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Ron Jeremy makes first court appearance after rape charges
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Published: 18:23 BST, 20 August 2020 | Updated: 15:50 BST, 5 September 2021
This is the filthy, cockroach-infested Hollywood apartment of accused serial rapist and former porn star Ron Jeremy.
A woman who met Jeremy, 67, in 2017 said she went to his rundown one bedroom apartment to use the restroom and was so shocked by what she saw she began snapping pictures.
'It was disgusting, I was so shocked. You could hardly open the front door and you couldn't get in the bathroom at all.
'There was trash piled up, old porn memorabilia stuffed in overflowing boxes. His kitchen table looked like an unkempt outside porch, there were plants that had grown around the table legs and into the floor.
'I honestly thought he was on that show Hoarders. There were cans of roach spray left on the side, piles of medication, books, DVDs, paperwork and he had pet turtles.'
This is the filthy, cockroach-infested Hollywood apartment of accused serial rapist and former porn star Ron Jeremy.
A New York woman who met Jeremy in September 2017 said she went to his apartment to use the restroom and was shocked by what she saw. The woman says she isn't surprised about the allegations against Jeremy because he was so sexually aggressive with her and tried to grope her in her car (pictured)
Photos obtained by show Jeremy's lounge filled with dozens of boxes, while the kitchen sides were filled with paperwork, used candles and empty bottles.
The woman said: 'There was trash piled up, old porn memorabilia stuffed in overflowing boxes. His kitchen table looked like an unkempt outside porch, there were plants that had grown around the table legs and into the floor'
Photos obtained by show Jeremy's lounge filled with dozens of boxes, while the kitchen sides were filled with paperwork, used candles and empty bottles.
One corner of the apartment - which is in a high rise block called Franklin Towers - is seen filled with medication and discarded pill bottles and prescriptions with his real name, Ron J Hyatt written on them.
There's barely enough room to move around in the apartment due to the junk left on the floor which is black with dirt.
The carpet in the lounge looks as old as Jeremy's early porn movies and the walls are not much cleaner.
The woman, a blonde New Yorker in her late 30s, works as a flight attendant for a private jet firm and was in Los Angeles on a work trip.
She said she bumped into Jeremy outside a store along the famous Sunset Strip where he was being 'filmed'.
'It was during the day and I saw him outside this store, he had a camera guy with him and was being filmed and we started talking.
'Later he said the guy was his driver but I quickly worked out it was someone he was just hanging out with.
'Then I realized the camera they were carrying around didn't actually work, it was fake and all a ruse to meet women.'
The woman gave two photos of her with the famous porn star - who has appeared in more than 2,000 adult movies.
One corner of the apartment - which is in a high rise block called Franklin Towers - is seen filled with medication and discarded pill bottles and prescriptions with his real name, Ron J Hyatt written on them.
The carpet in the lounge looks as old as Jeremy's early porn movies and the walls are not much cleaner
The woman added: 'I honestly thought he was on that show Hoarders. It was disgusting, I was so shocked. You could hardly open the front door'
There's barely enough room to move around in the apartment due to the junk left on the floor which is black with dirt. Pictured: Jeremy's apartment building Franklin Towers
In one photo Jeremy appears to be attempting to grope the woman's breasts as they sit in her car, while in the other shot Jeremy, nicknamed 'The Hedgehog', is seen with the woman holding the 'fake' video camera.
The woman said that after meeting Jeremy he invited her to have a drink with him and having nothing really else to do, she accepted.
'I thought, ''it's Ron Jeremy'', I figured it would be fun. He said he had to pick something up from his apartment and I went with him. He asked me to stay in the lobby but he was gone a while and I needed the bathroom so called him and he came down to bring me up.
'I think he was a little embarrassed at me seeing the state of his apartment. I was so shocked, I couldn't open the front door, I didn't even use the bathroom because it was so bad and you couldn't get to it.
'In his bedroom there was just a queen size mattress on the floor that had no covers on it. That room was probably the most cleaned out.'
The woman claims Jeremy aggressively came on to her while she was in his apartment.
'He said, "come check the view on the porch". He came from behind and came on pretty aggressively and I was like, "back off". It was unwanted but I could handle it, I'm no gilded lily.'
The woman gave two photos of her with the famous porn star - who has appeared in more than 2,000 adult movies. In one photo Jeremy appears to be attempting to grope the woman's breasts as they sit in her car, while in the other shot Jeremy, nicknamed 'The Hedgehog', is seen with the woman holding the 'fake' video camera (pictured)
The woman went with Jeremy to the Netflix premiere of Season 3 of Narcos at Paramount Studios. She said: 'It was fun but at some point in the evening I told him I was getting a glass of wine and decided to leave, I really didn't want to get into another situation with him.' The woman showed a text message from Jeremy, in which he wrote at 11.15pm: 'Where are you? You didnt (sic) say goodbye to anyone. Call me. R. Jeremy.' 'The next day I was getting a plane ready to go back to New York and he was ringing me off the hook,' she recalls
That night, September 1, 2017, Jeremy invited the flight attendant to the Netflix premiere of Season 3 of TV crime drama Narcos at Paramount Studios.
