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Here’s a bio: Roselynn Locks is The Cadillac of Camgirls and The Domme Next Door. She’s been an entertainer and industry educator for 9+ years and has mastered camming, clips, and sexting. She now growing a garden of submissive men as well. Find her on Twitter on her main blog , and her Worn Panty Site .
I have been a cam model since 2010. I got started because I wanted to become a stripper. I thought it was genius and empowering to use female sexuality to build wealth. While I was researching how to become an amazing stripper (because I love to research everything) I found out how lucrative camming was and decided to do it instead.
Modeling has given me independence. It’s given me options. It’s given me confidence and skills and a creative outlet. It’s given me freedom and a way to impact many lives both on the fan and performer side. It’s allowed me to do the things in life that I love to do.
Being a leader. In all walks of life.
I’m on so many platforms. I choose the ones with a good reputation that are professional and treat their models well and that perform well for me financially.
The YNOT Cam Awards is a production of YNOT Events L.L.C.
7600 Chevy Chase Drive
Suite 300
Austin, TX 78752

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