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In this guide, you will find out everything there is to know about Cannabis in Rhodes, where to find it, how much it costs, and the laws surrounding it. Whether you are a casual smoker looking for information, a traveler visiting Rhodes wanting to know about the cannabis there or just a curious citizen,. If you have ever bought cannabis in Rhodes, please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with your fellow smokers and fellow travelers in the comments section below. Cannabis is not tolerated in Rhodes, and the punishment for even possession of a few grams can be quite severe. You can land up in jail, or simply have to pay a hefty fine. The cannabis laws in Greece are some of the strictest ones in the whole of Europe. Cannabis, along with other drugs, is entirely not tolerated in Rhodes. Although a small amount of cannabis for personal use is decriminalized, even a few grams can land you in jail. When it comes to the cops in Rhodes, you need to be cautious. They are strict and will not tolerate cannabis at all. Even if you are just smoking a joint without causing any trouble, they can arrest you for it. You should typically not carry more than a gram of weed on you, as it is enough for them to arrest you or take you to court. A gram of cannabis should typically cost you around 10 Euros. However, the price is instantly hiked up if you are a tourist. You can expect to pay a few grams more. As for the quality- it is average. As a tourist, it can be quite severe for you to find dealers in Rhodes. As the laws are so very strict and the cops are so vigilant, street dealers are not that easily found around town. Ask the taxi drivers or the workers in hotels and such for some help- you might or more not get information. It depends on your luck. The cops, being so very strict and vigilant- it can be difficult to buy weed from parks safely. As long as you are cautious and discreet, go ahead. It can be very risky to do it as it is illegal, and the cops can arrest you for it. Look for a quiet, secluded spot to do it. Has anyone got any contact details of dealers? Sure, I have used Adkin weedontime gmailc0m at least times and every time it has been top notch. He is the best local plug you can find around. He is very pleasant, friendly and fast. He is a lifesaver. He sells top shelf WEED and other stuffs at moderate prices. All you have to do is follow his instructions. Just send him an email and I bet you will come back for more once you finish what you bought because the quality is incredible. Adkin weedontime gmailc0m is the top service so far. He is super responsive, on time and the quality of WEED he sells are serious on point and top notch. I followed his instructions and sincerely I was skeptical at first but he finally showed up on time. I will definitely be ordering from them more often because he is the only reliable local plug you can trust so far. I drive across town to come here. Greenie is amazing, the customer service is really top notch and very personalized. I feel like family when I buy, and he really knows his products and I really get a sense that they care about my well-being. I had a surgery this year and they went out of the way to be accomodating and sympathetic to the painful process before and after. I refer everyone I know here. Buy from Greenie localdelivery yahoo com. Are you in Rhodes trying to buy some quality stuffs from a local dealer whom you can trust? Then I will say hassle no more. Just hit up Greenie localdelivery yahoo. He is a lifesaver and the way to go. I have used his services more than once and after following his instructions, everything went on well. He is very professional, friendly and prompt. OMG I remember Greenie localdelivery yahoo. Calm dude and doesnt talk much. But yeah his weed is the best. He will definitely make your stay in Rhodes worthwhile. I will recommend him to you anytime and day. You can thank me later. Your email address will not be published. Post Comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thanks in advance! Rhodes Cannabis Laws The cannabis laws in Greece are some of the strictest ones in the whole of Europe. Law Enforcement When it comes to the cops in Rhodes, you need to be cautious. Prices and Quality of Cannabis A gram of cannabis should typically cost you around 10 Euros. Where can you get cannabis in Rhodes As a tourist, it can be quite severe for you to find dealers in Rhodes. Frequently Asked Questions Is it safe to buy weed from parks? Can you smoke hash on the streets? What happens if you are caught with marijuana? Is it easy to get weed in Rhodes? If you are a tourist it can be especially hard- try your luck with hotel staff or taxi drivers. Is cannabis legal in Rhodes? Weed in Rhodes. You might also like. City Guide. Leave new. You can also find him on telegram as : kushkonnection. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Find Out More.

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