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Одна треть состава сената обновляется каждые 2 года. Pakistan has struggled throughout its existence to attain political stability and sustained social development. Основная статья: Национальная команда Пакистана по хоккею на траве. It is a major holiday and significant day for Pakistanis, other being the Independence Day on 14 August. На сегодняшний момент пакистанское законодательство планируют повести ряд новых реформ, которые должны повысить динамику зарубежных инвестиций в здешние жилые и коммерческие объекты. In the absence of political and ethnic violence and terrorism Pakistan showed the image of a cosmopolitan, orderly country but by the s the reputation of Pakistan had changed drastically, and today it is a very different place from what it used to be. In area, it is the 33rd-largest country , spanning , square kilometres , square miles. Azad Kashmir. They usually use 17 inch monitors with Windows XP or Windows 7 usually installed. Pakistani cuisine is similar to that of other regions of South Asia, with some of it being originated from the royal kitchens of 16th-century Mughal emperors. No prophylaxis or cure is available for dengue fever. Категории : Государства по алфавиту Пакистан. The Kashmir —the most northwesterly region of South Asia—is a major territorial dispute that has hindered relations between India and Pakistan. Foreigners may be directly targeted. Пакистан также считает себя авангардом независимых мусульманских государств \\\\\\\\\\\\\[21\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Along with natural beauty, the northern part of the country also offer ancient architecture such as old fortresses. Therefore the city prefix should not be dialled in addition to the cellular prefix. In March , militants attacked the touring Sri Lankan cricket team , \\\\\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\\\\] after which no international cricket was played in Pakistan until May , when the Zimbabwean team agreed to a tour. A typical meal consists of one or more gravy dishes along with rotis, to be eaten by breaking off a piece of roti, dipping it in the gravy and eating them together. Arrests are not common for homosexuality, as evidenced by a vibrant gay nightlife existing in many metropolitan areas. The rest of Pakistan is relatively safe particularly Punjab, Gilgit and Kashmir. Hotel porters, taxi drivers, delivery men will appreciate a small tip if you have been provided with exemplary service. Under Section of the Pakistan Penal Code, whoever voluntarily has 'carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal' shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two years nor more than ten years, and shall also be liable for a fine. При этом допускается использование английского языка в официальных делах в том случае, если не было распоряжения о замене его национальным языком \\\\\\\\\\\\\[34\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Страны мира. США, разумеется, тут ни при чем. Кроме того недалеко от города расположено самое большое озеро страны Манчар. Дата Независимости. The geography and climate of Pakistan are extremely diverse, and the country is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Основная статья: География Пакистана. Помимо провинций в состав Пакистана также входят Федерально управляемые племенные территории и регионы Гилгит-Балтистан и Свободный Кашмир последний де-юре признаётся Пакистаном независимым государством, но фактически является его частью , оспариваемые Индией. I do not agree that religion is a private affair of the individual nor do I agree that in an Islamic state every citizen has identical rights, no matter what his caste, creed or faith be. Американские дипломаты в ответ на это сказали, что не считают вечеринку чем-то плохим. It has been slow during periods of democratic transition, but robust during the three periods of martial law , although the foundation for sustainable and equitable growth was not formed. При этом пакистанцы, как все мусульмане, не употребляют свинину. Badshahi Mosque was commissioned by the Mughals in Sajji is a Baluchi dish from Western Pakistan, made of lamb with spices, that has also become popular all over the country. В августе года правительство Бхутто было отправлено в отставку. The country is also the fifth-largest producer of cotton, with cotton production of 14 million bales from a modest beginning of 1. The first successful democratic transition occurred in May Due to Muslim beliefs, pork is a banned item in Pakistan and is neither consumed nor sold. The line spans Разнообразен мир птиц орлы , грифы , павлины , попугаи. Азад Кашмир. Андрея и зороастрийская Башня Молчания. Most of the Pakistani heartland survives on naan, roti, rice, and lentils dal , which are prepared in several different ways and made spicy to taste. Therefore, usually all offices are closed for 3 to 7 days. If you are a foreigner and looking for alcohol, you can contact customer department at Murree Brewery for assistance by telephone at. Аравийское море. Основная статья: Экономика Пакистана. Первую ядерную бомбу Пакистан внезапно испытал в году, чем шокировал все остальные государства. Homosexuals should be very cautious in Pakistan, because, as in most Muslim countries, homosexuality remains a crime in Pakistan and punishments can be severe. Various kinds of pulses, or legumes, make up an important part of the Pakistani dishes. The Indus Valley Civilization declined and disintegrated around