Rosebud Butt Hole

Rosebud Butt Hole


Rosebud Butt Hole

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These showy, flowering trees say spring has arrived!
If you spot lavender-pink flowers clustered on bare tree branches in early spring, you've probably stumbled upon a lovely redbud tree! This flowering tree (just like the mighty magnolia tree ), native to woodland areas, has exquisite sweet pea-like flowers that last for weeks before their pretty heart-shaped leaves appear. Pollinators love redbuds because they’re one of the first trees to bloom in early- to mid-spring. They even display bright colors come fall! Best of all, they’re tough little trees that will work in any garden and look beautiful as part of your landscaping ideas . Plus, they always bring a smile to Ree Drummond's face. She absolutely loves them! "If you love purple, the short time when Oklahoma Redbuds are blooming is like being in a dream," she says. If you were hoping to learn how to plant redbuds in your yard, there's good news ahead for you.
"Redbuds are very adaptable," says Nancy Buley, communications director for J. Frank Schmidt & Son, Company , wholesale tree growers in Oregon. “They grow from Massachusetts to Florida and Texas to Minnesota, with more cold-hardy cultivars—or cultivated varieties—having developed in recent years.”
But before you plant one of these gorgeous trees in your own garden, there are a few things you need to know about how to care for a redbud tree! Read on for a total redbud tree guide ahead, including information about redbud varieties, planting tips, maintenance, and more.
There are many different varieties of redbud trees, so make sure you choose one that's suited for winters in your USDA hardiness zone . You can buy online or at a local nursery, where you’ll find both single trunk and multi-stem varieties, the latter of which have a shrubbier appearance.
Here are a few outstanding types of redbud trees you might want to check out:
Find a spot for your redbud tree that gets six or more hours per day of full sun exposure. Most varieties will grow about 20 feet tall by 25 feet wide, so make sure your tree will have plenty of room to spread its branches out. Watch out for low rooflines or wires before planting too. Redbud trees are considered moderate growers and can reach about 10 feet in five to six years.
When planting, dig a hole about two- to three-times as wide as the container it came in.
Next, gently tip the tree out of its container—or remove burlap, twine, or wires if it’s a balled and burlapped tree (burlap won’t biodegrade quickly so you have to remove it). Use your hand to rough up the surface of the root ball or use a pruner to snip any tree roots that are circling around it. This part necessary as it stimulates the roots to grow, says Buley.
Finally, you'll want to place your tree in the hole at the same height it was in the container. “The biggest mistake is planting too deep,” says Buley. “Make sure the tree’s root flare, where the base widens slightly, is above ground.” Refill the hole with soil, gently tamp down, and water it well.
Help your tree get established by watering it deeply for the first few years, especially during droughts. Most new trees need about 15 gallons a week! “It’s better to water deeply and infrequently than give it a daily squirt because that encourages roots to stay near the surface,” says Buley.
It’s also a good idea to add a two- to three-inch deep layer of mulch around the base to retain moisture and keep down weeds. However, you'll need to pull the mulch away from the tree trunk and spread it so it looks more like a donut, rather than a volcano. “Volcano mulching,” or mulch placed right up against the trunk, encourages decay and could invite pests and disease.
You'll be pleased to hear that pruning isn’t necessary for a redbud tree because it keeps its shapely form naturally. That being said, it’s fine to trim off any broken or crossing branches. Otherwise, all you have to do is enjoy this beautiful springtime bloomer!

by: Dariel Figueroa Twitter January 21, 2015
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We’re not too far off from Valentine’s Day and the obvious move is jewelry or flowers, perhaps some sort of personalized memento that will eventually gather dust. If you want to wow your mate, though, nothing says “I love you” more than getting your butthole bronzed and possibly turned into an edible delicacy.
“The first time I ever tried to do a cast of an anus, I tried to do my own,” says Magnus Irvin.
Irvin is the architect of the anal sculptures in question, and what began as a way to turn one’s butt-erscotch krimpet into a candy soon became a way to immortalize an anus in various metals or glass. Model Rayna Terror decided to get her butthole bronzed by Irvin, and Riot TV followed her journey.
“You keep pulling your bum apart,” Irvin suggests as he spackles Terror’s crevasse with the molding mixture.
This video is full of amazing moments, including Irvin pondering what his “dream anus” would be. Just the fact that the term “dream anus” exists makes life worth living.

