scared about what it could be, we had sex 3 times but the third time i told my boyfriend to stop because it was hurting it wasnt the first time having sex so it doesnt make sense to me, could the pregancy test be wrong, could i be pregant? or is it just because he was too rough that he torn something, someone please help me.

Just thought I would mention here that bleeding after sex can sometimes point to a few different STD's. I would get tested just in case. You also may get tested for a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection. When in doubt, just check with a doctor.

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No, thanks


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