'I went along and I remember meeting some of the cast and we were hanging out with a couple of guys he knew,' she recalls.
'It was fun but at some point in the evening I told him I was getting a glass of wine and decided to leave, I really didn't want to get into another situation with him.'
The woman showed a text message from Jeremy, in which he wrote at 11.15pm: 'Where are you? You didnt (sic) say goodbye to anyone. Call me. R. Jeremy.'
'The next day I was getting a plane ready to go back to New York and he was ringing me off the hook,' she recalls.
'He was so angry that I took off without saying goodbye. He was enraged, it was really unsettling how angry he got.'
The woman says she isn't surprised about the allegations against Jeremy because he was so sexually aggressive with her and tried to grope her in her car.
In June Jeremy, who is in custody awaiting trial, was charged with raping three women and sexually assaulting another.
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In June Jeremy, who is in custody awaiting trial, was charged with raping three women and sexually assaulting another. Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey said the adult movie star, 67, is accused of forcibly raping a 25-year-old woman at a home in West Hollywood in May 2014
The porn star, full name Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, is also accused of forcibly raping a 30-year-old woman at the same bar in July 2019
Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey said the adult movie star, 67, is accused of forcibly raping a 25-year-old woman at a home in West Hollywood in May 2014.
He then allegedly sexually assaulted two more women, ages 33 and 46, on separate occasions at a West Hollywood bar in 2017.
The porn star, full name Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, is also accused of forcibly raping a 30-year-old woman at the same bar in July 2019.
He faces a possible maximum sentence of 90 years to life in state prison if convicted.
In a tweet, the porn actor said: 'I am innocent of all charges. I can't wait to prove my innocence in court! Thank you to everyone for all the support.'
A number of women had already alleged the 40-year porn veteran groped them without their consent. That led to Jeremy being banned from most of the adult industry's high-profile events.
This doesn't surprise me. He is the definition of ...
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Male Enhancement Supplements

Let’s face it. It’s a jungle out there. The male enhancement marketplace is crowded with manufactures (many reputable, some not) making performance claims about literally hundreds of products (some true, some not), it can be hard to make a truly informed choice. And yet, the success of you being able to achieve your male enhancement goals often depends on the efficacy of the male enhancement supplements you choose. In fact, the number one question I get at my appearances and even from friends is “Hey, Ron which male enhancement pills do you think work the best?” I get that question whether I’m in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome –you name it, it’s always the same question. So, I decided to spill the beans and give you all the information on which pills works and which pills are a waste of money.
* Individual results may vary I have used my industry contacts and connections to spearhead an intensive product evaluation, which is certain to help clear the confusion over which products work and which ones don’t so you don’t waste your money, and you know which products are of real worth and effectiveness. So learn from my research, connections, inside information and my one-of-a-kind experience, and get knowledgeable! The field of natural male enhancement supplements is one I find very interesting and one I know quite a bit about. I hope the information I provide here on this website helps to enhance your sex life. All My Best, Ron.
* Individual results may vary and also share my secrets for making your penis bigger.
1) Expert Reviews
2) Product Testing
3) Customer Feedback
4) Ingredient Analysis
5) Product Formula
6) Product Quality

7) Industry Literature Reviews
8) Industry Feedback
*DISCLAIMER: FDA Guidelines note that: No product on this website is intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information and opinions offered here were written and designed for educational purposes only. Results will vary with each individual. Any gains mentioned, or claims made, are antidotal and are not guaranteed and can vary depending on the individual. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice.
SizeVitrexx - This product is becoming a worldwide phenomenon that is sold in 17 countries. Men are gobbling them up like popcorn. Rumor is they have sold over 5 million bottles!!
I know all the guys in adult films and I have bought plenty. I love this product and you will too if you give it a try. You will get some incredible results. Whether you’re a guy over the age of 40 and your erections are weak and not as strong as they used to be and you want to get them back. Or if you’re a guy who is interested in adding size and making jaws drop with massive size, you too will love this product.
The key ingredient in SizeVitrexx scored exceptionally high in the expensive laboratory analysis. Remember, as I say all the time on TV and in interviews, the only true way to evaluate a male enhancement product is to send it to a laboratory for analysis since so many companies exaggerate how well their products work. SizeVitrexx scored almost 627% higher than any other product I tested!
