Rosy Heart at Vantaa, Finland

Rosy Heart at Vantaa, Finland


Rosy Heart at Vantaa, Finland

Koivuhaka’s Arboretum - that local agents know as treefarm - seemed like a perfect area for a small Valentine’s Day operation. The first plan was to do a symmetrical diamondlike heart-shaped field art -picture only by Enlightened faction. But being Valentine’s Day and all, felt at least decent and right to change the plan to cross faction borderlines. 

Agent @wellamo came up with a design and agent @Lovented modified it a bit by adding more links for Resistance’s part of the picture. We still don’t know if it was to make the final picture better or just to get Res-agents to walk more in the knee-high snow in the dark woods. But Res-agents @Simakuutio and @jyksi approved the plan.

It was dark. It was cold. And there was snow. Lots of it. We had some of the portal keys needed already, the rest we farmed while clearing the area. The final touch was @Lovented’s idea: null control field around our Rosy Heart. 

@AriMartti was following our field work via intel taking screen shots for later use.

Roses are green and field art -hearts are blue. 

Happy Valentine’s Day from us to you!








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