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Rectal prolapse occurs when part or all of the rectum slides out of place and sticks out of the anus, turning the rectum inside out.
The rectum is the final section of the large intestine before the anus (the opening through which stool passes out of the body).
Rectal prolapse is an uncomfortable condition that usually requires surgery to fix.
Rectal prolapse may be uncomfortable, but it’s not usually painful.
Symptoms of rectal prolapse may include:
There’s no single definitive cause of rectal prolapse, although a number of known factors can increase your risk of developing this condition.
Or they may also administer or order the following tests:
Prognosis tends to be good. If surgery is needed, it has a high success rate and usually cures the prolapse.
Treatment for rectal prolapse depends on the severity of your symptoms. Sometimes prolapses resolve on their own. Initially your healthcare provider might work with you to manage the constipation that might be causing the prolapse through adding fiber to your diet and keeping hydrated. Your doctor might work with you to avoid straining during bowel movements. Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles might also be advised.
If none of these strategies help, surgery is usually required — especially if you’re experiencing recurrent episodes.
Surgery can keep rectal prolapse from happening again. Two types of surgical procedures are typically used to treat rectal prolapse:
The two most common rectal procedures are:
To prevent rectal prolapse, avoid straining during bowel movements.
The website for the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons provides a detailed and thorough guide for this condition.
Additional reporting by Abbi Libers and Carlene Bauer .
Rectal Prolapse. Cleveland Clinic . May 7, 2018.
Whitcomb EL, Rortveit G, Brown JS, Creasman JM, et al. Racial Differences in Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Obstetrics & Gynecology . December 2009.
Rectal Prolapse. University of Michigan. August 11, 2019.
Varma MG, Steele SR. Overview of Rectal Procidentia (Rectal Prolapse). UpToDate . September 10, 2020.
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The trend for larger, rounder bottoms is on the up.
There are butt-boosting exercise classes and padded leggings to perk up flat posteriors.
But should we all be aspiring to have the same rear ends?
These five women all love their best ass et, their bums!
These five women love their bodies!
Kaylie says, "Curvier girls are sexy – and I'm happy to be one of them."
Support worker Kaylie Cooper, 32, lives with husband, Ben, 29, a bricklayer.
Ben is definitely a bum and legs man and he's married the right woman.
I love my bum and legs the most and although I'm quite slim on top, I like that I have a decent booty.
I feel great when I wear tight-fitting dresses because I have curves and my bum is quite muscly.
I'm on my feet all day which helps keep my booty in shape.
I feel sexy, confident, and I'm happy to show off my backside in a skimpy bikini.
I feel sexy, confident, and I'm happy to show off my backside in a skimpy bikini.
I'd never be frightened to go to a nudist beach because I'm not at all shy of my body.
As a teenager I wasn't as confident.
Growing up in the '90s was all about having big boobs.
I'm a 10B and it's only as I've got older that I've learnt to love my body just the way it is.
If I lose weight, it's never from my bottom and when I put on a few kilos it goes to my thighs and stomach.
No matter what, my bum stays the same.
Curvier girls are the sexiest and I'm happy to be one of them.
Pollyanna says, "I still feel sexy with my boyish bum."
Pollyanna, 34, a personal trainer, lives with husband, James, 39, a property developer, and daughters Aurora, nine, and Bella, six.
Women don't need to have a big bum or big hips to feel womanly and I'm happy with the way I look.
I have a boyish figure because my bum is small, and although I don't have curvy hips, I feel just as sexy as someone who is shapely.
During my two pregnancies my hips widened, but my bum stayed small both times.
I was 24 and four months pregnant with my daughter Aurora when I was in a car accident and broke my femur in three places.
I had nine hours of surgery to repair it and I was left with a lump below my left bum cheek.
The scar doesn't bother me because it could've been far worse.
Having a small backside means I look better in skinny jeans, and short skirts make my legs look longer.
I was 16 when I got a tattoo –an oriental symbol which means desire.
I fudged my birth certificate and changed my age to 18. I don't know how I got away with it.
The tattoo sums up my teenage years which were fun and reckless.
PA Maria Redmond, 43, works out five times a week to keep her bum in shape. The mum of four lives with her husband Derek, 53, a motivational speaker.
I pole dance, do yoga as well as weights classes, so I put the time in.
I spend around eight hours a week in the gym and I enjoy it.
I'm only 160cm tall and my bum is big for my size.
I have a personal trainer once a week. I'd considered surgery to make my bum pert, but the personal trainer convinced me I could get the same results in the gym.
I've always been curvy but before the training sessions my bum was flat and saggy.
I spend around eight hours a week in the gym and I enjoy it.
I feel a lot sexier with a firm, round bum.
I like my hourglass figure and last year I competed in a swimsuit competition.
It's great to look and feel good but life is too short to get hung up about it.
Women who feel confident in themselves look amazing, regardless of their shape.
Chloe says, "I think it's the best part of me – I'm great at twerking."
Comedian Chloe Driver, 33, was bullied as a child because of her curvy bottom.
My dad is half-Caribbean and I've inherited a bum that is round and sticks out.
It looks a bit like a shelf, but I love it.
I got the nickname 'Chloe Fat Bum' at school because my skirt rode up at the back.
The other girls said I walked like a duck.
It knocked my confidence, but now I'm older I think it's the best part of me.
I like dancing and I'm great at twerking.
I'm an 18E chest so having a larger bum and a smaller waist means I'm in proportion.
We should all love the bum we were born with.
I wear a bikini on holiday and I go topless.
I'm confident to let it all hang out.
I've learnt to love myself – I wouldn't be putting my body on display if I felt uncomfortable.
Men compliment my bum and I wear tight skirts to show it off.
I've never been with a guy who didn't like it and my-ex boyfriend loved me in tight jeans.
We should all love the bum we were born with.
Life would be boring if we all looked the same.
Maritza says, "as I've grown it just got bigger. It's the favourite part of my body."
Maritza Ngumba, 25, works in customer service
Before I hit puberty my bum was much smaller but now it's bigger I love it just as much.
It has grown naturally and I see it as an asset.
I'm a typical pear shape with a thin waist, wide hips and a round bottom.
I gained almost 13kg last year and the weight went on my bottom and chest.
I'm as happy being a size 12 as I was a size 8.
My bum is firm and I often get compliments on my figure, especially when I'm wearing a pencil skirt at work.
Round bottoms run in my family and my mum and aunties are all the same shape as me.
It seems everyone is talking about how bigger bottoms and curves are sexy, but there's beauty in every shape and size.
Women are under too much pressure to look a certain way because of social media.
I'd never aspire to look like a celeb because I'm happy the way I am.
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These ladies aren't afraid to flaunt their figures and show off their best assets - their bums!
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