The formula is intelligently designed hitting all the key areas that will lead to size and hardness gains. It has what I call the BIG 3. It has a strong vasodilatation profile, an effective "targeted delivery system" and most importantly, it has super potent levels of the Protodioscin that produces free testosterone in your body and high levels of nitric oxide producing compounds. Without the T boost and N.O. Surge – you have no shot at getting bigger or harder.
Most of the pill companies sell cheap, worthless powdered herbs looking to make more money by keeping their costs as low as possible. But I send pills out to labs to be tested right down to the milligram level so I know what will work for me and what I am really putting in my body. I can tell you I was not surprised that SizeVitrexx scored so high in the lab reports. But take a few minutes and look at the lab reports. They cost me a FORTUNE to get done, but it is the only unbiased examination of male enhancement pills there is.
If you have tried other pills that haven’t worked or if you have tried the pump or if you have tried jelqing and none of these things have worked for you. Have no fear. This stuff is the magic bullet all men have been waiting for. It’s incredible what guys tell me. How it’s saved marriages, gotten them to bang the office hottie, helped older guys with prostate problems get their erections back, all kinds of great stories.
Something I hear from a large number of men is that when they improve their “male enhancement” it makes them way more confident with women. If you’re not exactly George Clooney or Brad Pitt, sometimes you can feel self-conscious when you are out on a date with a woman – especially when it comes time to fool around. But, if you know you can impress her in the bedroom, and there is no way any guy can top you, then you feel pretty darn confident, and it carries over to other areas of your life as well. SizeVitrexx has that kind of effect on men. I hear from them all the time. Confidence is a huge bonus you will get from these pills, and it’s something most guys never anticipated. The benefits are awesome, but they can also help your confidence as well.*
Not everything is perfect with SizeVitrexx, so there are a few things you should know. One is that you must take it on a totally empty stomach. The company is pretty adamant about that- and they are right. The results are way better if it’s absorbed fast on an empty stomach. So, it’s kind of a pain to remember all the time, but you must make sure you take it on an empty stomach. And it can be too strong for some guys. If you think it is too strong for you – just take one a day, not two, and you will be okay. Also, you can't take it with alcohol. So you should really take them in the morning.
About the only other negative thing I have heard about the company is that if you are placing an order over the phone, they don’t answer too many questions. Instead, they refer you to their website. Their website is very informative and pretty much answers any question you might have. But if you are calling on the phone to order just be warned it’s basically an answering service that just takes orders. SizeVitrexx has gotten too popular, and the company had to hire an answering service like they are selling George Foreman Grills or something to take calls from around the world 24-7. I know it’s popular all over Europe and Australia too. My buddies Rocco and Nacho are the biggest porno stars in Europe and they swear by this stuff.
At the end of the day I give my highest praise for SizeVitrexx; it is clearly the Michael Jordan of penis pills, the Rolls Royce of the business. You will not be disappointed… SizeVitrexx is the real deal!!
You can get SizeVitrexx directly from the company at or by calling them directly at 1-800-803-0468. Grade A+
This is the number one seller in Walgreens. In fact, so many bottles were being stolen from Walgreens around the country, that they now keep it under a lock. I'm not kidding. When you go in to Walgreens to get this fantastic product - more in a second - you will find it in a section they call Family Planning. ( They should have called it Steel Beam Planning or Good Times Planning - haha ).
But in this Family Planning section at Walgreen's you will see a plexiglass case with male enhancement pills in there. You have to get a clerk to come open the case for you - like they now do with some of the expensive razor blades. But this whole section. The whole idea of "locking up"" these product is all because of this super product. It created a frenzy when it hit the market because it actually works and it's cheap!
Now be warned, this is NOT going to make your Johnson bigger. It's not designed like that. This was formulated to give you "instant wood" in less than 30 minutes. So it is "situation specific" - you take it when you want to bang. I think some of the funniest times of my life was stumbling in to a Walgreens or the CVS on the corner of Beverly Blvd. and La Cienega in West Hollywood and walking right to the display case with two ... or sometimes three trashy girls - (my favorite kind) by my side and asking some clerk to get me a bottle. I had one clerk actually give me a high five once! My kind of guy.
So if you are looking for a situation specific supplement - this is the one. They have sold millions of them. You can get it at any Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aide, and some GNC stores. Love this stuff - and so will you.
The secret to the incredible success of this pill is that it uses an ingredient that is patented b M.I.T. – That’s right the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology did research and studies on an extract of the free testosterone booster Eurycoma Longifolia, which is also more commonly called Tongkat Ali. This awesome ingredient is called LJ 100. Researchers at MIT and also at the University of Malaya created it, and it has human clinical trial
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