BCE, possibly due to drought and geological disturbances. From snorkelling, scuba diving, boating, fishing, and even cruise dining. The arrival of Afghan refugees in the western provinces has stimulated interest in Pashto music, although there has been intolerance of it in some places. Такие контрастные условия приводят к тому, что погодные условия в разных регионах страны существенно разнятся. Christians formed the next largest religious minority, after Hindus, with a population of 2,,, according to the census. Right after its independence Pakistan was a peaceful, tolerant, progressive and prosperous country and a magnet for international travelers. It is always worthwhile to have bank cards or credit cards from at least two different providers to ensure that you have a backup available in case one card is suspended by your bank or simply does not work work at a particular ATM. Согласно Economist Intelligence Unit страна в была классифицирована по индексу демократии как гибридный режим \\\\\\\\\\\\\[20\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. NOCs need to be applied for through the Ministry of Interior, however if you are travelling on a non-diplomatic passport you should be fine - but its good to be aware of this nonetheless. Изменилась ли данная ситуация в современной России, неизвестно. Перед поездкой в Пакистан туристам рекомендуется профилактика против тифа, малярии, желтой лихорадки, полиомиелита и холеры. Содержание 1 Враги Пакистана 2 История появления у Пакистана ядерного оружия 3 Современное ядерное оружие Пакистана 3. Inevitably, the rapid urbanisation caused by these large population movements has also created new political and socio-economic challenges. Сейчас наметилась тенденция роста товарооборота между Россией и Пакистаном. Джинны расположенная в центре Карачи, Одновременно в разных городах. Пока мир следил за событиями в Тунисе, Ливии, Египте, Украине , Пакистан вплотную подошёл к созданию межконтинентальных баллистических ракет. Try Lassi, which is a classic yoghurt drink served either plain or sweet and sometimes flavoured or even fused with fresh fruit. Such rice dishes have their origins in Central Asia and the Middle East. Peace has returned to Swat Valley and the army holds full control with lots of foreign nationals working for NGOs there. Считается, что пакистанцы Пенджаба менее подвержены исламистской пропаганде и менее связаны с религиозными экстремистами. Services sector has Она может быть краткосрочной C и транзитной A и B. Subscribe today. Причем каждый район страны интересен по своему и имеет свои отличительные черты и уникальные достопримечательности, от национальных парков до древних руин. В году в стране произошёл первый военный переворот , к власти пришёл генерал Мухаммед Айюб Хан. В августе года Пакистан заявил, что готов компенсировать антироссийские санкции, введённые Австралией, Европой и США, своими поставками продовольствия. Сэкономь на путешествии в Пакистан! Победа в гипотетической индо-пакистанской ядерной войне, скорее всего, будет за Индией, а вероятность применения ядерного оружия зависит сегодня во многом от того, решится ли Индия пожертвовать жизнями миллионов своих граждан ради окончательной и бесповоротной победы над своим извечным врагом. The Penal code has limited jurisdiction in the Tribal Areas, where law is largely derived from tribal customs. Пакистан на карте. Beginning in the s there was a marked shift in traffic from rail to highways; dependence grew on roads after the introduction of vehicles in the country. На сегодняшний день Пакистан является развивающейся аграрно-индустриальной страной. Также Пакистан планирует стать полноправным членом ШОС. Working hours are decreased as well in the corporate world. Although you will pay a little more at these stores, you can be confident that what you are getting is not a cheap knockoff. Legally women and men have equal rights under the law in Pakistan, however society is largely patriarchal and women are particularly mistreated in rural areas, where their access to education and employment remains limited. Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani , a respected Deobandi alim scholar who occupied the position of Shaykh al-Islam in Pakistan in , and Maulana Mawdudi of Jamaat-i-Islami played a pivotal role in the demand for an Islamic constitution. From India : While there is international service running from Delhi to Lahore it is just as fast, much more flexible, and much cheaper to take the journey by stringing together local transport and crossing the border on foot. One crore rupees would be written as 1,00,00,, so first time you place a comma after three numerals, then after every two numerals. Сюда входят сухопутные войска, военный флот, ВВС и полуармейские формирования, участвующие в урегулировании местных конфликтов. Civil society in Pakistan is largely hierarchical, emphasising local cultural etiquette and traditional Islamic values that govern personal and political life. Организация экономического сотрудничества ОЭС. Pakistan has a strong and independent judiciary and a free press. Еще одной оригинальной покупкой являются соляные лампы, которые, между прочим, насыщают воздух отрицательными ионами и улучшают его качество. The Pakistan Consulate in Istanbul does not issue visas unless you are a resident of Turkey , although it may be possible in Ankara. Буддизм Индуизм Ислам Христианство католицизм православие протестантизм. История нашла своё продолжение в марте года. These attacks are increasing due to increased military action against the Taliban. Также возможны массовые поставки говядины по всей видимости, коров зебу , которые перекроют отменённые Австралией поставки говядины \\\\\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. The Hunza and Chitral valley are home to small pre-Islamic Animist Kalasha communities claiming descent from Alexander the Great, while the romance of the historic Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province is timeless and legendary. Pakistani cuisine is a refined blend of various regional cooking traditions of South Asia. Protest against Indian administration of Jammu and Kashmir. Prose fiction is now very popular. Две трети пакистанского экспорта составляет продукция текстильной и швейной промышленности. Thus Pakistani mobile numbers are linked to one particular cellular provider, NOT one particular city as in North America. Pakistan and India have fought four wars, three of which —49, , and were over Kashmir. Moreover, despite the growth of male prostitution, homosexuality is outlawed in the country. В частности, планируется поставлять цитрусовые, картофель, молоко, океаническую рыбу, баранину. Today, Pakistani fashion is a combination of traditional and modern dress and has become a mark of Pakistani culture. While the tube wells raised crop yields by 50 percent, the High Yielding Varieties HYVs of wheat and rice led to a 50—60 percent higher yield. In the summer it gets very hot. В крупных городах Пакистана насчитывается множество культурных и развлекательных заведений музеи, театры, клубы, парки, рестораны и т. The Parliament is bicameral. It is caused by mosquitoes that bite during the day and the most widespread outbreaks of dengue are expected in Punjab province. Аллювиальная низменность долины Инда является западной частью Индо-Гангской равнины , расположенной на окраине Индостанской платформы. Pakistan Railways provides passenger rail service. Main article: Tourism in Pakistan. They open and close for business earlier in the smaller towns and rural areas. Национальная ассамблея состоит из депутатов, из которых избираются населением прямым тайным голосованием по системе пропорционального представительства сроком на 5 лет. Usual celebratory events this day include flag-raising ceremonies, parades, cultural events, and the playing of patriotic songs. Watching others may help. Pakistan has a 1,kilometre mile coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest, and China in the northeast. An ethnic civil war and Indian military intervention in resulted in the secession of East Pakistan as the new country of Bangladesh. Experts say that the migration of both Bengalis and Burmese Rohingya to Pakistan started in the s and continued until Купить онлайн закладки Pakistan. Всегда в наличии. With the beginning of the Indus civilization around the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE, \\\\\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\\\\] an advanced urban culture developed for the first time in the region, with large buildings, some of which survive to this day. Try to get rid of any spare rupees before you leave the country. Established as a parliamentary democracy that espoused secular ideas, the country has experienced repeated military coups, and religion—that is to say, adherence to the values of Sunni Islam—has increasingly become a standard by which political leaders are measured. Citizens of certain countries can obtain Business visas on arrival at major airports Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta or Karachi if their local host company either obtain an approval from the immigration authorities or arrange an invitation letter duly recommended by the concerned trade organizations in Pakistan. Афганистан Белоруссия Иран Монголия. Meat plays a much more dominant role in Pakistani cuisine compared to the other South Asian cuisines and is a major ingredient in most of the Pakistani dishes. Main article: Transport in Pakistan. Lassi is a traditional drink in the Punjab region. Надо отметить, что такой сценарий не нанесёт ровно никакого ущерба Соединённым Штатам Америки и Великобритании. Apart from local restaurants, international fast food chains have also popped up throughout Pakistan. Также Индия сообщила, что 8 января пакистанцы убили двух индийских военнослужащих и изувечили их тела, после чего одному трупу отрезали голову и забрали с собой. Специально подготовленные отряды террористов вполне могут захватить эти базы и попытаться запустить ядерные ракеты в одну из расположенных рядом агломераций России. A dispute over Kashmir is still ongoing between India and Pakistan and has resulted in three wars and many skirmishes, acts of terrorism and an insurgency and counter-insurgency in the part of Kashmir controlled by India and claimed by Pakistan. Most historians believe that the Vedic people were migrants who encountered this civilization in decline and perhaps hastened that decline. Clickable map of the four provinces and three federal territories of Pakistan. Этим они подчёркивают, что в будущем Пакистан и Афганистан могут стать единым театром военных действий ТВД либо одним большим очагом хаоса, отброшенным в каменный век. The name Pakistan was used officially after the partition of British India into the two nation-states of India and Pakistan in США, импорт 48,1 млрд долл. В Телеграм переходить только по ссылке или кнопке, в поиске нас нет! Там только фейки. Кокос Первый Депутатский Орех. Топ продаж. 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